World of Warcraft: Current Year


Blackwing Lair Raider
Honestly I think Shaman is the worst class in the game. They suffered as much as anyone from ability pruning. They lost 100% of their utility (even AG sucks now) and have had the same rotations for 6 years. Ele AE rotation is 2 spells, single target is 4. It's the most boring DPS spec in the game. Enh is clunky. I think resto shaman is pretty clunky in comparison to the other healers too but at least you get big cooldowns.

And then in legion we see all these other specs focusing on class fantasy and shams end up essentially the same.

Their spell animations look baller though so at least they have that.
Enhance is not to bad although the ability prune still left a lot of really situational crap to deal with but did not effect enhance much overall as they have about the same buttons they did previously. One thing though the echo of elements talent really smooths out enhance a LOT. It is a very big quality of life boost once you pick it. It works fine without it but once you grab that it makes your rotations a lot easier to manage and you don't wind up wasting any procs and you can use abilities when they should be used not just when you have to so you don't waste some procs.


I think I'll give shaman a go. It's the only healer I've never played at ALL, plus I've been deciding what alliance character I want to make.

Does the gear compete with raid gear or will it be like challenge dungeons where it only competes with LFR so no one does it
They said that it was going to compete with actual raid gear if you progress far enough, which made a lot of nerds mad that people doing dungeon content may be on par with them.


The Scientific Shitlord
Mythic dungeons can proc warforged up to 725 now, which can be then boosted to 735. Got a semi decent 710 ring and 705 belt doing those today. Along with the new 110 agi heirloom trinket.


Yeah, saw a DK get a 725 2h a few days ago. I've yet to get a warforged item in 5mans
but I've been doing pretty well in heroic HFC since I got my archi trinket. ...set pieces would be nice, haha


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Just higher ilevel heroics (ie a joke).Somemechanics will one shot (or at higher ilevels get close to one shotting) you, but for the most part it's just heroics that are turned for 675(ish) instead of 620(ish).


How are mythic dungeons in terms of actual difficulty?
Standing in AOE for more than 2 seconds will kill you. Some bosses will 1shot you if you're not a tank, but pretty much what Dandai said. If you have a competent healer and you're all like 710+ you can just start chain pulling like you can in heroic.


<Bronze Donator>
Just higher ilevel heroics (ie a joke).Somemechanics will one shot (or at higher ilevels get close to one shotting) you, but for the most part it's just heroics that are turned for 675(ish) instead of 620(ish).
People forgetting about those fucking ravens popping up in skyreach is the hardest thing about mythic dungeons.


<Silver Donator>
Been trying to dust off some chars but for the most part they either feel clunky(Ret paladin) no end game but fun as shit(Glad stance warrior QQ) or low dps(Frost DK but I'm sure that's just gear). Doing 20-30k dps in LFRs and seeing people rocking 50k - 100k(ffs mythic raiders) gets depressing. Can't wait for legion as from what I've played of alpha ret is MUCH better, fury warrior skills makes sense, and DK gonna DK. Going to be a long wait.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I would not get to put off by a classes DPS until you both gear up pretty heavily and then do some rotational practice either just by playing it a bunch or working out on some training dummies. It is pretty amazing how on some classes a few priority issues can really tank your DPS and its pretty easy on a stationary dummy to practice for 10-15 minutes and see very marked improvements. Some like arms warrior its not needed because frankly there is not much there you could mess up but some like current demo warlocks are really not intuitive without doing some practice with their rotations.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I know this is controversial, but I'm a firm believer in using a rotation helper for ret (and also elemental shm). Hekili is the add on I use. You can use it right out of the box without problem, but you'll want to tinker with the settings to optimize it. You can still have bad dps if you don't know fight mechanics, trinket/ring usage/mechanics, and proper cool down usage, but Hekili takes the guess work out of what's best the best ability to use next. If you decide to use it I'd be happy to post my settings.


<Bronze Donator>
You can macro the whole final verdict ret rotation outside of divine storm and run it on a mouse wheel too if you want to make things extra easy.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Emphasis oncan... if you want to be optimal you definitely shouldn't do that.


<Silver Donator>
You can macro the whole final verdict ret rotation outside of divine storm and run it on a mouse wheel too if you want to make things extra easy.
I use autohotkey to achieve the same thing but with a setup that allows me better control of holy power. Thing that really irks me about ret is it feels "dry" when waiting for procs sometimes. DK depends on procs but it always seems there's something else I can be using to keep dps flowing. Glad stance warrior can be 100% macrod and plays like a dream but from what I hear it has zero use endgame which is a shame as I REALLY enjoyed it. Got to actually enjoy encounters rather than micromanaging actionbars.


Sadly they're removing glad completely in Legion. I love the idea of DPSing with a sword+board, short of dumb shit in games like dual wielding shields it's probably my favorite idea that came to fruition.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
DK felt kinda clunky at the start of WoD, but then they had that patch where they massively boosted the effectiveness of Haste (further devalueing it since you basically don't need any actual pieces of haste gear to reach reasonable resource gen, which was amusing), which made it feel a lot more active.


<Silver Donator>
Sadly they're removing glad completely in Legion. I love the idea of DPSing with a sword+board, short of dumb shit in games like dual wielding shields it's probably my favorite idea that came to fruition.
Concur. Sword and board was so fun while it lasted =(. At least with legion it seems like rotations/skills across the board will be way easier to manage which should make for a great experience across the classes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
No kidding so fun doing pve stuff solo with glad stance and then switch to back to defensive for doing tanking in dungeons. Oh well to fun to last I guess.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I truly don't like that they are cutting gladiator stance for prot warriors and crane stance for mistweavers.

Monk changes, on the healing side, are a bit "meh" so far, but I'll have to see how they change during alpha before saying something, for sure I'm glad they removed the fucked up mechanic of ReM+Uplift, which was shit with an UI mod and unplayable without. Well, you can throw Uplifts at random, but it wasn't nor interesting neither fun. The new spells seem interesting, especially the cleave heal. The artifact tree so far it's quite uninspiring to be honest.
Brewmasters so far haven't been pushed on the alpha build, according to MMO champion, but Guard, Expel Harm, Spinning Crane Kick (and RJW) seem to be gone. If they make Ox orbs similar to the Demon Hunter ones, then we could have a nice and interesting mechanic, if they remain random, then... shit. I know little to nothing about Windwalkers except that apparently we won't have the 2 specs limit anymore, or so I heard, in which case I may even play the spec from time to time.

On paper I like shadow priest changes, will have to try them in the field, but orbs weren't really that fun, so improving on them won't be too hard :p


I am absolutely hating my shadow priest and how squishy he is, same for mage. Stalled big time at 95 with the mage. I am sure if I was better at DPS on either class it wouldn't matter as much.

DK/Hunter/Paladin/Priest/Paladin/Warlock/Rogue/Druid are at 100. Mage at 95 and warrior at 90. Going to sit the mage and switch to warrior. I will do the XP pots + bonus objectives "cheese" for the mage to finish up those last 5 levels.