World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Are you a warrior? If so, bonus armor > master > crit > versatility for mitigation. Haste isn't bad, either, as it reduces the GCD.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Crit is a total write off for a DK, and haste isn't much better. Having to make the engr goggles in spite of MC's free loot is frustrating to say the least.


Trump's Staff
Wat? it's much easier for tanks right now because most stats are viable. There's still your 'best' stat but none of the other stats are so bad that you can't use the new 630 piece over some 600 shit (Unless you're a DK after trinkets)

I started tanking in crit/versatily/haste gear cause that's all I could get and it was just fine (even in challenge modes) until I was able to get bonus armor/multistrike shit after hours of farming.
This is absolutely not the case. I don't know about other tanks, but Haste is absolutely worthless for Monk tanks to the point where you should pretend it's not even on the gear and an item with haste is probably worse than an item without it that's two raid tiers lower.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I have constructed a small shrine to entreat the loot gods to create more Mastery/Multistrike Plate.

They rewarded my piety with a full set of Crafted gear on Multi/Mastery in three Reroll-Widgets.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I made a crit/multi gun on my first try for my huntard. I feel like that probably used up all my luck from now til 2015, at least.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This is absolutely not the case. I don't know about other tanks, but Haste is absolutely worthless for Monk tanks to the point where you should pretend it's not even on the gear and an item with haste is probably worse than an item without it that's two raid tiers lower.
It's arguably the worst stat , yes, but it's not so shitty, it still helps in generating more chi. Of course if you play with Serenity, it's totally useless, because you can stack shuffle in advance. I play with Chi Explosion and I don't shit over haste items, so far the little bit I found on gear didn't bother me. I gear for bonus armor (which I can't get as drop because I'm too lucky), mastery, crit and versatility, haste and last multistrike.
I still don't get why people would prefer Serenity to ChiEx, but to each their own.


Molten Core Raider
Am I the only person that thinks work orders and crafting in general for this expansion is probably the worst ever? I love sitting around waiting for my garrison to give me bars I should be able to make for a week in order to make one item.
Meh -- I think Blizzard is trying to remove botters and farmers from professions. This current iteration of professions are meant to be progression routes for people who need them. For example, I have two friends that will absolutely never raid and likely never 5 man group. They're entertained by doing random other things. They like the professions because A) its a way to get iLVL gear that is otherwise unavailable to them and B) they don't have to go do any dumb shit for it.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that total recluse players (people who never group) are more common than you'd think, which explains a lot of the design choices.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that total recluse players (people who never group) are more common than you'd think, which explains a lot of the design choices.
I know a couple. They may group once in a blue moon if it's friends only, but they are generally spending their time doing whatever on an army of alts. Grouping for them is about the little social experience with friends, but not for items or any other form of reward, if they craft it's usually to sell, unless it's beatiful to wear or tens of thousands times better than what they are wearing. The perfect casual players.
WoW is a good game to be played like that.


Meh -- I think Blizzard is trying to remove botters and farmers from professions. This current iteration of professions are meant to be progression routes for people who need them. For example, I have two friends that will absolutely never raid and likely never 5 man group. They're entertained by doing random other things. They like the professions because A) its a way to get iLVL gear that is otherwise unavailable to them and B) they don't have to go do any dumb shit for it.
Except now garrisons are the grind, and raiding is the easiest route.


Molten Core Raider
Except now garrisons are the grind, and raiding is the easiest route.
You're missing the point, man. My casual recluse friends don't perceive it as a grind -- they aren't racing to any sort of goal or competing against anyone. They very concept of a grind doesn't register with this crowd;if they ever feel like they're actually grinding they'll go play something else. Easiest route to what? Max iLVL...? I know this is hard to believe but that might not be the primary goal of some WOW players...

They set their own goals and objectives and what other people are doing is largely irrelevant to them. They aren't thinking: ("Fuck this is annoying, but I need that 665 iLVL in order to...") They look at it as: ("Oh, cool, I need to remember to tend to my garrison and I'll be rewarded down the line.")

Look at the post above; lanludar is bitching because, what, exactly? He thinks he should be able to instantly create his 665 crafted gear? He thinks he should be able to neckbeard 16 hours a day and create it fast? It's kinda vague; there is a vocal crowd rabbling about professions being bad but no ones really explaining why or what they prefer. My suspicion is its people interpreting professions as another way to pour time and labor into something to achieve an advantage... but that isn't what the design intention is.

The design intention is very clearly a TIME-gated ilvl progression route separate from raiding or apexis.


