World of Warcraft: Current Year

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
gonna work on upping that ilvl too, rogue is still a shitter at 818 or something. Horrible luck on drops :x

druid is still sub 800... this expansion is super alt-unfriendly lol, too much to do on one character let alone 2+

Alts might be nice to fill the inevitable content draught. Only for people that actually like playing through the expansion a second time, if the mechanics stay as they are. These days most posts sound like they expect free max gear for their other characters just because they "already did it once".


You gonna start talking about how that WoW guild is your dojo and doxxing people that trash talk on the forums?

Cuz I'd be F5ing this page a lot more if you did. Make FoH guild leaders great again.


Molten Core Raider
Doesn't surprise me that's how you read it.

I didn't need 3 mages, nor did I LFG that way. That was just how the vast majority of LFG spam looked and that's what I was pointing out. People refused to take many classes when trying to form groups.

I played with a group of friends and we made due but it sucked. I did them and got through them but I was also a poop socking druid and had like 73% dodge and an insane amount of armor.And anyone saying it was fun and challenging has a serious case of rose colored glasses on. You aren't remembering TBC heroics at release. They were horribly tuned and designed. They weren't fun at all except for maybe Slave Pens because it was actually fun trying to interrupt those stupid netheray .5 second fear casts.

Anyone who had fun in them at release is in the .01% of the population of the game (and I'm not talking about skill, I'm saying you're a head case)

As was mentioned LFG spam has always been stupid. People still do that shit now, ask a Warlock looking for Mythic groups, they've been getting turned down right and left.

As for not remembering or rose colored glasses, whatever. I played with the same group from day one EQ until WotLK and we had a blast running though those dungeons at their release. I remember them a hell of a lot better than any dungeons since because they were both fun and challenging. Sure they were fucking hard, or as people now claim "overtuned" ,but they were better than the faceroll shit that after that.

Now, farming for consumables was shit, and the hundreds of changes to the game since that time have made it significantly better, but no one is ever going to tell me that TBC heroic dungeons were shit because they are far and away some of the most fun I've ever had in this game. Maybe it's who I played with, maybe it's because they weren't pull the whole fucking zone type shit and actually needed crowd control, but my group enjoyed the fuck out of them for a long time.


Tranny Chaser
Even though I was a Resto Shaman at the time and felt outclassed in some of them I overall liked TBC heroics. It reminded me doing stuff in EQ like revamped CT or other content not everyone could do.

I may or not be a crazy person.


Vyemm Raider
Rogue seems to be in a weird place so far - Bag of Tricks is more like bag of dicks and im not sure what idiot thought it was a good idea to give it less than half the proc rate of green with a stationary ground effect. Blood of the Assassinated seems to be an on use proc and cant proc during the duration which is a bit of a let down - Otherwise the class is still solid, and Outlaw is really strong - but as a sin main spec it makes me wonder what went wrong here.
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Apparently Assassination was super good during beta and due to the Blizzard company tagline of "No fun allowed" was hit with sticks, bats, asps, batons, lead pipe carrying Obama-sons, and the occasional spoon until it became what you see now.

Explain to me how AoE works when you take Agonizing Poison? What happens if you also take Master Poisoner on top of that? Why do unicorns fart rainbows?
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French Madman
What's the fastest way to level champions to rare/epic?

I want to have a bodyguard with + ressources on WQ asap, but at the moment most of my missions give shit xp (like 500/800 when my follower needs 20k+ to get to rare).

Do you unlock more xp missions if you upgrade their ilvl?


A Mod Real Quick
/shrug, I enjoyed TBC heroics just fine myself. I came from a guild raiding Naxx though so I was used to being punched in the dick repeatedly... how about those gargoyle trash mobs


Can you disable/hide the Libram for holy paladin? Because I'm sure it's cool on a lot of races but it looks like asshole on tauren and is like 70% clipped through my body, let alone any armor.


Vyemm Raider
Apparently Assassination was super good during beta and due to the Blizzard company tagline of "No fun allowed" was hit with sticks, bats, asps, batons, lead pipe carrying Obama-sons, and the occasional spoon until it became what you see now.

Explain to me how AoE works when you take Agonizing Poison? What happens if you also take Master Poisoner on top of that? Why do unicorns fart rainbows?

I tried this for an hour after reading this just for kicks and tbh the dmg isnt even that different, and i couldnt really tell the difference except it ramps up a little slower.