World of Warcraft: Current Year


El Presidente
Gear off celestials is 553 not 540. It's the tier gloves/legs or 522 pvp gear. And yes you should absolutely do them every week and use your bonus roll.


Trakanon Raider
you can buy ilvl 496 trinkets with justice points, if you have been running daily heroics at all you should have enough, its only like 1250 jp.


yeah my only regret rolling a mage is the queues at 90 can suck... meaning about 30-45 minutes for a random heroic or LFR. I just hit 90 over the weekend so I still have plenty to do while I wait.

Timeless Isle only got my to ilvl 476 and I need 480 to queue for the ToT raids... pissing me off. Need to find like one more piece of gear, hopefully I'll get it from one of the weekly chests today.
here in EU the random heroic queues are super fast. i am actually always surprised since i rarely have to wait longer than 5 minutes.
as far as ilvl goes, remember you can always just buy some BOE gear and keep it in your bags without equipping it to meet the ilvl criteria, then once you upgraded your gear just resell it. pvp gear is probably the cheapest way to do it.


Trakanon Raider
The JP trinkets are actually like 489 or something I thought. But whatever JP are plentiful.
The dominance point trinkets are 496 and can be bought with JP. Need to at least do the unlocker quests and it requires some rep (don't know how much off the top of my head). All the JP bought stuff can be upgraded with JP as well.


The 3 rare alliance/horde guys in Krasarang Wilds drop an ilvl 483 pvp trinket which even if you dont pvp is a good little ilvl booster if you have shitty ilvl trinkets.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The prereq for the Lorewalker quest chain is ilevel 480 or something. It's whatever heroic scenarios require. Once you get to H scens you get a chance at a 516 every day too from the first of those


Vyemm Raider
God, oqueue needs a pause or manual refresh button instead of this shit where your list is constantly moving around so you can hardly read the damn thing.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
^ Agreed. Fucking annoying.

So, to exacerbate Kreugen's bad luck, I slammed through flex 1 in less than an hour on my first oqueue group and my first time as the lock in a flex and nabbed Immerseus' trinket. Good times.


nothing like seeing one of the celestials at 5%, run in and hit it 3 times and end up with 553 gloves. such a fucking joke.


Vyemm Raider
I've gotten 1 pvp item from celestials in 8? weeks. I've stopped using my bonus roll there, I'd rather use them to eliminate SoO wings.

So far my favorite fights on flex are the ones where you actually have to do the mechanic. Malkorak and Garrosh mainly, because everything else is just LFR again. Like a successful Flex 4 has sawblades all over the fucking place, people fucking up the conveyor, two shredders up at once, etc. And paragons, hah. The only reason flex ever kills those is by massively overgearing it.

Paragons are just a circus. Every time I soak an aim, some tard will jump right on top of me and double up the damage. Every amber and blob heal goes through. I've never even seen anyone hit a blood, and those things do like an 80% heal. And kuchongs are a death sentence. Hell I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do on those - do I just keep an eye on them and wait for them to poop out a beam on someone, then try to dps them down fast so they let go? I was able to use disengage on mine, but I don't know what other things I can do to delay my own death.

And then you have Garrosh, where the challenge is convincing enough people that they need to spread out for whirl. Yes, you too. Spread the fuck out, and kill the adds apart. It's the only thing in the fight different than LFR and most seem to have no idea that the buff exists. Probably the ultimate facepalm (more like deskforehead) was when I was killing my add well away from the group and A DK GRIPPED IT INTO THE RETARD FAIL PILE. You just can't buy better entertainment than that.

Oh, and I was pleased to discover that even on Flex, people will still run away when targeted by inferno blast and die alone in a corner. That shit makes me moist. I want a mod that does the Nelson laugh for that shit. I'd laugh until I passed out on Lei Shen. (bonus points when an entire pile of people stand uselessly on the lightning floor during intermission phase. That requires a Seinfeld laugh-track)

Granted, I can reach a threshold where laughing turns into "okay, fuck this." (see last week's rant) But for the most part, this has been a blast.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I've gotten 1 pvp item from celestials in 8? weeks. I've stopped using my bonus roll there, I'd rather use them to eliminate SoO wings.

So far my favorite fights on flex are the ones where you actually have to do the mechanic. Malkorak and Garrosh mainly, because everything else is just LFR again. Like a successful Flex 4 has sawblades all over the fucking place, people fucking up the conveyor, two shredders up at once, etc. And paragons, hah. The only reason flex ever kills those is by massively overgearing it.