Are you a warrior? If so, bonus armor > master > crit > versatility for mitigation. Haste isn't bad, either, as it reduces the GCD.
If you want mitigation as a warrior, versatility reduces incoming damage by a certain percentage. Mastery increases block/crit block chance so you'd want to prioritize versatility over mastery.


You're missing the point, man.
I'm not missing the point at all. It's just that raiding is going to be vastly easier than the drawn out grind of garrisons. People grinding out garrison gear are going to feel foolish at how much easier it would have been just to raid it in much shorter time.


A Mod Real Quick
I must be blessed by RNGesus because I've only run a handful of heroics and I've upgraded most of my tanking gear to ilvl630 (680 ring) as a DK. I've also found heroics to be not much more difficult than normals this time around. I actually find heroics easier because the healers and dps have that minimum ilvl check so at least they are capable of better numbers, although I have kicked a few DPS that were way too low.

I can't find a raiding guild that really works for my times, so I'll probably be the forever alone LFR tank but that's ok. I tanked Molten Core for awhile before I wanted to blow my face off with a shotgun - core hound packs are serious business.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Haste isn't that hot for a Pally tank either. I stack bonus armor / mastery more or less. The rest ends up being Crit or Versatility depending on what drops. Over the course of 1 week, Heroics went from being pretty cautious affairs, lots of CC and such, to near chain pulling. I think the majority of the population is rolling in ilvl 630+ now and so everything smoothed out. I noticed my own survivability jump by leaps and bounds in the 610 - 630 range. I also enjoy my Paladin a bit more than my DK. It isn't as great for open world and soloing, but I feel sturdier when I tank. I think it may just be the sound of things hitting my shield that is reassuring.

The last half of this weekend I switched my loot spec over to Holy to try and build a set. Unfortunately, Holy wants the exact opposite of stats (Crit / Haste) and so it will need another arrangement of gear. I enjoy Retribution quite a bit, but I want to start raiding. I never really liked tanking LFR, was a lot of stress, so I will probably try and heal so I can have decent queue times still.

It is really nice having sub 15 second queue times for Heroics though. I spammed the crap out of them this weekend. I appreciate how queuing for randoms overrides your dungeon lockout as well. The satchels that you get for being heals / tank could give better rewards though. 50 to str / int 'runes' for 1 hour are kind of lame.


A Mod Real Quick
Haste isn't that hot for a Pally tank either. I stack bonus armor / mastery more or less. The rest ends up being Crit or Versatility depending on what drops. Over the course of 1 week, Heroics went from being pretty cautious affairs, lots of CC and such, to near chain pulling. I think the majority of the population is rolling in ilvl 630+ now and so everything smoothed out. I noticed my own survivability jump by leaps and bounds in the 610 - 630 range. I also enjoy my Paladin a bit more than my DK. It isn't as great for open world and soloing, but I feel sturdier when I tank. I think it may just be the sound of things hitting my shield that is reassuring.

The last half of this weekend I switched my loot spec over to Holy to try and build a set. Unfortunately, Holy wants the exact opposite of stats (Crit / Haste) and so it will need another arrangement of gear. I enjoy Retribution quite a bit, but I want to start raiding. I never really liked tanking LFR, was a lot of stress, so I will probably try and heal so I can have decent queue times still.

It is really nice having sub 15 second queue times for Heroics though. I spammed the crap out of them this weekend. I appreciate how queuing for randoms overrides your dungeon lockout as well. The satchels that you get for being heals / tank could give better rewards though. 50 to str / int 'runes' for 1 hour are kind of lame.
What do you mean it overrde dungeon lockouts? Does this mean tanks can infinite-queue for heroics? I was doing them with "specific dungeon" to do the ring quest, so I didn't try randoms.


<WoW Guild Officer>
What do you mean it overrde dungeon lockouts? Does this mean tanks can infinite-queue for heroics? I was doing them with "specific dungeon" to do the ring quest, so I didn't try randoms.
yeah, that's exactly how it is...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Alright so I hit 100 on my warrior last night. So I guess my question is now what? I was planning on finishing off any quest lines but I wasn't sure about the progression from there. Are all the dungeon instances for the most part similar? What ilvl does my gear need to be to tank the dungeons on normal and heroic?


A Mod Real Quick
You can tank the normals at any ilvl really. If you did questing up through Nagrand your gear is fine. For heroics it requires you to have 610 ilvl, which you can flesh out in normals. Also start the legendary ring quest.. you get a 640 ring early on and it upgrades to 680 (then legendary later on).

Keep your garrison up to date as there are some nice rewards there.

Raids open up this week and LFR opens in 2 weeks? maybe?

Can do PVP for some alternate gear that will probably be fine for tanking as well.