World of Warcraft: Current Year


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Main concern about the artifact weapon is whether or not it follows your spec.
We already know there will be one artifact per spec. Are you concerned whether changing spec will move all the stats and runes on your artifact to the artifact of the second spec?


2 Minutes Hate
Artifact building sounds really fun. The reality will be that it'll not be complicated or fun or interesting. It'll have a few choices, maybe, and it'll have no interesting build paths.


what Suineg set it to
They said it doesn't but they plan to add catch up mechanics.

Of course that's silly because some classes can use all three specs with one weapon (especially if you can change around secondary stats a bit) while others have incompatible weapons for each spec like paladin. Also they haven't really said what dual wielding classes are supposed to be getting if NO weapons will drop, or shields/oh for that matter.

I'm wondering if they really thought it through to completion yet or they started taking some cool weapons for specific specs and they haven't even gotten to the "well wait, what do we give a prot warrior?" part yet.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
It's one artifact per spec.

They mentioned that there might be some catch up mechanism for artifact for different spec though. But they'll need to be leveled individually.


Molten Core Raider
They said it doesn't but they plan to add catch up mechanics.

Of course that's silly because some classes can use all three specs with one weapon (especially if you can change around secondary stats a bit) while others have incompatible weapons for each spec like paladin.Also they haven't really said what dual wielding classes are supposed to be getting if NO weapons will drop, or shields/oh for that matter.

I'm wondering if they really thought it through to completion yet or they started taking some cool weapons for specific specs and they haven't even gotten to the "well wait, what do we give a prot warrior?" part yet.
They mentioned that dual wielding classes won't have a secondary weapon, but will have one weapon that works for both hands. Apparently the off-hand is some sort of energy projection. Basically leveling the one weapon will upgrade both your main and off-hand.


They mentioned that dual wielding classes won't have a secondary weapon, but will have one weapon that works for both hands. Apparently the off-hand is some sort of energy projection. Basically leveling the one weapon will upgrade both your main and off-hand.
^ this. the sword/board was already shown for warrior as well, they mentioned it was made out of the scales of Neltharion (death wing), so there is a very clear point that there will be a main/OH.

I sort of hope for a big ass libram for a holy paladin tbh


I wonder if they are going to make changes to healing again. I hate not being able to afford to cast the correct heal for the situation. I know that probably won't go back to MoP but I definitely enjoyed that healing far more than wod.


Molten Core Raider
This will be sort of annoying for the people who level as one spec, but raid as another I suspect. I imagine most healers level as dps spec, and raid heal, and probably a fair bit of tank classes that level as tank and raid as dps). It wont be as bad as long as it isnt gated behind some bullshit time mechanic or you can choose which weapon spec to level but.. That may be giving them too much credit.


Golden Squire
Artifact leveling sounds cool - makes me think of LOTRO's legendary weapons (which got an overhaul recently, and are finally more like what the system should have been in the first place). However I suspect it'll be an expansion only thing, like almost every other sub-system they put in place. It'd be great (IMO) to always have your weapon that you grow and take with you, instead of throwing it away for greens when ExpacNext rolls around. Also, class halls are cool too. That's at least two things they're doing to put a focus back on your class, which I appreciate. I always thought nixing the class quests from Vanilla was a big mistake - glad I got Benediction while I could.

That said - the reason I quit WoD as quick as I did (only 1 month, didn't even play all of it, I don't think) was annoyance at all the time-gated things. As a mechanic they use to try to lengthen subscriptions, it really backfired, at least in my case. I might do I like did at the end of MoP - sub for a month or two and catch up on everything I missed, and be able to move closer to my own pace instead of waiting for LFR wings to unlock or whatever.

What's the minimum time required to get the epic ring done?


Any info about a possible fundamental shift in combat/gameplay mechanics? After the debacle of WoD and playing FF14 for a month I don't think I can go back to a tab-target rotation-based combat system.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Any info about a possible fundamental shift in combat/gameplay mechanics? After the debacle of WoD and playing FF14 for a month I don't think I can go back to a tab-target rotation-based combat system.
There is no way they will ever go away from Tab target.


Nothing at all said about combat, I'm going to assume it's going to continue to be the same that it has been since 2004.

On the topic of Artifacts again though, one of the 2 questions they had in the Q&A they mentioned the secondary artifact weapons and the items that drop for the artifacts themselves, you can still have your loot specialization set to Holy for example and even though you're running ret, you can upgrade your holy weapon instead. Which I love because I'm going to run the shit out of dungeons at the beginning and once I get all I can get from dungeons I can upgrade my ret weapon without even switching specs.


Vyemm Raider
As someone who played a different spec in each of the three raids this expansion, a big "meh" to individually leveling artifacts per spec.

You should only have to level that shit once, period.


If they manage to keep dungeons interesting for reasons other than leveling artifacts, running dungeons to level up your off spec weapon wouldn't be too bad.


There is no way they will ever go away from Tab target.
You're probably right but Blizzard does have a track record of fundamentally redesigning key gameplay systems in their expansions. If they are bleeding subs by the millions, completely redesigning combat gameplay would definitely be one way to rekindle interest in the game.