Paragons are just a circus. Every time I soak an aim, some tard will jump right on top of me and double up the damage. Every amber and blob heal goes through. I've never even seen anyone hit a blood, and those things do like an 80% heal. And kuchongs are a death sentence. Hell I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do on those - do I just keep an eye on them and wait for them to poop out a beam on someone, then try to dps them down fast so they let go? I was able to use disengage on mine, but I don't know what other things I can do to delay my own death.

And then you have Garrosh, where the challenge is convincing enough people that they need to spread out for whirl. Yes, you too. Spread the fuck out, and kill the adds apart. It's the only thing in the fight different than LFR and most seem to have no idea that the buff exists. Probably the ultimate facepalm (more like deskforehead) was when I was killing my add well away from the group and A DK GRIPPED IT INTO THE RETARD FAIL PILE. You just can't buy better entertainment than that.

Oh, and I was pleased to discover that even on Flex, people will still run away when targeted by inferno blast and die alone in a corner. That shit makes me moist. I want a mod that does the Nelson laugh for that shit. I'd laugh until I passed out on Lei Shen. (bonus points when an entire pile of people stand uselessly on the lightning floor during intermission phase. That requires a Seinfeld laugh-track)

Granted, I can reach a threshold where laughing turns into "okay, fuck this." (see last week's rant) But for the most part, this has been a blast.
What's hilarious is I've never done the Flex versions, so I honestly have no idea what some of these are. I guess once I start doing flex, I should relearn the real version of the fights.


<Gold Donor>
So, I haven't played WoW since vanilla, and I'm thinking of maybe picking it up for something to mess with a bit. It would be a completely fresh toon. Where is the place to go for decent info now? I have absolutely no idea.
Level as a healer or tank so you're actually wanted in groups.


Golden Knight of the Realm
And kuchongs are a death sentence. Hell I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to do on those - do I just keep an eye on them and wait for them to poop out a beam on someone, then try to dps them down fast so they let go? I was able to use disengage on mine, but I don't know what other things I can do to delay my own death.
Other than making sure you are as far away from the little kunchongs when the ability is about to go off, I don't know, but all it takes is DPS switching and doing around 30% of the kunchongs health for it to let go. And the same one will charm until it turns into a big one, so dps can anticipate.


<Gold Donor>

If you're looking to do flex but don't want to deal with the "550+!" dickheads, this is the best possible way.

Also I'll agree with Gonzy that ret is real fun to raid with. I'm not blowing anyone out of the water and usually sitting 5-7 on the chart (1-3 in lfr) but I'm having fun (which is why you're playing the game right?)
Just signed up and downloaded the addon.

Any advice for joining a group or experiences with joining your own?


Vyemm Raider
What's hilarious is I've never done the Flex versions, so I honestly have no idea what some of these are. I guess once I start doing flex, I should relearn the real version of the fights.
The quickest way is with the dungeon journal. An ability that is different on lfr/flex/etc will have text explaining the differences.

On malk for example, you need one person in each of the purple swirlies to prevent a raid wide nuke, which will often kill the people who soaked the others. In LFR you can almost ignore this but on Flex more than one or two misses is an almost certain wipe. If players who know what they are doing try to soak too many, they might kill themselves. So on Flex it actually feels like you are doing the fight the right way and not just herp derping it like everything else.

Paragons changes the most, but usually flex 4 groups are so overgeared (540+ required) that you can treat it like LFR and just plow the marked boss. I've done it twice now and in no way did people remotely do the mechanics properly. Not even close.

Garrosh has only one real difference - when he does the empowered whirl bolt, the little adds that poop out on random people buff everything around them massively when they die. So if one dies next to another, its health doubles and its damage triples. (not sure of exact amounts) So you get flexfails where they pull them all into a big pile like its LFR and the things turn into one-shotting death machines within seconds. Hi-larious wipe.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Oh, and I was pleased to discover that even on Flex, people will still run away when targeted by inferno blast and die alone in a corner. That shit makes me moist. I want a mod that does the Nelson laugh for that shit.
lol This is my favorite part ~

People that are really vocal for a spot on the Tower Group on Galakriss, then get on top and get punted to their death makes me laugh my ass off, too.


Molten Core Raider
Good news everyone, WoD is at least 6 months away, another PVP season thats going to last 20-25 weeks is coming.


So fucking weak