World of Warcraft: Current Year


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I never had to do much Maraudon thankfully. I think I got maybe 1 or 2 pieces of nature resist for AQ40 from there, but I was able to cobble together the rest from higher level sources (quest items in Sithilus and resists on MC/BWL gear). Warlocks could manmode those resist fights much better anyways ;P


Trakanon Raider
I did Blackrock Depths once at level appropriate (full clear including the Emperor). It took 4 or 5 hours with 2 people who knew the instance. I spent time doing BRD after that but never with the intention of clearing the zone. It was just too long and the rewards weren't that great for a level 60 (I was a caster).

Maraudon I ran with a set group and we must have cleared the place a good 20 times. We only cleared the front half a couple of times and once we had the staff that summons you deep into the zone, you could clear it out in about 20 minutes. Loot in Maraudon was VERY good for a high 40's to low 50's character. In fact most of the gear from Maraudon would last up until 60. But I got lucky in that it was released when my group and I were about level 45 so we were the perfect level for it. Getting there sucked but the zone was VERY rewarding once you knew how to do it.

Dire Maul was the same way. The loot was MUCH better than the other level 60 Instances (Strath, Scholo and BRS). Remember that it was released later in Vanilla's life so the teams had a better idea of what made for good itemization (Yay! No AGI on my cloth drops!). I remember farming it quite a bit with guild groups for drops to get us into Molten Core.


Potato del Grande
Boozecube said it
"From the worst player to the very best player in the game the only difference is the color scheme of the latest tier set"

The game used to be fun as a hard core raider in vanilla when I had the time on my hands.

Remember when inspecting another player had short range? I would get invited to so many groups on accident because people would mis-click invite trying to chase me down to inspect my god like fucking gear. I was one of 3 druids on an entire god damn server with purple gear and that server was Cenarius which was packed because of Afterlife. I would get tells from other players telling me how awesome I was and how big my dick was. I drank the shit out of that epeen juice. I had the world first tier 2 Storm rage shoulders so early they dropped off Gaar in MC before they changed it. After I posted that shit to Allakhazam people came from other servers to chat... /jizz/jizz

If felt good to stand out. People knew what the fuck you had equip and what it took to get it. I love when idiots say " No one cared about what you had blah blah blah." Oh they sure as fuck did and stroked the cock every day to remind me. My shit was purple, your shit was blue. The only thing missing was a 20 yard radius passive effect that made mother fuckers /bow before me whenever I was in a major city.

On top of that you would go into Warsong and shit on everyone who refused to join a guild, put in the time and raid. My brother raided with me as a rogue and had the only Deaths Sting on the server for about a month. When he came out of stealth behind an opponent it was like the person on the other computer just picked his hands up off his keyboard and mouse and said fuck it. I would stack large hp gain dot's on him because of my gear and send him into groups of 5 to rape.

I had my poop sock, hardcore, top of the world time but now it's over and it's time for the next college kid to get theirs. But wait... no it's not because that game play does not exist any more and if it does in some game im unaware of i'm sure its a low population game no one cares about. With WOW you have sites like Mmo-champion telling everyone who cares about it who the shit is.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You were a vanilla pve druid? Grats on getting carried by classes that could actually do shit.


Boozecube said it
"From the worst player to the very best player in the game the only difference is the color scheme of the latest tier set"

The game used to be fun as a hard core raider in vanilla when I had the time on my hands.

Remember when inspecting another player had short range? I would get invited to so many groups on accident because people would mis-click invite trying to chase me down to inspect my god like fucking gear. I was one of 3 druids on an entire god damn server with purple gear and that server was Cenarius which was packed because of Afterlife. I would get tells from other players telling me how awesome I was and how big my dick was. I drank the shit out of that epeen juice. I had the world first tier 2 Storm rage shoulders so early they dropped off Gaar in MC before they changed it. After I posted that shit to Allakhazam people came from other servers to chat... /jizz/jizz

If felt good to stand out. People knew what the fuck you had equip and what it took to get it. I love when idiots say " No one cared about what you had blah blah blah." Oh they sure as fuck did and stroked the cock every day to remind me. My shit was purple, your shit was blue. The only thing missing was a 20 yard radius passive effect that made mother fuckers /bow before me whenever I was in a major city.

