World of Warcraft: Current Year


2 Minutes Hate
LFG was shit content. It was never actually fun. D3 solo content was fun because you smash your way through dungeons and get loot, and then repeat. Fun, fast and it was fun to play.

It was also repeatable where LFG was one boring slog a week for maybe gear or maybe a token for your legendary. Not compelling at all.

Make LFR repeatable as much as you want, speed up the process more. Make trash die as fast as D3 trash mobs and then make more of it. Then drop more fun loot. That could be a thing.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Maybe we're talking about different things. I'm saying if they had a "endless" mode where you could pick a difficulty level (not dissimilar to GRift level) and just use the LFG tool to put together a party. I'm not too concerned with LFR. I think they had this idea sort of going with the timed challenge modes but really fully flesh it out to give the game some more meaningful bite sized content that isn't walled behind 24hr windows.


One of the major things I'm looking forward to is basically grift dungeons in Legion. They're not randomized afaik, they just get increasingly harder, but that's exciting to me.

Someone a while ago (I think it was Bellular on youtube) was talking about how LFR works and how if tuned differently to become solo content could be something much more fun and rewarding for the player as well as showing them the raid, and I have to say that I agree. Like Tenks said, literally everyone in LFR may as well be bots because the interaction is non existent and half the time 5 people are afk. It would be interesting, but I doubt I can see it ever happening.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They kinda sorta started to do the rift thing in wow with the proving grounds, but absolutely fucked that shit up by lowering your gear to mongoloid levels.

You should be able to go into proving grounds at 740 ilvl and see how fucking far you can go. Throw in a title for every 30-50 waves...bam. Solo content people can big dick with titles.


That's actually how it is now at 100. I just went and got Proven Healer like 3 days ago and it scales the mobs up to your gear rather than scaling you down. You still don't get set bonuses though, but trinkets work.

It's almost aids because some mobs will start hitting for like 70% of your parties health bar. They definitely have room to improve in the proving grounds.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That's actually how it is now at 100. I just went and got Proven Healer like 3 days ago and it scales the mobs up to your gear rather than scaling you down. You still don't get set bonuses though, but trinkets work.

It's almost aids because some mobs will start hitting for like 70% of your parties health bar. They definitely have room to improve in the proving grounds.
I've tried the tank one a few times in MoP but it was just absolute bullshit for a lot of classes. I am a mythic raid tank, and I do quite well at it...but proving grounds shit on me.


Finishing up fairly quickly on all to 100. DK/Mage at 96 right now and warrior sitting at 90. Druid/Hunter/Priest/Warlock/Rogue/Paladin are all at 100.

I don't know why I have zero interest to even touch Shaman or Monk but I just don't. Maybe I will though if I get all to 100 and fairly decent gear on them all. Almost all tradeskills at 700 already. I could probably consolidate materials and power through on that if I wanted to. I am putting zero effort into their garrisons though or their followers. Just getting them into T3 garrison and Tanaan.

The hunter is on the last part of the legendary ring with the naval missions and the 33 tablets, stones, books, or whatever from HFC. I guess I should finish that up also.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Finishing up fairly quickly on all to 100. DK/Mage at 96 right now and warrior sitting at 90. Druid/Hunter/Priest/Warlock/Rogue/Paladin are all at 100.

I don't know why I have zero interest to even touch Shaman or Monk but I just don't. Maybe I will though if I get all to 100 and fairly decent gear on them all. Almost all tradeskills at 700 already. I could probably consolidate materials and power through on that if I wanted to. I am putting zero effort into their garrisons though or their followers. Just getting them into T3 garrison and Tanaan.

The hunter is on the last part of the legendary ring with the naval missions and the 33 tablets, stones, books, or whatever from HFC. I guess I should finish that up also.
I've got everything at 100 except for druid and shaman...I might eventually end up doing the druid after I complete the Ironman Challenge. I had a 90 shaman I used my WoD boost on and absolutely hated it, so it got deleted to make room for a DH.
Just an fyi im 99.9% sure it was confirmed we are getting another character slot just for demon hunter just like they did with monk. DK did not get one because there was already 10 slots and 9 classes.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
One of the major things I'm looking forward to is basically grift dungeons in Legion. They're not randomized afaik, they just get increasingly harder, but that's exciting to me.
They should probably split the custom LFG/LFR section in two, with one dedicated to challenge mode which would list (and allow sorting) which stone level the leader has.


what Suineg set it to
I feel like they could accomplish procedural dungeons with instancing and stitching together modular blocks. Why haven't they done that at all? It seems like something they should have at least tried once by now anyway. Not that it has huge implications to replace everything but you'd figure at least a couple generic "battlefield of story focus that always changes" would be useful in each expac.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
One of the major things I'm looking forward to is basically grift dungeons in Legion. They're not randomized afaik, they just get increasingly harder, but that's exciting to me.
Does the gear compete with raid gear or will it be like challenge dungeons where it only competes with LFR so no one does it


Blackwing Lair Raider
One of the major things I'm looking forward to is basically grift dungeons in Legion. They're not randomized afaik, they just get increasingly harder, but that's exciting to me.

Someone a while ago (I think it was Bellular on youtube) was talking about how LFR works and how if tuned differently to become solo content could be something much more fun and rewarding for the player as well as showing them the raid, and I have to say that I agree. Like Tenks said, literally everyone in LFR may as well be bots because the interaction is non existent and half the time 5 people are afk. It would be interesting, but I doubt I can see it ever happening.
LFR type dungeons can be silent but if you make an effort to make a joke or two early on it breaks the ice and people start chatting and interacting a lot more. Its a good tactic if you are a DPS as well because you are more likely to have a tank/healer chain queue you up if they are having fun.


Molten Core Raider
You guys without 100 shaman should give the current version of enhance a whirl. It's really fun


Blackwing Lair Raider
I enjoyed my shaman this expansion quite a bit. I am glad they are going to lightning bolt always being instant cast although I find myself not needing to force cast it much with the echo of elements talent. Enhance is hilarious on any large AOE fight the amount of flaming doom they can crap out is pretty spectacular.


Blackwing Lair Raider
They are fun 90-100 for sure prior to that honestly the level up has changed so much its hard for me to say. They have a pretty fun playstyle and I think they would be good even at low levels as well they are pretty active melee have some range for pulling and good self healing so downtime is minimal.


<Bronze Donator>
Honestly I think Shaman is the worst class in the game. They suffered as much as anyone from ability pruning. They lost 100% of their utility (even AG sucks now) and have had the same rotations for 6 years. Ele AE rotation is 2 spells, single target is 4. It's the most boring DPS spec in the game. Enh is clunky. I think resto shaman is pretty clunky in comparison to the other healers too but at least you get big cooldowns.

And then in legion we see all these other specs focusing on class fantasy and shams end up essentially the same.

Their spell animations look baller though so at least they have that.