World of Warcraft: Classic

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Farmed Stormrage helm from BWL for the entirety of Legion to complete the shoulder/helm armor stands in the order hall since they moved it from Ony... Still hasn't dropped. I've run MC just before BWL every time and gotten two left pieces of Thunderfury and a Rag hammer in that time. Still annoyed they didn't leave in original versions of raids. (Naxx, Ony, ZG)
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Molten Core Raider
Too bad felheart is garbage for pve in 1.12 compared to random offset stuff. It’s useful for pvp though.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I've played tank all my time in WoW...Can't wait to roll lock this time and tab Corruption the sheep! I'll resub when this comes out just to experience it mostly again as a late vanilla/very early TBC leveler.
  • 1Worf
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Blackwing Lair Raider
It wouldn't surprise me if guilds start 20-25 manning it. So much of the 40 man raid rosters were straight up hard carries. I distinctly remember like half of my raid squad being clickers who didn't bind any of their abilities.

One of the funniest memories I have of vanilla was our main tank accidentally admitting he was flipping spellbook pages to click his abilities. Funny because he was actually a stupidly good tank, but how he made it into end game raids that way baffled us all. Don't remember if he didn't realize you had multiple bars available, or because he honestly didn't realize you could drag the shit down.

Only other memory that comes close in hilarity was convincing a canadian priest that to get into ZG, you had to go into ZF and ring the gong by the pool that summons godzilla. Mid-alt raid we hear over vent in a canadian accent, "Guys, I am clicking the gong and nothing is happening, what am I doing wrong" :D
  • 4Worf
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Molten Core Raider
I found a pvp video from an old guilde of mine, back when fury warriors got a lot of hate.



Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I try and use it and the tanks just don't cooperate. I'm sure that actual coordinated players try and take advantage of all of their abilities but pugging it has just never worked out for me.
You can blame the timer. Which is why I've never done a M+ since they've been introduced. Having to fight the dungeon AND time means you need to take shortcuts everywhere, and "pausing DPS" (because something is CCed) means you're not fighting time. So people don't, because the game tells them "you need to dps more! faster!". Very loudly and obnoxiously.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Wish they would replace the timer with some other system to track pass/fail but honestly I have no idea what would work better and not cause just as much or more rage. X amount of deaths? maybe a group wide damage taken tracker that you have to stay under, timers on indiviual bosses or trash sections, a combo of multiple smaller challenges or something. Timer just seems to bring out the worst in people, and idiots who are always doing weird ass shortcuts that half the group doesn't so they almost always fail.


Tranny Chaser
Can anyone remember how subscriptions/accounts worked at launch? I'm still investigating the possibility of recovering my original character.

A US guildmate bought the game and presumably registered the account under his name and US home address. Was the only way to pay for game time through gamecards or was card billing a thing? I have vague memories of buying gamecards online but nothing concrete.

I managed to track down the guildmate in question who isn't on social media (except linkedin), I emailed him to see if he'll mind speaking to Blizzard but it's very random after 14 years and not sure how willing anyone would be to jump through that particular set of hoops


<Bronze Donator>
People are going to chain wipe in dungeons having to CC.
People will give up on CC because they will be far too stupid to use it.

Remember that the hunter trap could only be laid where you stood, and that hunters had to actively pull the aggro of the mob to guide him into the trap? Remember that once you CC (like mage sheep, priest shackle or banish daemon) you automatically aggrod the remaining mobs in the pack, so you had to coordinate the timing with the rest of the group?

Vanilla is going to be fun, for all the wrong reasons.

Interesting nostalgia tidbit: The boomerang trinket you got from the Linken questline (It's dangerous to go alone) in Un'goro was the only way for prot paladins to range pull.
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I have fond memories of Cata heroic dungeons on my Hunter, having to CC most of the packs. Don't think I ever needed to cc anything outside of PVP since. At most it's just silence the healers, otherwise tank and spank. How is it with Mages, do they even have polymorph on their PVE keybinds?


Molten Core Raider
Cata killed that shit when people whined about dungeon difficulty. Unfortunately “difficult” is purely opinion and most of the shitters don’t want to have to actually use abilities or strategy of any sort, that makes it too hard. Cata dungeons weren’t hard, you just had to know boss mechanics and not yolo the entire fucking time like wotlk. Mythic+ is what I’ve always wanted, relevant gear from single grouping, make it as hard as anything else in the game. I don’t like anything else about the live game though so it’s too little too late for me. I’m on the fence with classic, it’s a good playthrough but I can’t stand raiding and AV looks like it’s going to be the bastard 1.12 version.
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<Silver Donator>
People will give up on CC because they will be far too stupid to use it.

Remember that the hunter trap could only be laid where you stood, and that hunters had to actively pull the aggro of the mob to guide him into the trap? Remember that once you CC (like mage sheep, priest shackle or banish daemon) you automatically aggrod the remaining mobs in the pack, so you had to coordinate the timing with the rest of the group?

Vanilla is going to be fun, for all the wrong reasons.

