World of Warcraft: Current Year


Potato del Grande
Wtf is The Jailer? Shadowlands villain? Sounds really underwhelming. We defeated Old Gods, Dragons, and Burning Legion, now we must face... The Jailer.
Every cosmic force has a pantheon of robot gods that "The Ancient Ones" made in factories.

The Titans were the "Order" robot gods and the shadowlands faction leaders are the "Death" robot god. Elune is a "Life" robot god.

Zovaal was put in jail by the other Death robots for going against "The Purpose" and trying to take over, so he was renamed "The Jailer" even though that makes no sense and is basically Lich King 2.0 who has secretly been behind The Scourge and The Burning Legion the entire time.

As we kill him and turn him back into his robot form, he reveals that he was trying to kill everyone to stop a larger threat who is secretly been behind everything the entire time.

Meanwhile in FF14, their head writer solved the Problem of Evil from philosophy and the Fermi Paradox from astronomy in 2 zones.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Wtf is The Jailer? Shadowlands villain? Sounds really underwhelming. We defeated Old Gods, Dragons, and Burning Legion, now we must face... The Jailer
Out of all the people that didnt read the story one fucking bit throughout the years - the storytelling around the Jailer was so bad that it caught even those peoples attention. In Shadowlands if you're actually looking for story as you play, you have to look for the gems.

"The Brokers" that you talk to often have little stories and background lore thats pretty interesting. You learn more about them throughout the whole expansion, and then they have a bigger chunk of the story in Chains of Domination with Tazavesh etc. (9.1). Afaik, they dont replace the Consortium, are a different race altogether, but no one seems to know if theyre related in anyway. Theyre all splintered into different factions (cartels) and I think whoever came up with how these cartels work drew a lot of inspiration from Star Wars when it comes to those crime syndicates and the Pykes. Ve'Nari in the Maw and in 9.1 seems to be "dead" but theres hints that she's not...

Its a shame really, that the side stories within Shadowlands are more thought out than the main story.
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French Madman
Out of all the people that didnt read the story one fucking bit throughout the years - the storytelling around the Jailer was so bad that it caught even those peoples attention. In Shadowlands if you're actually looking for story as you play, you have to look for the gems.

"The Brokers" that you talk to often have little stories and background lore thats pretty interesting. You learn more about them throughout the whole expansion, and then they have a bigger chunk of the story in Chains of Domination with Tazavesh etc. (9.1). Afaik, they dont replace the Consortium, are a different race altogether, but no one seems to know if theyre related in anyway. Theyre all splintered into different factions (cartels) and I think whoever came up with how these cartels work drew a lot of inspiration from Star Wars when it comes to those crime syndicates and the Pykes. Ve'Nari in the Maw and in 9.1 seems to be "dead" but theres hints that she's not...

Its a shame really, that the side stories within Shadowlands are more thought out than the main story.

There was honestly some good side stories, even in the Covenant campaigns. Hell, I don't even mind the First Ones and Pantheons twist/retcon. It's just the Jailer and Sylvanas in general were horribly written, especially the whole "the Jailer masterminded everything from the start" retcon.

And fucking Danuser couldn't let go if his fucking waifu so he managed to not kill Sylvanas off and leave her with a path to redemption once she's done with her punishment in a few expansions.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

Alright, so I can start Shadowlands at 48 yeah? Where do I go to start it?

Got to 45 in last night's sesh. I can play for like 30 minutes (or one level) at a time before I start to snooze. Prolly do a big session this weekend.


French Madman

Alright, so I can start Shadowlands at 48 yeah? Where do I go to start it?

Got to 45 in last night's sesh. I can play for like 30 minutes (or one level) at a time before I start to snooze. Prolly do a big session this weekend.

You'll automatically get a quest at 48 asking you to speak with someone in Stormwind/Orgrimmar.
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<Gold Donor>
You can start it at 48 but you can’t skip the Maw intro until 50. I waited until 50 that maw intro drags ass.


Trakanon Raider
Made a windwalker monk last week because fuck it. Haven't played retail since WoD.

Hit 60 on Saturday. Played through the Shadowlands main campaign and unlocked flying. Old raid friends dragged me through some raids on Tuesday night. Somehow I'm 287 ilvl now.

Ok then.

Guess I'll make an evoker next week and do it again.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Made a windwalker monk last week because fuck it. Haven't played retail since WoD.

Hit 60 on Saturday. Played through the Shadowlands main campaign and unlocked flying. Old raid friends dragged me through some raids on Tuesday night. Somehow I'm 287 ilvl now.

Ok then.

Guess I'll make an evoker next week and do it again.
Except you have to make a furry to play it. The DH decision all over again..


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
The Maw made me never want to play Shadowlands again.

So the first zone in Shadowlands, that you have to do the first time through, is also total shite?

Man, you'd think they would put their best foot forward.

Played for another half hour, somehow went from 45-47. One more dungeon run and it's Shadowlands time. I've got like, two and a half weeks while it's still current to run the raids etc.
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French Madman
So the first zone in Shadowlands, that you have to do the first time through, is also total shite?

Man, you'd think they would put their best foot forward.

Played for another half hour, somehow went from 45-47. One more dungeon run and it's Shadowlands time. I've got like, two and a half weeks while it's still current to run the raids etc.

The issue is not really with the intro (well, it was annoying until you could skip it on alts), but you had to go back to the zone daily at max level to farm shit. It was not helped by the fact that the zone is horrible, you couldn't even use ground mounts there until 6.1, and what you could do daily was limited because they add the Eye of the Jailer mechanic giving you malus the longer you did stuff there in a single day until it like insta gibbed you.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
That all sounds like bad design to say the least.

