World of Warcraft: Current Year


Trakanon Raider
Sometimes I wish this thread would redirect to mmo-champ before you were given the option to post. They're not getting rid of LFR and they're not getting rid of heroics.

If you listen to the interview itself (see spoiler), he talks about how they might consider applying flex to all normal mode raids instead of having it be a separate lockout (leaving LFR > Normal [flex 10-25] > Heroic 25), but they could not possibly make challenging heroic encounters scale to the number of players because players will always incline towards the easiest composition (this boss is easiest with 2 tanks, 5 healers, and 6 dps, etc).

The fuck you talking about son? That's like exactly what everyone was saying (even without the redirect to MMO-champ). Yes I threw in some of my own opinion (about getting rid of LFR), but anyone with a 3rd grade reading comprehension should be able to separate that.


Trakanon Raider
I raid to get gear , so I can get instances I absofuckinglutely do not want too do done faster so I can log off and show up for raiding when the timer resets next week or something like that .
The kicker , MOP ran like complete and utter shit on a friends MAC , same model I have. So I figured I would wait and see , still waiting currently MMO less.
All things considered , found watching add ons to push the right button sequences extremely tedious.
Social ?
Ha not one person ever would say a word if someone got benched if their performance was off by half a percent .
So I was there to get some digital bling and if some catastrophe happened to a guildy in RL , I didn't give a shit , never talked in vent listened to paranormal online radio shows instead .
So all in all being mmo less is not a bad thing , plus there is an extra few hundred in the bank from not buying two new releases and paying for two accounts .
The only thing I could make out of that cluster fuck of text was that you "like da gearz" and "don't like da peepz". Sounds like you should stay MMO-Less.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Dunno if our raid group would survive going back up to 25 players. Having no Heroic Modes at 10M would be boring as shit.

We got used to only having to deal with competent people we actually liked, instead of "Shodori's an asshole who names all of his pets Rapezilla, but he can mash his class's buttons appropriately and doesn't stand in fire."


Golden Knight of the Realm
You are lucky if you have a crew you enjoy being around. Anymore i raid with a guild for a couple months and i just get so burned out.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
You are lucky if you have a crew you enjoy being around. Anymore i raid with a guild for a couple months and i just get so burned out.
Sadly, this has been my experience with raid groups as well. The 10m group I was with at 5.2 was enjoyable, but had one outspoken asshole who everyone liked to prod into a frothing rage. I ended up having to stop playing for a few months due to schedule conflicts with RL and new family. Around early July when I picked WoW back up again I started raiding with a group who were 7/10 incessantly whiny cunts who nagged each other for 3 hours 3 nights a week. I almost always had mumble muted. When they finally whined themselves into all-but-disbanding the raid group I wasn't sad to have an excuse to find another.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I recently found a good crew and still can't bring myself to be more than a 4-5 time per month "real" raider.


Deus Vult
You are lucky if you have a crew you enjoy being around. Anymore i raid with a guild for a couple months and i just get so burned out.
This is 95% of guilds-
3-4 single guys of middle age.
main tank and his wife who randomly don't play once they get the gear they wanted.
offtank who gets to shine when mt stops logging in and dps guy who wants to use the offspec tank loot he got.
1-3 retards who never ever figure out how to not die and do decent dps.
guild leader and a couple good dps who think this group can transition to HM's.


Golden Knight of the Realm
This is 95% of guilds-
3-4 single guys of middle age.
main tank and his wife who randomly don't play once they get the gear they wanted.
offtank who gets to shine when mt stops logging in and dps guy who wants to use the offspec tank loot he got.
1-3 retards who never ever figure out how to not die and do decent dps.
guild leader and a couple good dps who think this group can transition to HM's.
Haha this is so spot on it isn't even funny. I'm the dps guy who uses his offspec gear to try and save the raid.

My newest plan is a joined a PG rated guild of "mature" adults who only plan do to flex raiding. This should quell the itch until I get flex on farm and start getting the itch to do heroics.


Vyemm Raider
Reducing the retarded number of copies of the same raid would be a huge positive step for sure. LFR25, 10-25 flex normal, HM25. For once they just need to say "fuck you, do it our way" because tuning the same raid six times is fucking retarded.

Flex itself is a wonderful idea that is crippled by the handicap of being stuck between lfr/normal instead of just replacing 10/25 normal modes entirely. Also it apparently has a separate lockout, what? We're back to running the same raid 3 times a week again? Dumb.

If they consolidate raids, and do something about the ability bloat and the garbage CC-fest PVP has become next expansion the game might be worth a look again. Flex raids appeal to me because it means I can ditch a raid that is running past midnight without a fuck given, which has become a real problem for me with raiding because I enjoy sleep more than I enjoy playing games.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Reducing the retarded number of copies of the same raid would be a huge positive step for sure. LFR25, 10-25 flex normal, HM25. For once they just need to say "fuck you, do it our way" because tuning the same raid six times is fucking retarded.

