World of Warcraft: Current Year


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Anyone in beta have the situation on ranged dps. My current main is a Mage. Working him through flex. Currently at a 545 ilvl. I have a warlock at 90 but I stopped playing her for a bit. All the specs seem clunky to me.

My other alts are shadow priest or balance Druid. Trying to decide what to finish leveling and gearing up for the expansion. Tons of warlocks and hunters everywhere because they are OP. Not sure what to focus on next.
The nature of blizzard's boss design means that ranged will always be superior to melee because of the lack of required movement. Sure, there's exceptions, but historically we're talking 1 or 2 bosses in an entire tier where melee are favored. Every uber guild I've been in has only brought as many melee as required for the mechanics - and even then there were times when I, as a ranged, was asked/told to stay in melee range to fulfill those mechanics as opposed to finding another melee raider.

With their adoption of a system that detects your current spec's role those rules are slightly different, but melee friendly fights are still few and far between.


EQOA Refugee
The nature of blizzard's boss design means that ranged will always be superior to melee because of the lack of required movement. Sure, there's exceptions, but historically we're talking 1 or 2 bosses in an entire tier where melee are favored. Every uber guild I've been in has only brought as many melee as required for the mechanics - and even then there were times when I, as a ranged, was asked/told to stay in melee range to fulfill those mechanics as opposed to finding another melee raider.

With their adoption of a system that detects your current spec's role those rules are slightly different, but melee friendly fights are still few and far between.
So that's all well and good but I'm asking about what's the situation with the ranged and caster dps for WoD. Like who's looking good, who's getting nerfed to shit, who's still shit etc. Sorry if I wasn't clear.


<Silver Donator>
Hunter > All
Sad but true. With the reduction of abilities and CCs most specs are three buttons faceroll now. I can see a lot zero skill three man hunter arena teams in the "middle section" from 1800 to 2200 in WOD. With how healing works now this will be a very wierd first arena season in WOD.


Lord Nagafen Raider
How can you estimate the classes from a beta? I'm not even sure there are raids available, let alone enough beta testers to have reliable numbers. WoW history showed that by playing warlock or hunter you'll do good enough, no matter what. Mage depends, it's a toss up, usually with later tiers they climb to the top (doesn't always happen), rogue is a lot of work for shit results, until you put your hands on awesome weapons, then you'll be the best or very close to, for a while at least. Don't play dps shaman or boomkin or feral or shadow priest (which I love and I always get fucked except once in a blue moon) if you want to top the meters.

TL,DR: Play warlock or hunter.

On a different topic, my friend is in beta (bastard is in all betas in the fucking world, he must have some serious connection) and told me that to bypass the item squish for old content, players get some sort of damage buff: at level 100 he was vaporizing Blackwing Descent 25, doing about 1 million dps. Interesting chioice, but definitely extremely easy, nonsense to go with multiple people anymore, which sucks imo.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Enhancement Shaman: Twice The Work; Half The Results. And you share loot drops with your Hunter superiors, making you an active drain on the raid's loot distribution.


<Silver Donator>
How can you estimate the classes from a beta?
The skills and abilities are done, raidtesting started and what you see when you press "p" is what you can expect with 6.0. I know the PvE resembles more a kickstarter alpha atm but other than tuning the numbers a bit this should not change much now. Btw laser owl is a nice alternative in their current shape if you like range.


At the end of Mists as a survival hunter I had 14 skills to keep on cool down not to mention the occasional proc. That got really tedious after a while. I'm glad they cut down on the number of skills required.

You said only three buttons are required now. Is that true? 14 down to 3? For a survival hunter?


Toe Sucker
From what i watch people playing in the beta... healing is still stupidly OP-they need to futher squash the item levels back to ~100k and murder healing in pvp


Golden Squire
I was 89 Sunday morning. I openly admit that I played entirely too much yesterday, but by the end I was 90, iLevel 485, Black Prince rep maxed, 4 of one sigil, 10 of the other. I hope to get the rest of the other sigil today from a few more ToT raids I need to run while the buff is still active.

After you have gear from the chests on TI, what incentives are there to still do TI stuff? I know Houron has a rare mount at least. And you can get charms for extra rolls on SoO, TI coins for runes for extra rolls on ToT. Anything else? Stuff to collect?


Vyemm Raider
There isn't a single fight in MOP that a hunter should be #1 dps. They just often are (well, I am) because other classes are hard / more RNG prone. It's a skill gap thing. Of course, I say that, but every hunter I see manages to do astoundingly bad dps with comparable gear, so maybe I'm just being elitist. But holy christ, the RNG fuckery of a MOP mage vs a hunter is a goddamn joke. You can have your 20% higher potential dps sometimes maybe if the stars align, I'm MUCH happier being consistently decent with my huntard. I clock the same dps on every run of every encounter, and I can handle silly fight mechanics while doing it.