Interesting nostalgia tidbit: The boomerang trinket you got from the Linken questline (It's dangerous to go alone) in Un'goro was the only way for prot paladins to range pull.
Trapping mobs on pull was pretty easy, just arcane shot after tank pulled, or run up to the mob and trap them. Could also just pull yourself, then feign death once something was trapped.

You also didn't need to sheep pull, was easy enough to precast sheep so it'd hit after tank pulled. Mage could also easily fireblast to pull something out of the group, then frost nova it to sheep it easily in another spot.

The fun part is when you had to try to CC as a warlock, trying to control where the fucking mob you feared would go so it wouldn't aggro more shit. On the plus side you could double CC with fear+succubus sleep, so that was pretty good, and you could rotate fears between 2 mobs to make them run back and forth. Priest Mind control was also great for "CC", could MC the cool mobs with fun abilities and shit.


Molten Core Raider
Can anyone remember how subscriptions/accounts worked at launch? I'm still investigating the possibility of recovering my original character.

A US guildmate bought the game and presumably registered the account under his name and US home address. Was the only way to pay for game time through gamecards or was card billing a thing? I have vague memories of buying gamecards online but nothing concrete.

I managed to track down the guildmate in question who isn't on social media (except linkedin), I emailed him to see if he'll mind speaking to Blizzard but it's very random after 14 years and not sure how willing anyone would be to jump through that particular set of hoops
You could pay the sub via credit card from launch, yes.
Trapping mobs on pull was pretty easy, just arcane shot after tank pulled, or run up to the mob and trap them. Could also just pull yourself, then feign death once something was trapped.

You also didn't need to sheep pull, was easy enough to precast sheep so it'd hit after tank pulled. Mage could also easily fireblast to pull something out of the group, then frost nova it to sheep it easily in another spot.

The fun part is when you had to try to CC as a warlock, trying to control where the fucking mob you feared would go so it wouldn't aggro more shit. On the plus side you could double CC with fear+succubus sleep, so that was pretty good, and you could rotate fears between 2 mobs to make them run back and forth. Priest Mind control was also great for "CC", could MC the cool mobs with fun abilities and shit.
Good warlocks were amazing CC. Having a banish and seduce timer, knowing that CoReck would make a feared mob no longer run away and then over writing it with another curse to have them instantly start running away again, etc. I’m looking forward to soloing most of the satyr trash in DME on Classic, it’s very good money and gives lots of raid consumables. You need to really be good with fear, banish, enslave and other utility stuff to pull it off efficiently.
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<Silver Donator>
You could pay the sub via credit card from launch, yes.
Good warlocks were amazing CC. Having a banish and seduce timer, knowing that CoReck would make a feared mob no longer run away and then over writing it with another curse to have them instantly start running away again, etc. I’m looking forward to soloing most of the satyr trash in DME on Classic, it’s very good money and gives lots of raid consumables. You need to really be good with fear, banish, enslave and other utility stuff to pull it off efficiently.
Oh right I forgot about banish and curse to cancel fear, been so long. I remember being able to control a fuckton of stuff if it wasn't undead though(so sadly not much in strat/scholo) and yeah it was pretty nice.

Problem of warlock in vanilla is all the fucking soul drain management bullshit. Every other spell needs you to drain shit, have to waste a bag carrying them, when you run out it's a pain in the dick. Also "click my fucking portal retards".
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<Bronze Donator>
Trapping mobs on pull was pretty easy
Yes, it was easy - if you weren't bad. The amount of huntards that couldn't pull this off back then was already high, though.

My point was more that the current playerbase seems to get hyped for classic, mostly thanks to a very vocal group of youtubers and streamers that crave for "the real WoW, like it's meant to be!". Part of it may also be the feeling of disillusionment with the current state of WoW.

Most of them weren't even playing WoW back then and will be in for a very rude awakening. In 2004 WoW was the casual friendly MMO, which meant "no forced grouping" and "you can solo stuff" for the most part.
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<Bronze Donator>
Wish they would replace the timer with some other system to track pass/fail but honestly I have no idea what would work better and not cause just as much or more rage. X amount of deaths? maybe a group wide damage taken tracker that you have to stay under, timers on indiviual bosses or trash sections, a combo of multiple smaller challenges or something. Timer just seems to bring out the worst in people, and idiots who are always doing weird ass shortcuts that half the group doesn't so they almost always fail.

Each successful CC could add to the timer.


Bronze Squire
Some old screenshots pulled from the webarchives of TheRegulators' (Laughing Skull - Alliance) website.

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2015.03.28 - Hey look, the original Lightforged helm. Also, didn't Vaal end up in Pals4Life?
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I dont remember Vaal going to P4L with us, no
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Bronze Squire
I genuinely have no memory of Ario.

You were Canadian right? And friends with Danthe?

I was Danthe

Araziel's cousin


Ario was like 70 back then , had a son that played too and he was in his late 40's, weird father son duo!

Later on, Araziel took over Danthe and played him