World of Warcraft: Current Year

"identifying accounts, characters, and guilds related to Islamic extremist groups, nuclear proliferation, and arms dealing."
the Goldshire Inn isn't used for the kind of RP you think it would, arms dealing in WoW is the new fad yo


Toe Sucker
What if gold farming was a ploy to get north americans to pay for their own, eventual communist overthrowing?!
Oh god the NSA are onto something!


Thanks to the wonders of CRZ and Connected Realms Technology, it now takes twice as long to level on a pvp server!

the future has arrived folks.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Thanks to the wonders of CRZ and Connected Realms Technology, it now takes twice as long to level on a pvp server!

the future has arrived folks.
There's a quest I was doing in STV over the weekend on my rogue and you have to kill like 12 basilisks in a cave. Normally this would be no problem, but because of CRZ there were no less than 10 other people there killing the same basilisks. What should have taken 5 minutes ended up taking 40 minutes before I got pissed off and said fuck it.


If the NSA ever spied on the Goldshire Inn on Moonguard (RP) they'd probably be so frightened they'd stop their WoW Watching program altogether. /shudder

Go there and witness what i'm speaking of at your own risk. :p


Toe Sucker
My girlfriend wanted to see what all the fuss about WoW was, so the first thing i did was go to that inn and scared her away. thank you based RP virgins~


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
What should I do after I get decked out in all the 496 gear from the Timeless Isle? I'm playing solo and extremely casually (read: no desire to join a guild and do real raids), so should I just join whatever the highest LFR raid that my item level will allow me to enter and work my way up from there? Is there any other advancement path I should worry about?


<WoW Guild Officer>
What should I do after I get decked out in all the 496 gear from the Timeless Isle? I'm playing solo and extremely casually (read: no desire to join a guild and do real raids), so should I just join whatever the highest LFR raid that my item level will allow me to enter and work my way up from there? Is there any other advancement path I should worry about?
Once you get to 496 ilvl avg, you can do Siege of Orgimmar.


I'm still trying to figure out who the person is who likes CRZ.
You get all of the negatives of a high population realm (Competing for Quest spawns, gathering materials, and idiots in /1) without any of the benefits (Healthier Auction Houses and Guilds). CRZ sucks.


I'm still trying to figure out who the person is who likes CRZ.
There were hundreds of posts on the forums saying how the world was dead and you never saw anybody while leveling. Never mind that the game is years old and everyone is at max level. So Blizz fixed it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I like CRZ, but I want to see people, compete for quest mobs and spawns...I me a bit of nostalgia. Granted my last alt to cross the 40 barrier prior to this week was in 07 or 08. I forget. This week I had a monk cross 45. Seeing the new cata stuff mostly for the first time. I have a few in the 20's and 30's. Last time I did the 1-35 or 38 or something in Cata, I was annoyed as piss at how few people I saw.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I never want to see anyone levelling, just slows me down.
Given enough bots, I could play WoW offline and do a LAN party with friends here and there /joke.
Sharing quest spawns was always a finger up the ass, I remember the vanilla days of STV where no animal was left alive and most of them were tagged by 41 yards shooting hunters. Oh Nesingwary, thou art a heartless bitch!


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well being able to kill a Quest Mob (Indicated by the "!" within their name) even if the target isnt yours and still getting credit was a step in the right direction. They need to extend that to all mobs that are Quest targets.

As for a PVP server ~ I just dont get the fascination of playing on a PVP server in WoW. If we were playing Shadowbane or something, then yea. Otherwise, the reward for having to put up with a shit head 20 levels higher than you isnt worth it. Besides, nine out of ten times the shit head you want to kill is in your faction.

-After 496, you still have a few of options to pursue without raiding. Hopefully, you've started on your Legendary Cloak (which has a lot of cock blocks in it) already. Then you have a couple pieces of gear that you can get through crafting (or gold purchase) 553's. LFR SoO is really easy for most people and that should fill in the rest of your spots to 528. Then, when you are free to raid - go to the City General Chat and you should find people looking for a geared such and such for whatever raid zone that gives you upgrades.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You get all of the negatives of a high population realm (Competing for Quest spawns, gathering materials, and idiots in /1) without any of the benefits (Healthier Auction Houses and Guilds). CRZ sucks.
This has been my mantra for weeks, and it really has gotten terrible since RAF went live. I've been trying to level a guy up this last month and it has been painful. It just goes to show how horridly Blizzard designed these areas. I can't imagine doing this crap while it was current... some of these quests need 10 bear asses off a group of 10 bears, shared by 15 other people. To make matters worse, they don't drop every time... It would be much better if they had the pros (especially shared AH's) but nope, I get to fight tooth and nail for my stuff only to compete with some dumb ass who put the stuff up for 1g a stack, selling to a very limited market.


I used to be fairly OCD about quest completion while levelling but these days i do what i can do quick and move on. Shared achievements helps too.

Whats the minimum level an alt needs to be to learn living steel xmute? may push my lock up to whatever i need.