Note that Warlocks are also getting MUCH easier to play in WOD. No more worrying about refreshing dots at maximum crit/haste. Will they dominate every single raid tier yet again? Probably!


Toe Sucker
There isn't a single fight in MOP that a hunter should be #1 dps. They just often are (well, I am) because other classes are hard / more RNG prone. It's a skill gap thing. Of course, I say that, but every hunter I see manages to do astoundingly bad dps with comparable gear, so maybe I'm just being elitist. But holy christ, the RNG fuckery of a MOP mage vs a hunter is a goddamn joke. You can have your 20% higher potential dps sometimes maybe if the stars align, I'm MUCH happier being consistently decent with my huntard. I clock the same dps on every run of every encounter, and I can handle silly fight mechanics while doing it.

Note that Warlocks are also getting MUCH easier to play in WOD. No more worrying about refreshing dots at maximum crit/haste. Will they dominate every single raid tier yet again? Probably!
I've been curious how Locks are going to shape up, i'm still debating who the fuck i want to main in WoD and trying to weigh their "new" play styles lol


Vyemm Raider
Combo points are now innate for Rogues rather than tied to your current target, which is probably the greatest gift since the removal of min range for hunters, but they are still bloated with redundant cooldowns. Hunters can still have a bunch of crappy dps cooldowns that potentially add .5% dps each that you can swap out for passives and probably wind up with higher dps anyway.

They seem to be trying to scale hunter potential dps along a curve of "patchwerk turret-mode max deeps" vs "run around without a fuck given" Which means the lower dps highly mobile spec will be enormously easier to play and the turret spec will only be worth it for hard mode repping poopsockers. At least I hope so, because fuck going back to being pissed every time I have to move a couple of inches just to do acceptable dps.


<WoW Guild Officer>
They only pulled one main rogue ability (Shadow blades), which sort of sucks because it was nice for CD stacking. I'm playing Assassination though, so maybe it's different for Combat/Sub. They also main-lined a bunch of "essential talents" though (SnD being renewed with envenom being the best one in my opinion, but I'm lazy).


Vyemm Raider
They only pulled one main rogue ability (Shadow blades), which sort of sucks because it was nice for CD stacking. I'm playing Assassination though, so maybe it's different for Combat/Sub. They also main-lined a bunch of "essential talents" though (SnD being renewed with envenom being the best one in my opinion, but I'm lazy).
Hrm isn't that how it's been for a while? Sub (lol)/Combat still have to refresh SND manually in WOD, yeah?

Main diff for combat seems to just be rupture is gone. Taking FOK away is more annoying than it is helpful - it just means you won't bother toggling on flurry for one-shot trash.


Toe Sucker
I think assassination gets a perk for perma passive S&D, but the other specs are how they are now. If subtlety is still best pve and pvp in wod i'll definitely pass on playing my rogue lol
God sub is so gay in PVE


Vyemm Raider
I thought sub was only good in sims and not actually in any real-world encounter.

Meh, even if I had beta I think it'd be too annoying to keep up with all the changes.

I considered many times resubbing just to play rogue for the hell of it but, why put up with it now when classes are going to be so much easier to play in a few months.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
They seem to be trying to scale hunter potential dps along a curve of "patchwerk turret-mode max deeps" vs "run around without a fuck given" Which means the lower dps highly mobile spec will be enormously easier to play and the turret spec will only be worth it for hard mode repping poopsockers. At least I hope so, because fuck going back to being pissed every time I have to move a couple of inches just to do acceptable dps.
Whenever I played my Mage in Heroic SoO - Id be in competition with the Warlock. The Hunter would do good, but out of the three of us the Hunter was never on top and would rarely be in the same playing field as us. So basically, I agree with what you're saying and the folks you're going up against just suck donkey dick.

As far as moving turret goes, I ended up having perfect spots for every encounter to place my RoP. Far and away from people on most encounters. Side step abilities just enough to where Im still in my RoP but not getting hit. Hell, on Norushen, I ended up blinking across the laser to the second RoP so I never missed a beat. Im really scared for what Ive read about the Mage change abilities coming with WoD. They plan on/or have, changed Rune of Power to a buff everyone that stands in it. God help mages if that gets to live. Im in the beta, but havent paid attention to any of the mages (much less do I play it that often.)


Golden Knight of the Realm
Counterpoint: The official forums are full of morons and should have been nuked from orbit a decade ago.

Nice kitty.

Wrong color.
