World of Warcraft: Current Year


Furor's not a special snowflake. People do it all the time. Look at the Bioware guys. Look at any artist that hits it big. Very, few few do not. Same story, different dickhead that grovels before the altar of money and their higher ups.

You can't argue that it's Kotick's dick in his mouth that's making him do it (but it probably is), because then you'd ALWAYS have to blame upper management in these situations. These guys take the money and turn their products to shit, so they're not blameless.


Vyemm Raider
Furor's not a special snowflake. People do it all the time. Look at the Bioware guys. Look at any artist that hits it big. Very, few few do not. Same story, different dickhead that grovels before the altar of money and their higher ups.

You can't argue that it's Kotick's dick in his mouth that's making him do it (but it probably is), because then you'd ALWAYS have to blame upper management in these situations. These guys take the money and turn their products to shit, so they're not blameless.

Confirmed jelly.

an accordion_sl

Furor's not a special snowflake. People do it all the time. Look at the Bioware guys. Look at any artist that hits it big. Very, few few do not. Same story, different dickhead that grovels before the altar of money and their higher ups.

You can't argue that it's Kotick's dick in his mouth that's making him do it (but it probably is), because then you'd ALWAYS have to blame upper management in these situations. These guys take the money and turn their products to shit, so they're not blameless.
If you dislike a game and development team so much, why do you continue to support them? In fact, despite all the shit you fling at the game, you've supported them more than people who are indifferent to WoW.


I liked the game very much through vanilla, TBC. I also enjoyed the release of Cataclysm. Everything else has been complete sellout-mode.


Vyemm Raider
Kind of referring to vastly different things there. Leveling a hunter is like playing a different game. One where you never buy food or drink and looting takes longer than killing everything you can reach. Just serpent sting every mob in range.


<Gold Donor>
My first character in wow back in 2005 was a shaman, but my second was a hunter. And since playing the hunter I cannot go through leveling with anything else. Although the original DK was pretty easy too.


Kind of referring to vastly different things there. Leveling a hunter is like playing a different game. One where you never buy food or drink and looting takes longer than killing everything in range.
I had nothing but the bag you start with + a 6 slotter I got from a quest, my original starting food and lvl 1 greys in my bags, only the gold I got from quest turn ins, and my starting pet. Unless it was quest related I never looted a single thing. Put away my pet for Gnomeregan and forgot to resummon for 4 levels or so. At no point during soloing/questing did anything I shot make it more than 2 steps towards me, in the few thousand pulls I did during that 1-36 my pet MAYBE actually made it to the mob before it died 4 or 5 times. My prot paladin is OP but he's fun and I get into a flow that feels personal and mine. The hunter, honestly if I ever log that toon in again I'll be shocked, it was just mindless and not very fun, I leveled on pure auto pilot.


Vyemm Raider
I had nothing but the bag you start with + a 6 slotter I got from a quest, my original starting food and lvl 1 greys in my bags, only the gold I got from quest turn ins, and my starting pet. Unless it was quest related I never looted a single thing. Put away my pet for Gnomeregan and forgot to resummon for 4 levels or so. At no point during soloing/questing did anything I shot make it more than 2 steps towards me, in the few thousand pulls I did during that 1-36 my pet MAYBE actually made it to the mob before it died 4 or 5 times. My prot paladin is OP but he's fun and I get into a flow that feels personal and mine. The hunter, honestly if I ever log that toon in again I'll be shocked, it was just mindless and not very fun, I leveled on pure auto pilot.
In the raid game warlocks are in another dimension. Hunters have some amazing burst but i usually end up past them on meters by end of an encounter, warlocks however are just dumb. Even as combat you wont really beat a lock often - its just not going to happen unless its like Iron jugg, siege, or maybe malk.

Its kind of a pain being any melee class atm.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I actually call bullshit on any artist or anyone that pulls the "we don't want to sell out." Bullshit. Everyone fucking wants to scrooge mcduck in money. I remember reading that Radiohead refuses to play Creep in a lot of shows now because it was their "popular" song and they don't "sellout." You think they fucking returned the cash that song generated for them? Fuck no.

Real WoW: I play a lock as my alt. Fucking awesome. Class needs no changes please. I feel like a god at times. When I play my blood DK...I am a god.


<Gold Donor>
Nope I wont sell out, Ill just stay in my basement playing EQ, fuck blizzard and the job they offer me.


I actually call bullshit on any artist or anyone that pulls the "we don't want to sell out." Bullshit. Everyone fucking wants to scrooge mcduck in money. I remember reading that Radiohead refuses to play Creep in a lot of shows now because it was their "popular" song and they don't "sellout." You think they fucking returned the cash that song generated for them? Fuck no.

Real WoW: I play a lock as my alt. Fucking awesome. Class needs no changes please. I feel like a god at times. When I play my blood DK...I am a god.
Creep was designed from the start by studio execs to get them noticed. It was their label putting a pretty dress and whore make-up on them, I think it's ok if they hate it.


Creep was designed from the start by studio execs to get them noticed. It was their label putting a pretty dress and whore make-up on them, I think it's ok if they hate it.
They suck anyways. Anytime someone brings up Radiohead and how they are their favorite band I instantly make fun of that shit song.