I'm gonna get to 60, see as much of the SL zones as I can along the way, run all the dungeons and LFR raids once, then do Dragonflight launch the same time everyone else does, then quit. Will hopefully be a fun month and a half, I've never gotten to play two new WoW expansions at once before.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So if Shadowlands are death lands where are all the burning legion people?

Also what happens to Helyas domain for death lands?

So Titans are actually just robots who made robots who made robots?

If they had the balls they would retcon this whole SL expac.

"Jailer? Cataclysm? Pandas? What the fuck are you talking about Hero. You've been asleep in the Emerald Dream ever since killing Arthas"
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Potato del Grande
So if Shadowlands are death lands where are all the burning legion people?
Demons reform in The Twisting Nether which I guess is the fel lands, if they are permakilled there I think they are just gone.

Also what happens to Helyas domain for death lands?
Shadowlands is more than 4 domains, Helya's is one of the others.

So Titans are actually just robots who made robots who made robots?
"The First Ones"... Yeah...

All this stuff was poorly explained.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So if Shadowlands are death lands where are all the burning legion people?

Also what happens to Helyas domain for death lands?

So Titans are actually just robots who made robots who made robots?

If they had the balls they would retcon this whole SL expac.

"Jailer? Cataclysm? Pandas? What the fuck are you talking about Hero. You've been asleep in the Emerald Dream ever since killing Arthas"
I'd set it up at the end of Emerald Nightmare within Legion - I feel like Xavius gave a real vibe check for that kind of situation and I could get behind that. One of the more redeeming parts about your choice of starting at Arthas, however, is that we'd never have to hear about Sylvanas getting any major roles again.

Stupid fucking Lore
Demons reform in The Twisting Nether which I guess is the fel lands, if they are permakilled there I think they are just gone.

Shadowlands is more than 4 domains, Helya's is one of the others.

"The First Ones"... Yeah...

All this stuff was poorly explained.
Its a whole clusterfuck of lore and this is how Ive read into it. The progenitors dont really have a specified origin. They created all that we know of within WoW. Where as the First Ones, upon playing the story, would make you feel like they are all robots. Which people indirectly fill in the origin of the other Eternal Ones with Zovaal's origin. But Zovaal was the Arbiter and he was "created" as an impartial servant to judge souls. Zovaals character arc was that when he read the souls of those that died, from different universes etc. He found that "something" was coming that would ultimately destroy the balance. So of course we kill him and put Blue Fag in as the new Arbiter and disregard his ominous threat. (keep in mind that these are just "roles" and doesnt define what they are. Anima? A Robot? A stone statue (dwarves, gnomes, etc.)?

My theory and... What no one seems to read into is that blue fag is a Kyrian, which is based on the premise of Order. Which I think is playing right into what we've been grasping at since Legion (Burning Legion - Disorder). With Order so disproportionately in favor of the Arbiter, we can expect that the balance between the two to be disastrous, leading to the tilting of the entire balance of the Universe in favor of the Light. (Remember that Void and Light were around before the others.) (Nevermind the death of Denathrius (Disorder in SL's Realms) and the fall of Revendreth.)

So our future Big Bad, which may or may not be in this expansion (DF) is "Light." After we beat light, we'll have some little lame shit happen where we dont outright exterminate Light because we need to keep the balance.

I think the premise of all this shit is interesting, but the way its being presented is just God awful.

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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'd set it up at the end of Emerald Nightmare within Legion - I feel like Xavius gave a real vibe check for that kind of situation and I could get behind that. One of the more redeeming parts about your choice of starting at Arthas, however, is that we'd never have to hear about Sylvanas getting any major roles again.

Stupid fucking Lore
Its a whole clusterfuck of lore and this is how Ive read into it. The progenitors dont really have a specified origin. They created all that we know of within WoW. Where as the First Ones, upon playing the story, would make you feel like they are all robots. Which people indirectly fill in the origin of the other Eternal Ones with Zovaal's origin. But Zovaal was the Arbiter and he was "created" as an impartial servant to judge souls. Zovaals character arc was that when he read the souls of those that died, from different universes etc. He found that "something" was coming that would ultimately destroy the balance. So of course we kill him and put Blue Fag in as the new Arbiter and disregard his ominous threat. (keep in mind that these are just "roles" and doesnt define what they are. Anima? A Robot? A stone statue (dwarves, gnomes, etc.)?

My theory and... What no one seems to read into is that blue fag is a Kyrian, which is based on the premise of Order. Which I think is playing right into what we've been grasping at since Legion (Burning Legion - Disorder). With Order so disproportionately in favor of the Arbiter, we can expect that the balance between the two to be disastrous, leading to the tilting of the entire balance of the Universe in favor of the Light. (Remember that Void and Light were around before the others.) (Nevermind the death of Denathrius (Disorder in SL's Realms) and the fall of Revendreth.)

So our future Big Bad, which may or may not be in this expansion (DF) is "Light." After we beat light, we'll have some little lame shit happen where we dont outright exterminate Light because we need to keep the balance.

I think the premise of all this shit is interesting, but the way its being presented is just God awful.

I remember seeing this graphic now and being kind of excited for shadowlands. My understanding were that these were factions within the shadowlands but I guess the SL are all belonging to the death pantheon. So did the progenitors also create the "gods" from the other pantheon too? If so that soils the whole situation. Was kinda hoping these pantheon were birthed from energies in the universe Ala 40k.