World of Warcraft: Current Year


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think Imp is a great fight to tank, love the differences between each phase and how we have to deal with the Mark. What's ridiculous to me is that, essentially, the tanks have to play perfectly for 13+ minutes which almost always happens... but the fucking glue-eating ranged crowd can't go a few minutes without setting off mines.

PSA: Heroic Leaped over three mines last night; Leap does trigger mines. Was bad.
You are a sadist. Any fight that is 10-13 minutes long is just straight ass to mouth...hairy man ass to mouth.


Toe Sucker
Ret still has derpy Holy Avenger + Wings that does an absurd amount of damage, if they removed the ability to stack those 2 cooldowns then yeah.. they would be fucked, very fucked. That nerf isn't too bad i don't think


<Bronze Donator>
I don't use Holy Avenger. Am I making a mistake there? I don't really care about Sorrows and his 80k DPS bursts and the end of the fight I'm not too far behind him.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't use Holy Avenger. Am I making a mistake there? I don't really care about Sorrows and his 80k DPS bursts and the end of the fight I'm not too far behind him.
One of the reasons I absolutely hated ret in was so much fun to spike to 1st and wreck people....but so much pain and sadness to fall to almost dead last after that
At least through Heart of Fear, I was holy/ret until ToT, then had to start tanking so ret went bye-bye


Toe Sucker
I just logged on to check, it isn't up yet... but i don't think they release the new wings until 10am server

DP/FV in pvp is also way more consistent than waiting 2 minutes before you can kill someone.
Brah, Vanguards rocks HA/Wings, therefore it is da bes.
Actually, all top rated rets do lol


Having a blast (not) pugging H.Imp. I only know the tank perspective; could someone tell me why people die to mines before the first intermission? I've spent an hour in a pug now and we still haven't even hit 2nd intermission. From my perspective, there are 2-4 mines down on the floor... people seriously walk into that shit repeatedly? Why? How?
Some people are simply so bad at the game that they can only pay attention to one thing at a time. They play DPS and can't cope with something like having to watch out for mines while simultaneously doing their rotation. It's no mystery, 50% of the playerbase is below average, and you'll find them disproportionately over-represented in PUGs because raid guilds don't want them.


Molten Core Raider
I need my 50 GR!
It's pretty pants on head retarded that they added a great incentive to do daily dungeons/heroics for people to at least extend the life on them then completely dropped it. Champion faction system where you get 600 faction per day was a great reason to run through them every day.


Toe Sucker
It's pretty pants on head retarded that they added a great incentive to do daily dungeons/heroics for people to at least extend the life on them then completely dropped it. Champion faction system where you get 600 faction per day was a great reason to run through them every day.
50GR reward was good for the first week when you wanted to maximize your building gains, now it's entirely pointless when you can send 3 scavengers on a mission and get 1200 easily.

Bring back faction rewards or something entirely different~


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's pretty pants on head retarded that they added a great incentive to do daily dungeons/heroics for people to at least extend the life on them then completely dropped it. Champion faction system where you get 600 faction per day was a great reason to run through them every day.
I agree. I have absolutely 0 reason to tank any heroics at 670 ilvl even with an almost 100% guaranteed satchel. I've had 5k+ garrison resources for a month now. If they put in the faction champion system, or rep tabards, I'd have reason to again.


A Mod Real Quick
I agree. I have absolutely 0 reason to tank any heroics at 670 ilvl even with an almost 100% guaranteed satchel. I've had 5k+ garrison resources for a month now. If they put in the faction champion system, or rep tabards, I'd have reason to again.
Same here. The only upside is if you have an alt you can mail them the satchels and they get free 630 gear thus ensuring you never run heroics with them either.


Molten Core Raider
You are a sadist. Any fight that is 10-13 minutes long is just straight ass to mouth...hairy man ass to mouth.
I think what I might enjoy about it is how I actually feel important as a tank. The other fights just feel kinda "meh"; there is no way to really discern a great tank from a "good enough" tank. It annoys me that I have no way to excel.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Wait people still do heroics in this? Eeew
For whatever reason, I really enjoy running 5 man content. I wish they had a better reward system. Generally speaking, I am more likely to have time to complete 5 mans rather than raids. Some sort of token system like Secret World would be nice. Wouldn't give mythic gear or anything, but would allow you to ramp up in a different manner. Maybe they need ilvl dungeons like follower missions have a 630, 645, 660 bracket or something to queue for. That would be fun.