On top of that you would go into Warsong and shit on everyone who refused to join a guild, put in the time and raid. My brother raided with me as a rogue and had the only Deaths Sting on the server for about a month. When he came out of stealth behind an opponent it was like the person on the other computer just picked his hands up off his keyboard and mouse and said fuck it. I would stack large hp gain dot's on him because of my gear and send him into groups of 5 to rape.

I had my poop sock, hardcore, top of the world time but now it's over and it's time for the next college kid to get theirs. But wait... no it's not because that game play does not exist any more and if it does in some game im unaware of i'm sure its a low population game no one cares about. With WOW you have sites like Mmo-champion telling everyone who cares about it who the shit is.
Reminds me when I had the only Peredition's Blade on my server. I would join AV and just fucking rape with cold blood cooldown. Casters had absolutely no chance of living when I was around. They would go from 100% to 0% in 2 seconds. It seriously made my fucking day PVPing back then. Now it's just fucking gay and not fun.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Reminds me when I had the only Peredition's Blade on my server. I would join AV and just fucking rape with cold blood cooldown. Casters had absolutely no chance of living when I was around. They would go from 100% to 0% in 2 seconds. It seriously made my fucking day PVPing back then. Now it's just fucking gay and not fun.
Yeah, two shotting people in PVP because you won a PVE lottery sure is fun isn't it.


Druids were fucking terrible in vanilla; what are you smoking? You had rejuve and regrowth - your sole reason for existing was to give priests innervate.

It's always so god damn humorous to read posts like that where NO ONE actually remembers how shit happened back then. I have no doubt your rogue brother raped people - we regularly sent in stealthed rogues to return flags by themself. But druids were utter shit. They were there to bolster your real classes. I don't know how you got that so god damn wrong.


They got buffed rather quickly
No, they didn't, not to mention that your "Super awesome teir 2" had shit stats until they revamped it.

Rose colored glasses; you have them.

Edit: Also, let me say that unless you were tooling around on the best guild on the server, no one gave a SHIT about you. T2 shoulders didn't matter (especially at a time when they were practically worthless) unless you had a guild tag worth the epeen.

People did, however, care about what your items were, and there were always a lot of tells about it. But there stopped being so many tells when people realized you were just a flash in the pan.

Shit is harder nowadays then it was back then; there is more emphasis on personal responsibility and, personal enjoyment. Who cares if the gear looks the same? That was the only way to show you had actually done shit; now we have achievements, so the whole "VANILLA WAS THE BEST OMG, REMEMBER HOW COOL IT WAS" goes right out the window.


Potato del Grande
No, they didn't, not to mention that your "Super awesome teir 2" had shit stats until they revamped it.

Rose colored glasses; you have them.

Edit: Also, let me say that unless you were tooling around on the best guild on the server, no one gave a SHIT about you. T2 shoulders didn't matter (especially at a time when they were practically worthless) unless you had a guild tag worth the epeen.

People did, however, care about what your items were, and there were always a lot of tells about it. But there stopped being so many tells when people realized you were just a flash in the pan.

Shit is harder nowadays then it was back then; there is more emphasis on personal responsibility and, personal enjoyment. Who cares if the gear looks the same? That was the only way to show you had actually done shit; now we have achievements, so the whole "VANILLA WAS THE BEST OMG, REMEMBER HOW COOL IT WAS" goes right out the window.
It did not matter the stats. It only mattered that it was purple and difficult for them to obtain because thats how the casuals were.
I was in an uber guild. World first Chromaggus kill. 5th world wide Nefarian. Tigole stood in our Nef raid which is the reason phase 1 was adjusted if you remember. Well you probably dont because I doubt you were anywhere close to Nef progression wise when we killed him. We shit all over Afterlife
You ask " Who cares if the gear looks the same"? Well I fucking do and apparently so do others. Your must have been a fucking scrub in Vanilla. All that teenage angst and jealousy showing.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The idea that other people don't give a shit what shoulders you had really rustles your jimmies eh?


