World of Warcraft: Current Year


Wow sad to see what this game has become :/ Played from 2004-2008 and this game was so good and so addicting my life revolved around it lol. Is pretty much everything cross server now ?
Is pretty much everything cross server now ?
all the level 1- 85 zones are cross server atm, including cities like Ironforge, Undercity, Thunderbluff etc, exception are the main hubs Stormwind and Orgrimmar
in 5.4 they are doing a "server merge but not by name" called Virtual Realms, but it won't happen on patch release day and nobody knows which servers end up being linked together
LFD/LFR/Battlegrounds were cross server for quite some time




Silver Knight of the Realm
Wow sad to see what this game has become :/ Played from 2004-2008 and this game was so good and so addicting my life revolved around it lol. Is pretty much everything cross server now ?
WoW is now an old game working in a labor camp to satisfy herr kommandant Kotik who is trying to squeeze out as much money as possible before it croaks!

Seriously though, a lot of stuff is cross server. Basically to keep queue times reasonable and to make sure you see some other people outside of the capitals. Some people might dislike it, but I'm pretty sure the the game would have been worse off without.


Wow sad to see what this game has become :/ Played from 2004-2008 and this game was so good and so addicting my life revolved around it lol. Is pretty much everything cross server now ?
Many people are enjoying the game just like they did back in 2004, it has changed, but for the better. This xpac has had some of the most enjoyable content to date, and 5.4 is going to be exceptional as well.


Many people are enjoying the game just like they did back in 2004, it has changed, but for the better. This xpac has had some of the most enjoyable content to date, and 5.4 is going to be exceptional as well.
MoP was the worst expansion they've released. Even cata was better.


Yeah, can't take you serious. Now you are just trying too hard, gl with that though. Your life must be pretty sad if this is all you do.


Cata was the buggiest turd they ever did. BC was the worst gameplay wise. MoP was a return to glory in my eyes, i've liked every bit of it. Theres room for improvement, but i hope its in mist's direction.


Cata was easily the worst expansion.
- RBGs were a huge fucking letdown.
- Guild leveling was a huge letdown.
- Prime runes were terrible.
- Heroics were totally mismanaged (first slightly too hard, then way too easy).
- Arenas died when they removed rating requirements and didn't offer any additional interesting rewards.
- Archaeology is the dumbest peice of shit ever.
- Tol Barad was terrible the whole way through.
- Firelands and Dragon Soul were both really lacking. Both also were way too late to come out.

Short of the first raid tier in Cata, I can't think of any well-executed features.

MoP isn't perfect, but they have done a lot of things right. The continent and quests are some of the best zones they've ever done. Scenarios were a nice addition. The daily quests weren't great, but it was at least mildly repeatable content. Pet battles aren't the end-all, be-all, but they certainly exceeded my (low) expectations. The raid tiers have also been pretty phenomenal this expansion. Challenge modes were also amazing. The new talent system is substantially more interesting than the last.

I also think Blizzard really nailed Pandaren. I was in the "lol... Pandas, really?" boat, but I think they managed to pull off an edgy race that fits into the world really well.

I'd actually go out and say that MoP is the best expansion so far. Every single feature exceeded my expectations.


Silver Knight of the Realm
MoP was not a bad expansion. The biggest fuckup was really trying to force everyone to do dalies in an attempt to create a living world. The rest was fairly well designed.

However, WoW isn't bleeding subs because of lacking raid content or people hating dalies. WoW is an old game and most people are leaving because they have played it a lot and are tired of the game. An expansion, no matter how well designed, that essentially just provides more of the same can slow down the exodus a bit, but hardly stop or reverse it. To do that they would have to change some fundamentals of the game... and I'm not sure if they have the creative vision and guts required to do that. After all, if they just continue the way they have been going the game will still be extremely profitable for several more years.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Cata was easily the worst expansion.
- RBGs were a huge fucking letdown.
- Guild leveling was a huge letdown.
- Prime runes were terrible.
- Heroics were totally mismanaged (first slightly too hard, then way too easy).
- Arenas died when they removed rating requirements and didn't offer any additional interesting rewards.
- Archaeology is the dumbest peice of shit ever.
- Tol Barad was terrible the whole way through.
- Firelands and Dragon Soul were both really lacking. Both also were way too late to come out.

Short of the first raid tier in Cata, I can't think of any well-executed features.

MoP isn't perfect, but they have done a lot of things right. The continent and quests are some of the best zones they've ever done. Scenarios were a nice addition. The daily quests weren't great, but it was at least mildly repeatable content. Pet battles aren't the end-all, be-all, but they certainly exceeded my (low) expectations. The raid tiers have also been pretty phenomenal this expansion. Challenge modes were also amazing. The new talent system is substantially more interesting than the last.

I also think Blizzard really nailed Pandaren. I was in the "lol... Pandas, really?" boat, but I think they managed to pull off an edgy race that fits into the world really well.

I'd actually go out and say that MoP is the best expansion so far. Every single feature exceeded my expectations.
Agree that Cata was bad, but the heroics were a perfect difficulty when they first came out. Most fun I've had in 5-man since Vanilla.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Cata heroics were TBC heroic level difficulty: They were tuned more for a static group then a random PUG and heavily favored certain group comps. MOP tried to address that by adding challenge modes (aka hardcore mode 5man dungeon) and making the "heroic" dungeons more PUGable.


Cata heroics the first week of release were so much fun. I liked that they made epics harder to get, I wish they would do that again. Not having a single epic until raiding reminded me of Vanilla.

5 man content that requires raid like consumables and precision is what I want them to start doing, challenging modes are almost there, but not enough people do them.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Challenge modes need a bigger hook to be honest. The transmog gear is fine and all, but they should toss in some better quality items that rival LFR or so depending on how you score in the trial.