World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
56 points in MW and WW for my Monk. Enjoy healing outside of raids, but raid parsing for heals is so weird it bothers me. Depending on raid fuck ups (damage taken), other healers, time to kill the boss, etc your parse can go from grey to orange or vice versa real quick! I like the black and white nature of DPS. Either your bad ass or your not. Can't decide which to "main".

Or just end the debate right now, and finishing leveling my Druid? Done.


Registered Hodor
If you want to be technical, relics are your weapon drops. As for the story, I would imagine its going to be something as basic as you using your weapon to seal away a void lord or something, which drains your weapon of all its energy. Rendering it useless.

It's going to be wierd as fuck giving up all our traits when we do ditch our artifacts. Like giving up the blink heal on my mage makes me sad to think about playing without it.

They'll probably make us grind to get them all back in WoW 8.0


Nether Crucible can eat a big bag of dicks. Nothing like a 915 Relic being better than a 930 because of shit fucking traits.


If it makes you feel any better, all 3 of my previously BIS relics have 0 traits for holy shock or holy/flash of light. They're literally 4 blessing buffs (not even sac), 2 dmg reduction and 2 LoH cd reduction. I'm annoyed but I've decided I don't give a shit anymore if I have shitty tier 3 relic rolls then so be it. Guess I'm just gonna be at a pretty massive disadvantage vs other paladins but hey that's cool I like getting fucked
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
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Canuckistani Terrorist
Rolled and broke my ankle today, fucking sucks. Guess I'll be seeing tons of WoW in the next while.

Fuck I'm high, gave me painkillers via IV, shitty feeling high, how the fuck do junkies enjoy this shit.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Meh IV was at the hospital, just have a bottle of percs now. They suck too, I'll stick to traditional medicine, a nice fat joint.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Some tank classes just flat out don't work without their artifact traits, so we are either going to have to reroll a lot of abilities into the base kit or do another class redesign.


A Mod Real Quick
I bet they'll have some plan to extend them out permanently while we lose our weapon. If not they're retarded and will have to redesign every class.

Sorry I called you guys retarded

I haven't heard anyone that likes the crucible. What the fuck were they thinking....
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  • 1Worf
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Blackwing Lair Raider
For me since I am not a bleeding edge raider the crucible is fine. It basically just makes my relics better. Maybe not optimally better but every one is better than it would have been for me had the crucible not been introduced. I can however see why high end raiders could get really annoyed with it. The big question is is mythic final raid balanced towards fully maxed ideal relics in every slot or if it is just balanced like it was for tomb of sargaras so the stuff from the crucible is pure bonus.
  • 1Worf
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Rolled and broke my ankle today, fucking sucks. Guess I'll be seeing tons of WoW in the next while.

Fuck I'm high, gave me painkillers via IV, shitty feeling high, how the fuck do junkies enjoy this shit.

I hear you. I had total knee replacement last month. Drugs just made me fall asleep and sweat a lot. But now that my system is more used to them it's a lot more relaxing.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
I did our reclear on tuesday and then took the other 2 raid nights off this week. Really tired of ToS and still 3 bosses to go.

I think i'm losing my desire to log in, no reason to do emissaries, maybe another 1-2 items total i want from ToS (from farm bosses), and the AP grind will just happen in a few weeks with the way AK is going up.
i guess i want to get exalted with army of the light (half way through revered).


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This has been the worst itemized expansion I have ever played from WoW. I can't believe this shit keeps getting approved. Some of these decisions are just mind boggling stupid. On top of that, how the fuck do they balance future raids with all the fuckery of RNG that goes on? It was bad enough balancing around titanforges but now they have to balance around crucible power creep?

They're literally about to take the best expansion for a while and turn it into the worst.
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Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Probably, going to a new guild and trialing, getting accepted and then making a good impression can probably lead to an increased burnout rate.


Got something right about marriage
I burned out because I hate ToS.

I think the encounters are boring, the zone geometry sucks, there are no visuals to speak of and it's overtuned to hell and back. The place just fucking sucks.