World of Warcraft: Current Year


What we've been seeing the past couple years is that WoW has actually been attracting a whole new generation of players. This has basically been keeping the game 'topped up' so to say, even though it is still losing subs in chunks. The big twitch streamers are bringing in kids that have never played before and want to learn because of people like Swifty and Reckful who are single handedly keeping a huge number of people playing. I have my share of amazing memories in WoW that I will always cherish but a couple months after Cataclysm something felt really wrong, for myself as well as my friends/guildies, and pretty much the entire server which was thriving through the end of Wrath.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Wow is a different game than it was in the past though, I mean it's a glorified X-box lobby these days. You log in and queue up for anything and everything while you piss around in the interm. I remember thinking recently that it really doesn't feel like an MMORPG in a true sense. I am sure many will disagree but with everything in bite size chunks it really doesn't feel like a world. When you look through the nostalgia posts of EQ rose color glasses or not almost every seems to miss the immersion and the feeling that you were a part of the world. In WoW anymore you aren't really a part of the work so to speak.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Did you play MoP? I think they made great strides to correct that in this xpac. Between world bosses, dailies, pet battles, and rare spawns, there are a ton of reasons to go out into the world and bump into other players. It's not perfect, but it's leaps and bounds better than Cat.


Did you play MoP? I think they made great strides to correct that in this xpac. Between world bosses, dailies, pet battles, and rare spawns, there are a ton of reasons to go out into the world and bump into other players. It's not perfect, but it's leaps and bounds better than Cat.
You need players in order to bump into one.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Did you play MoP? I think they made great strides to correct that in this xpac. Between world bosses, dailies, pet battles, and rare spawns, there are a ton of reasons to go out into the world and bump into other players. It's not perfect, but it's leaps and bounds better than Cat.
Yes I played MoP for a bit when it first came out, I quit a couple of months before they added Throne of Thunder. I only really had two characters I was playing and raiding with the guild was always a chore do lack of interest, between that running LFRx2, the shittiest dailies known to man, and really just realizing that it might as well be a single player game these days I threw in the towel.


And WoW still has way more players than any other MMORPG out there. What point were you trying to make exactly with your 'witty' comment?


Trolling this thread is all Kudos has left. His other hopes are either shit (TESO) or not what he wanted them to be (EQN) so butthurt posting here is his only remaining recourse. It'd be funny if it wasn't so pitiful.


Trolling this thread is all Kudos has left. His other hopes are either shit (TESO) or not what he wanted them to be (EQN) so butthurt posting here is his only remaining recourse. It'd be funny if it wasn't so pitiful.
Actually Vanguard is a better game if only it didn't have population problems.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
The difference is WoW might as well be empty. That's part of the reason the game just doesn't feel like anything more than a lobby to queue up random shit with people who are either functionality retarded or that you never interact with. I see complaints all the time about the fact that in most everything from LFR, to 5 mans, or even complaints about guild vents ect, that either nobody has to deal with another person, or they are so fucking vapid that you wouldn't even want to. Of course the Blizzard apologist will throw around negs and say we have so many subs herp derp. The truth is EQ with 300k subs during PoP, or even Vanilla WoW with 2-4million subs felt more full of life than MoP with 7million.

They turned an MMORPG into a bite sized snack of a game that anyone can hop on for an hour or so and queue up for this or that see everything and log out. There isn't much of a world anymore, at least not one that's worth caring about. It's apparently been great for them business wise we assume, and all the 40 year olds who say they don't have time seem to gobble the shit up, raiding guilds are dying left and right and all that's left is a shell of a game.


Silver Knight of the Realm
WoW is really dealing with two problems. The first is that while the game still has a lot of subs these players are spread out over way too many servers given their current level of activity. This will hopefully be less of a problem after the virtual merges. The second problem is that there's simply too few activities in the game that encourage social interaction. There's too little downtime and too much button mashing in WoW to enable much socialization during combat so it would really have to happen during some non-combat activity. Given the amount of fun, social, non-combat activities in WoW... People might blame LFD/LFR or instancing in general, but I think the game would be in pretty much the same situation without them.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
There's no doubt there Western subscriber churn is extremely high, compared to 2006. know most of the people I used to game with feel the same way. The truth about how WOW is doing will be in the financial reports for next year. I think the fact they are doing so much to highlight the large drop in sub numbers is to justify what will be a pretty big revenue hit.
As long as they have a subscriber churn things are fine really, that means the lost subs are mostly replaced with fresh players... once the fresh players stop coming as replacement then they really need to worry... I think they dont have a replacement cash cow ready right now, titan was supposed to take that spot and that was a dud.

Confirmed: Kudos is Dumar.
Dumar has been making very reasonable posts in the EQN thread actually. As for Kudos, anyone that prefers the MMO "world" over the MMO "game" and hangs out in this thread is trolling or bored (I'm bored).

WoW is really dealing with two problems. The first is that while the game still has a lot of subs these players are spread out over way too many servers given their current level of activity. This will hopefully be less of a problem after the virtual merges. The second problem is that there's simply too few activities in the game that encourage social interaction. There's too little downtime and too much button mashing in WoW to enable much socialization during combat so it would really have to happen during some non-combat activity. Given the amount of fun, social, non-combat activities in WoW... People might blame LFD/LFR or instancing in general, but I think the game would be in pretty much the same situation without them.
It's amusing to what length they go to avoid straight up complete server merges at this point. It's understandable because server merges are very toxic for a game but still funny.