Flex itself is a wonderful idea that is crippled by the handicap of being stuck between lfr/normal instead of just replacing 10/25 normal modes entirely. Also it apparently has a separate lockout, what? We're back to running the same raid 3 times a week again? Dumb.

If they consolidate raids, and do something about the ability bloat and the garbage CC-fest PVP has become next expansion the game might be worth a look again. Flex raids appeal to me because it means I can ditch a raid that is running past midnight without a fuck given, which has become a real problem for me with raiding because I enjoy sleep more than I enjoy playing games.
I would be surprised if they don't do something similar to what you've proposed for raid difficulties for the next expansion. Ion H. all but said unless flex completely bombs that they would seriously consider replacing normal with flex. Whether or not they would only have 25h and omit 10h is another question. He didn't opine on that in that particular interview.

The separate lockout thing is because it's a new system and they don't want people to avoid raiding with their normal raid team (should they decide to do both). Unless you're looking for tier pieces, there really isn't a compelling reason for a ToT heroic raider to run flex. Even some of the trinkets aren't as good as ToT trinkets (last I heard).

Unless someone thinks they absolutely need their tier bonuses, there's no reason for anyone to run the same raid 3 times per week (between LFR, flex, and normal - why would a heroic raider ever touch lfr or flex?).


They wouldn't and they changed it so you couldn't get legendary drops from BOTH LFR and normal/heroic so I think most in my guild did exactly zero lfr's in 5.2. Flex is something we are looking at to do mount sales though.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
More evidence they are more-than-open to the idea of replacing normal with flex:

Blue Tracker_sl said:
Siege of Orgrimmar Raid Testing
I will test this out with my guild this weekend, I'm sure, but why exactly are we getting LFR testing instead of Flex? Why is Garrosh not active in LFR testing? If Flex comes available this evening, will Garrosh be accessible in that testing environment?
We don't have plans for additional Flexible testing. As for Garrosh in particular, we want him to be defeated for the first time on the live servers, where it counts. In the past, several final bosses such as Yogg-Saron or the Lich King were never publicly tested on any difficulty at all, for just this reason.

As for Flexible tuning, we're satisfied with the current state of tuning for the first three wings, and we can heavily extrapolate from Normal tuning and how that plays out when it comes to nailing down the Flex tuning for the final wing. Flexible mode has much, much more in common with Normal than with Raid Finder -- all mechanics are present, the zone entails a gear and difficulty progression, and so forth. In the case of Raid Finder, on the other hand, specific mechanics may need to be profoundly reworked or removed entirely to accommodate the dynamics of randomly matchmade groups, so making sure that we see as many fights as possible in LFR on PTR is a priority.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
If they did away with LFR I'd quit again in an instant. LFR allows me to queue up casually on my own schedule with a friend or two and talking drunken BS while we see content and get an upgrade or two, and that's honestly about the absolute maximum effort I'm willing to put into an MMO these days. The idea of putting up with the drama and the egos and the circlejerking and the assholes and the cliques and the BS in a raid guild of any size these days makes me wanna neck myself. That shit was barely tolerable a decade ago, and even then only because it was necessary and I didn't know better. it's one of those things that seems fun when you idealize it or look back on it with rose tinted glasses, but 90% of the time for 90% of the people, really just isn't.

So yeah, imo LFR is probably the best thing they've done since I last played and I know I'm not the only one that feels that way.

This is 95% of guilds-
3-4 single guys of middle age.
main tank and his wife who randomly don't play once they get the gear they wanted.
offtank who gets to shine when mt stops logging in and dps guy who wants to use the offspec tank loot he got.
1-3 retards who never ever figure out how to not die and do decent dps.
guild leader and a couple good dps who think this group can transition to HM's.
In every guild I've been in, replace the MT/wife duo with a main tank and a raid leader (always a healer) who have a weird bromance thing going on with the healer/raid leader wearing the pants and one or both having a serious drinking problem.


Molten Core Raider
Do you guys honestly think they'd consider removing something that, with the structure already implemented, requires almost 0 additional development time while at the same time is content that appeals to a large % of the playerbase that previously had no access to any kind of raid content? LFR isn't going anywhere, the art and content is already in the game and the tuning requires almost no effort compared to heroic.

Though, I could see them applying Flex to Normal raiding, while leaving heroic tuned for strictly 10/25. Now if that means them doing LFR>Normal(flex style)> Heroic or LFR>Easy(Flex)>Normal(Flex)>Heroic I have no idea.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Request thread title be changed to:

World of Warcraft 5.4: LFR isn't going anywhere


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Anyone happen to know if the 5.4 world bosses will be cross realm like the other world bosses?