World of Warcraft: Current Year


I honestly don't understand posts like this. I see them pop up now and then but I really have to wonder. Is the LFR level of play in the US that much worse compared to Europe? That can't be true right?

Last week, when Durumu was new in LFR, the group wiped three times before killing him. On the other bosses the raid didn't wipe (though there were a few deaths). This week's LFR completed everything on the first go; there were only a few deaths on Durumu and no deaths on the others.

I complete LFR on an alt in the weekends as well and the groups aren't much better or worse than when I complete it on my main on wednesday/thursday.
Lucky Bastard. almost 20 wipes in ToT3 LFR last wednesday (10 on Durumu alone). Right now there is nothing in the whole world i hate more than the people i get grouped with in LFR/LFD.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I've recently come back and doing the 10 day free MoP trial. Made a Panda monk, as it's the one thing I haven't done. Interesting to go through the old zones on Alliance side, and see what has changed with the Cata revamp. Not sure yet if I'll sub, but it's been pretty fun so far, and contrary to what I want to believe, my play times are so terrible, the super casual nature of WoW helps me.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I've recently come back and doing the 10 day free MoP trial. Made a Panda monk, as it's the one thing I haven't done. Interesting to go through the old zones on Alliance side, and see what has changed with the Cata revamp. Not sure yet if I'll sub, but it's been pretty fun so far, and contrary to what I want to believe, my play times are so terrible, the super casual nature of WoW helps me.
Cata gets a lot of shit, but the revamp of the 1-60 vanilla zones was actually pretty good. Don't skip the Alliance Redridge main questline if possible ;P


Yeah, the real problem with Cata was that so much time was spent on the 1-60 revamp it ate into the dev time for theactualexpansion zones.
Well that, and long linear zone-wide questlines made levelling alts tedious to the extreme (especially when they fucked up the themes of the quest-line - hi, Uldum! Why not introduce an interesting new race then throw them away a quarter of the way through the zone and make the rest a boring Indiana Jones pasticheagain? Oh, you have? Okay then).
And listening to the players whine about Arthas being over-used in WotLK then goingcompletelyto the opposite extreme and having the main villain not show up at all outside of cinematics, random zone-wide drivebys and the last raid. (Technically the main boss - N'Zoth - wasn't even in the game and still isn't).

And shitty patch content.


Toe Sucker
Blizzard will totally just throw N'zoth into MOP saying hes controlling the Sha which are controlling Garrosh.
Only Gamon can save azeroth ;_;


That's kind of the question, I know I need to bump my haste, but the at the expense of what? I'm not that far over hit cap, barely enough to want to fuck with it.


NeoGaf Donator
Blizzard will totally just throw N'zoth into MOP saying hes controlling the Sha which are controlling Garrosh.
Only Gamon can save azeroth ;_;


Blizzard will totally just throw N'zoth into MOP saying hes controlling the Sha which are controlling Garrosh.
Only Gamon can save azeroth ;_;
Before your history began, our empire was vast. We shared this world with our sister kingdoms, Ahn'Qiraj and Azjol-Nerub.
Our Gods were many, and powerful. We mantid worshipped the seven heads of Y'Shaarj.
Great was the Old One, and terrible was His wrath. He consumed hope and begat despair; He inhaled courage and breathed fear.
When the usurpers came - the ones you call "Titans" - Y'Shaarj was destroyed.
His last terrible breath has haunted this land ever since, but the shadows he left behind are mere whispers of his former glory.
I tell you now, because you have earned this warning.
Your gods are not your gods, outsider.
If the Old Ones ever return, we mantid will once again stand by their side.
The wisest among you will do the same.
That is all that needs to be said. Come, take your reward, and remember what you have learned today.


Next xpack will very likely be the return of Sargeras and the Burning Legion, so Garrosh's corruption will probably be Sargeras using him as a way into Azeroth similar to what he did with Azshara. Taking on Queen Azshara & the Naga would make for a good tier of the expansion, and N'Zoth could be the big honcho for that tier as a bonus boss like Ra'Den/Elegon.


Toe Sucker
I can't really see them making an Old God; a heroic only boss. That would mean only, maybe a few hundred people in the world would actually do the fight? The game is too casual for that these days imo


Not if the Titans get fed up and decide to fuck our shit up. Sergeras is the big bad of course, but the Titans are each are on par with him. They could also easily create an even bigger threat by pulling something new out of the Twisting Nether/Great Dark.

Sargeras is going to happen one way or another. The last few Old Gods, Sargeras/Legion, and Queen Azshara are the only established threats left after MoP. Not to mention that Velen's prophecy and the latest Wrathion stuff is foretelling his return anyways.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Maybe not but I agree on the bread crumbs from Wrathion pointing that way and Blizz does pay attention from a high level view to the lore.


There's a difference between mishandling/retconning lore, and completely tossing it out the window. We know they loosely plan their expansion themes well in advance, and there are several things in MoP that point to the return of the legion, just as there was several things in Cata that pointed to Garrosh becoming more than just a faction leader, and Blizzard has never demonstrated the ability to be subtle in their storylines. Short of them using another expansion as build-up for it, I'm pretty damn sure that we'll see it announced in November.

Edit: As for the breadcrumbs, there's also the pet tamer in Felwood, the Lock green fire shit, Anduin getting to a stage where he can fulfill his part in Velen's Prophecy, and a couple other small things that aren't coming to mind ATM.