Of course that's silly because some classes can use all three specs with one weapon (especially if you can change around secondary stats a bit) while others have incompatible weapons for each spec like paladin. Also they haven't really said what dual wielding classes are supposed to be getting if NO weapons will drop, or shields/oh for that matter.
Keep in mind there are going to be some massive changes as far as weapon proficiencies for different specs. For instance Survival hunters are going back to melee; their artifact is a spear (polearm probably, or staff). Even if different specscanuse the same weapon type, they are probably going to try to make a different type the iconic one for each spec. Frost mages get a staff while Fire gets a sword, for instance. Arcane will probably be a wand. And more important than the weapon type, each weapon is supposed to have lore and a questline related specifically to one single spec.
Any info about a possible fundamental shift in combat/gameplay mechanics? After the debacle of WoD and playing FF14 for a month I don't think I can go back to a tab-target rotation-based combat system.
FF14 is a tab-target rotation-based combat system.... The main difference is you can play with a controller. Seriously besides the control scheme FF14 has almost the exact same combat systems as WoW, which is why I think it's so popular anyway.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You're probably right but Blizzard does have a track record of fundamentally redesigning key gameplay systems in their expansions. If they are bleeding subs by the millions, completely redesigning combat gameplay would definitely be one way to rekindle interest in the game.
They are bleeding subs because WoD was a pile of shit, filled with shit and with some shit on top. I have been subscribed for the vast majority of WoW life, went in during open beta and aside from short periods were life was asking my undevoted attention, I was subbed and having fun.

WoD destroyed this and I canceled in 2 months and a half (I lasted as long as I could): first an idiotic ability pruning where they completely gutted some specs, removed those useful skills that had not a slice of importance in the raid scheme, but became extremely annoying to play without; a couple examples? Removing renew from shadow priests, pet heals from destruction warlocks, fan of knives from 2 rogue specs, overpower from warriors, almost every weapon strike (but one) from blood DKs, Clash from Brewmasters, Druids being raped (but that's a few xpacks it's happening) and having lost any hybrid feeling, all of these and many more must be coupled with idiotic nerfs, such as monk Crackling Jade Lightning going from usable to shitstained shit puddle, etc.

Meanwhile arms warrior have exactly 3 buttons to use and must use Whirlwind as a filler (oh nostalgia), while they watch Rend ticks generating rage for them. You can throw your keyboard around the room and do good dps as long as it lands on its keys.

During this unmitigated disaster, everyone was playing facebook games inside a garrison, personal instance nobody ever left unless they were forced. Minigames that required only a bit of time, since ui mods actually played them and their difficulty was not falling asleep while watching them run their course. Also these minigames brought you raid gear ONE TIER ABOVE what you were raiding, which to me sounds like a fucking joke.

Orcs everywhere was incredibly annoying too.


They are bleeding subs because WoD was a pile of shit, filled with shit and with some shit on top. I have been subscribed for the vast majority of WoW life, went in during open beta and aside from short periods were life was asking my undevoted attention, I was subbed and having fun.

WoD destroyed this and I canceled in 2 months and a half (I lasted as long as I could): first an idiotic ability pruning where they completely gutted some specs, removed those useful skills that had not a slice of importance in the raid scheme, but became extremely annoying to play without; a couple examples? Removing renew from shadow priests, pet heals from destruction warlocks, fan of knives from 2 rogue specs, overpower from warriors, almost every weapon strike (but one) from blood DKs, Clash from Brewmasters, Druids being raped (but that's a few xpacks it's happening) and having lost any hybrid feeling, all of these and many more must be coupled with idiotic nerfs, such as monk Crackling Jade Lightning going from usable to shitstained shit puddle, etc.

Meanwhile arms warrior have exactly 3 buttons to use and must use Whirlwind as a filler (oh nostalgia), while they watch Rend ticks generating rage for them. You can throw your keyboard around the room and do good dps as long as it lands on its keys.

During this unmitigated disaster, everyone was playing facebook games inside a garrison, personal instance nobody ever left unless they were forced. Minigames that required only a bit of time, since ui mods actually played them and their difficulty was not falling asleep while watching them run their course. Also these minigames brought you raid gear ONE TIER ABOVE what you were raiding, which to me sounds like a fucking joke.

Orcs everywhere was incredibly annoying too.
No argument from me there. I said upfront WoD was a debacle. WoW is my favorite MMO of all time but WoD killed my interest in the game. Blizzard is going to have to do something fundamentally radical to change gameplay for me to play it again.


FF14 is a tab-target rotation-based combat system.... The main difference is you can play with a controller. Seriously besides the control scheme FF14 has almost the exact same combat systems as WoW, which is why I think it's so popular anyway.
I've played both WoW and FF14 and fully aware both are tab target rotation based games. The problem WoW has is they dumbed down the game so much in WoD that every class' rotation became simple and boring. If you are going to use that kind of system in a game, there has to be some complexity to it. FF14's problem is the 2 second global cooldown is just way to long for my tastes. It makes the combat even more boring than WoW's has become.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Honestly, it's for the best if the game has specs at all various levels of difficulty to play. Players can self-select for what they find interesting. The issue is, once someone selects "Epileptic Playing a Piano During An Earthquake" mode, they then go on the forum and demand a commensurate increase in DPS, which makes sense logically, but ain't going to happen when the company needs to keep a baseline user that is effectively half-comatose lepers when it comes to reacting to mechanics, but will scream 10x as loud when he can't top the LFR meters by mashing Mortal Strike.