World of Warcraft: Current Year


Toe Sucker
Man.. i didn't think blizzard could kill pvp in this game anymore than they have, now double healer comps dominate 3s?
Somebody needs to fire Holinka stat


Potato del Grande
Game is fun if you're raiding Mythic with a guild full of people you like and have that 20 log in on those raid night. That's about it


Lord Nagafen Raider
So where do you think these 3 million gamers are going? Other MMOs, MOBAs, console games, or somewhere else?

FF14 seems to be the only MMO increasing in popularity lately (at least on this board). With their expansion coming up soon and the similarity in gameplay with WoW, odds are FF14 is getting the bulk of ex-WoW players.
For me it was FFXIV and I'm glad I decided to try it, the game is lovely and will last me quite a while. I don't think I'll ever stick to a single game for years anymore, MMO hopping is more fun in my opinion. WoW used to have my sub almost permanently, but "times change" and so did the game. Now it's a hybrid between a lobby game and a facebook game and lobby games keep me interested for a minimal amount of time after I explored the (tiny) world.

I still play GW2 occasionally (best exploration ever) and I'm looking forward to Heart of Thorns, FFXIV is totally new so there is a lot for me there and I would love if Wildstar would become f2p because it has a bunch of things I like. I still have TSW and Neverwinter Online installed, because you may never know and WoW 1.12 for when I feel nostalgic.

WoW is on hold, if they shit out an xpack worth my time, I may join back.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I see people mention they would play games like Wildstar if it was F2P. Well WoW is F2P, so I guess WoW is not worth it to play even when F2P?

WOW is F2P because anyone with a max level char can make the ~25K a month needed to buy a token, just from the garrison alone. It is very minimal time/effort. And you don't have to pay $$ for extra bag slots or character slots, etc like the other F2P games.

an accordion_sl

I see people mention they would play games like Wildstar if it was F2P. Well WoW is F2P, so I guess WoW is not worth it to play even when F2P?

WOW is F2P because anyone with a max level char can make the ~25K a month needed to buy a token, just from the garrison alone. It is very minimal time/effort. And you don't have to pay $$ for extra bag slots or character slots, etc like the other F2P games.
That's not really F2P, it's F2P for those with already established characters/accounts


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That's not really F2P, it's F2P for those with already established characters/accounts
True, but it doesn't take but a week to hit 100, and start the garrison process? Pay for 1 month, and you could get it all setup just fine to make 25k a month, I'd imagine?


Golden Knight of the Realm
If you were a new player, you wouldn't be making 25k per month within one month. I know this, as I hadn't played since WOTLK, recently came back and played pretty casually up through WOD. I now have 2x level 100s, and I have no money. Your first month is leveling, then SPENDING money to build your garrison. You end up broke soon after 100, not rich.


Molten Core Raider
If you were a new player, you wouldn't be making 25k per month within one month. I know this, as I hadn't played since WOTLK, recently came back and played pretty casually up through WOD. I now have 2x level 100s, and I have no money. Your first month is leveling, then SPENDING money to build your garrison. You end up broke soon after 100, not rich.
honestly once you do your garrison though the money just piles up, i started back up from scratch in WoD at first it was a struggle but once i got my garrison up (not even using the money making team) you dont spend much money on things, all i did was run firelands/BWD/ToT that got me about 4k each week, once you get over the 5k hump the garrison isnt bad.

I have 3 lvl 100s now, that im just going to do the money making team on, and get my sub for free, call it a day its definitely doable shortly after hitting 100, i know just going 90-100 i made like 10k just in vendoring shit.


Trump's Staff
Well, pay for one month, and level up toons. Use the gold to buy first token, in 2nd month, get Garrison's pretty much setup, and now it's free forever!
The F2P passive income requires having a full set of 25 epic followers geared up to at least ilvl660. You can't do this in one month from scratch.


Does WoW's token system work like Wildstar's CREDD where someone has to pay real life cash for the token/CREDD and then sell it inside the game for game currency?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'll give ya that, the followers takes some time. That's my bad for bad info, or incomplete. However, I recently came back a month ago? not that long. Have 2x100s, and 2x95s. Went from 15k-40k in gold, mainly from quest rewards, and vendoring, and that was also with spending 10-15k or something like that on new heirlooms. If you just level up a couple toons in that first month, I fully believe it can be free from that point on.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'll give ya that, the followers takes some time. That's my bad for bad info, or incomplete. However, I recently came back a month ago? not that long. Have 2x100s, and 2x95s. Went from 15k-40k in gold, mainly from quest rewards, and vendoring, and that was also with spending 10-15k or something like that on new heirlooms. If you just level up a couple toons in that first month, I fully believe it can be free from that point on.
Well having all high level purples helps but you can still make ass loads of money even with just green or blue followers. The main key is once you are at 100 or before get the inn. Do the quests get it maxed to level 3 rank asap. Once inn is rank three grab treasure hunter follower every week until you have 4-5 of them at least. Do the harrison jones quests for a week to unlock him. Once you unlock harrison jones focus on getting HIM up to purple quality and as high Ilevel as you can ignoring other followers if necessary. Harrison jones is a treasure hunter and a mentor meaning anybody with him counts as his ilevel and I believe quality. So if you get him to max you can do at least one high level follower mission even with total scrubs as other followers.

Also many of the 100-500 gp follower missions are not level 100 some are as low as 90-91 so if you have some good treasure hunters you can still rake in hundreds of gold a night even as you are working your followers all to purple and i level 660.

Bah edit

You can start picking up treasure hunters at level 2 inn level 3 is for the big ticket gold missions. Get the inn rocking asap if you are aiming for cash generation.


Tranny Chaser
Does WoW's token system work like Wildstar's CREDD where someone has to pay real life cash for the token/CREDD and then sell it inside the game for game currency?
Yup exactly the same. This is part of why it is not something you can resell and indeed can only buy it from the special token auction interface. What this means is that for each person using their alt garrison farming gold to buy tokens there is someone who has plunked down cold hard cash that they can use to earn some gold. It sort of begs the question what exactly are they using this gold for in the first place? Black Market Auction House stuff?


A Mod Real Quick
What the fuck is this bullshit I swear to god when I get on a PC I am taking care of this shit.

Paging Dr. Mario.