It did not matter the stats. It only mattered that it was purple and difficult for them to obtain because thats how the casuals were.
I was in an uber guild. World first Chromaggus kill. 5th world wide Nefarian. Tigole stood in our Nef raid which is the reason phase 1 was adjusted if you remember. Well you probably dont because I doubt you were anywhere close to Nef progression wise when we killed him. We shit all over Afterlife
You ask " Who cares if the gear looks the same"? Well I fucking do and apparently so do others. Your must have been a fucking scrub in Vanilla. All that teenage angst and jealousy showing.
Lol, wut. You're the one really angry that no one cared about your shoulders. When you stop being a little kid, it's enough that you have the achievements and the prestige of doing it first. In vanilla, that meant different gear. Now, it means different colored gear and achievements.

Nothing changed except your perception. Heroic epics are still more drool worthy than normal epics, and normal epics are still better than LFR epics. For the record, we weren't scrubs; we had a few top 10 serverwide kills. That's really neither here nor there though. As a druid in vanilla you were there for innervate and brez. The rest of us did the work.

(For any other druids, I'll say we had some really awesome druids that I loved, but we actually use to give innervates to hunters in BWL because didn't really matter. I still love you guys though. Not this guy, but you guys. ALL OF YOU.)

Edit: It's like you're the only guy with that story. Everyone claims shit like this. As a druid in vanilla? Let's be realistic. You weren't a rogue/hunter that was required for progression. You were a druid. And even if you were the best god damn druid ever, you were still a druid, in 40 man raiding. You were still the least significant class, in a raid that could carry at the very least 1/4 of the fucking raid.

You honestly want to tell me vanilla was better than current fights? Then current content? The nostalgia was. The feeling was. The raids, weren't. Someone finishing current content shits all over anything anyone did in MC/BWL/AQ.

And you know what? I don't care if someone has the same gear I do; mine's a different color and I have the chievo that says I did Lei Shen before everyone else. That's all that's necessary.


2 Minutes Hate
I thought people with better gear were cool and I cared. It's the same in any online game. People watch and drool over LOL Pro players, kind of the same thing.


I thought people with better gear were cool and I cared. It's the same in any online game. People watch and drool over LOL Pro players, kind of the same thing.
I wasn't suggesting that they weren't; I was suggesting that nothing has really changed except his perception. He (and others) seem to think that vanilla was the heydey of it all - that because you had better epic gear and people could see it, that made you cool. I countered with the fact that most people KNEW who was cool anyways; and the gear was just a reinforcement. However, nowadays the gear is all the same despite the color scheme. I didn't see how this mattered, because we have achievements instead to show people that we did things first.

I liked having gear before everyone else; but my gear is still a different color than everyone else's because it's a different difficulty, and I have the chievos to show what I've done. I don't really understand why vanilla was somehow better just because you couldn't even touch the gear in raids. It's all the same, and raiding now is more difficult than it was back then.

There's a lot of annoying shit with wow, but the fact that people can get the same gear is not one of them. Pro tip: It's not the same gear, there's still prestige and respect involved, but it's the chievos that matter the most now.

The big difference? Is that others who were in the same way back then realize that his super awesome druid with his super awesome shoulders meant shit all. Competition against others of the same caliber is what it's about, and the achievements are what differentiates you. (Not the gear, and especially not the gear that dropped when teirs weren't sussed out so the stats were all shit and most casters used blues from dungeons because raid gear was bullshit.)


Potato del Grande
Lady vex must have got fucked in the ass recently by a druid because in each post he says things like " Druids were fucking terrible in vanilla; what are you smoking? You had rejuve and regrowth" and I do mean in every posts he has something negative to say about druids.

Then I scroll up and re read everything and realize never did I come here to exclaim how awesome the druid class was so who the fuck is he arguing with?


<WoW Guild Officer>
It did not matter the stats. It only mattered that it was purple and difficult for them to obtain because thats how the casuals were.
I was in an uber guild. World first Chromaggus kill. 5th world wide Nefarian. Tigole stood in our Nef raid which is the reason phase 1 was adjusted if you remember. Well you probably dont because I doubt you were anywhere close to Nef progression wise when we killed him. We shit all over Afterlife
You ask " Who cares if the gear looks the same"? Well I fucking do and apparently so do others. Your must have been a fucking scrub in Vanilla. All that teenage angst and jealousy showing.
Yeah, I do remember, as my guild beat you by 4 spots on nef. And yes, every one of our druids recognized that they were carried through to get gear, or at least admitted they were innervate bots. Your gear set was shit and your class was close to useless.