World of Warcraft: Current Year


Tranny Chaser
While I agree that reforging was a pain, especially when dealing with "hit" since it often meant you had to rebalance the whole ensemble everytime you got an upgrade, it allowed them a bit of room to be sloppy with the stats. The problem is that without reforging they are STILL sloppy with the stats as certain specs will naturally prefer particular secondary stats over others. Specs with a lot of auto-crit baked in won't care as much about crit %, versatility is more useful to specs that don't already have good damage avoidance/mitigation and such.

Then there is Mastery. Some specs have very cool Mastery abilities that really extend and invigorate the spec, some have Mastery that is just a flat damage increase without any fanfare, and some have Mastery abilities that are just terrible. Their writing shows some indication that they were aware of these issues, and surely they know which class guides put Mastery as the absolute worst stat to have...yet for whatever reason they chose to do nothing about it. This leaves a pretty hefty hole in their itemization paradigm.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Stupid game needs to flag you for heirlooms. I went through 19 characters looking for shit last night and found out I have like 6 copies of the same shit.


Toe Sucker
They'll have an heirloom tab at some point... long, long overdue though for sure
I've had to rebuy a couple sets because i'd mail it to my mule after leveling a char, then completely forgetting about it and they would disappear from the mail after a month or two, since id unsub by that point.


Boy, holy paladin feels like absolute trash in WoD and just overall considering rerolling back to my druid. It just feels so.. boring. Ret on the other hand is like HEY LOOK AT ALL THESE PROCS JUST FUCKIN PRESS EVERYTHING FAGGOT and it's somehow amazingly fun. For holy it just feels like.. holy power doesn't matter whatsoever and aoe heals are worthless without cooldowns, so you're down to pretty much two heals. A fast heal and a not-so-fast heal.
iunno, it may and probably will change massively with gear, but I also feel like I'm underperforming by a lot compared to any other healer.

Only thing I really look forward to is being able to have two beacons of light on people.


Rasterizing . . .
Stupid game needs to flag you for heirlooms. I went through 19 characters looking for shit last night and found out I have like 6 copies of the same shit.
Couldn't agree more and as Needless stated there will be an heirloom tab at some point. In the interim, you can useAltoholicto keep track of items like that.


Toe Sucker
Boy, holy paladin feels like absolute trash in WoD and just overall considering rerolling back to my druid. It just feels so.. boring. Ret on the other hand is like HEY LOOK AT ALL THESE PROCS JUST FUCKIN PRESS EVERYTHING FAGGOT and it's somehow amazingly fun. For holy it just feels like.. holy power doesn't matter whatsoever and aoe heals are worthless without cooldowns, so you're down to pretty much two heals. A fast heal and a not-so-fast heal.
iunno, it may and probably will change massively with gear, but I also feel like I'm underperforming by a lot compared to any other healer.

Only thing I really look forward to is being able to have two beacons of light on people.
pretty much nailed it on that last part, thats the only redeeming thing holy paladins have in WoD, which is also.. incredibly good but doesn't make up for how meh everything else feels.
which is exactly why im going prot this expac, with ret for pvp/offspec

this is also the first time i've liked ret since pre-ToC changes, if only they gave judgement of light back to ret so we can top heal charts like in ulduar


I'm feeling pretty powerful on my Prot paladin at lower levels, whatever that counts towards.

Was able to convert my darkspear gold into tichondrius gold on the battlepet market + about 1500g in price differential profit.

Noticed some kids putting up anubisath pets for 800g (standard market value @~2000g) so made some cash there also.

Got my TSM (tradeskillmaster) addon suite setup, as well, super nice with the auto scanned desktop module database importing thingamabob


Vyemm Raider
I believe the Undermine Journal is back in operation which makes the pet selling thing a shitton easier.

If you are transferring your character rather than just making a new alt, you can also buy expensive mounts to resell. But don't do what I did and go to auction them and right click - because you'll become the proud new owner of a stupid motorcyle and they won't return it because IT WOULD CHEAT ACHIEVEMENTS. FFS.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Im a firm believer that if people are going to bot to get over your "grinds" then you need to reevaluate your design philosophy. Dailies are the same exact quests done over and over for 3 weeks or more to get an achievement and maybe some Toy or Mount. Long gone are the days where the grind actually meant an upgrade or item enchant to help you on your way. (For some sick retarded reason, I loved doing the Sons of Hodir dailies, though.) Ive heard the argument behind dailies being the same thing as raiding or dungeon grinding, but depending on the difficulty - your average retard cant even do what is now known as Heroic. Much less can they do Mythic. Both Dungeon and Raid grinding arent as brain numbing as dailies either. The Garrison will have some shit like this, but if Im actively building my garrison and it affords me to be able to do more things, achieve more, then its a grind thats well disguised and Im cool with that. I just dont want to do shit that mandates that I log on everyday just to get an achievement. Im over it and will write a script in about 30 minutes or less to do that shit for me when Im done playing for the night and have it auto-log me off the game.

It just seems like designers dont play through their own designs sometimes and its so annoying.


Dailies are quite annoying, I love doing rep grinds to an extent but I hate it at the same time. But what can they do to change the reps? Kill mobs? That's even worse. I wouldn't mind a mixture of the two like Skettis does, get rep from the quests + mob kills + dust drops you can turn in for rep. But as is anything else in this game, they're just timesinks


Vyemm Raider
I'm sure nearly all of my achievements are on accident. Fuck I've been one ICC fight (Sapphiron) away from the coolest looking mount in the game for years. But I did do all of the MOP reps the first time around, even the tillers. And it was only bad in the beginning when there were so many at once. And at least they opened up a final set of story quests at the end. And fuck the Klaxxi for turning on The Wakener.

I'd say the farm turned out to be an absolute failure (redo all that shit every day, seriously?) But I can say that Blizzard both learns from mistakes and is willing to make new ones. Sometimes they are stubborn about stupid shit though - like refusing to let daily dungeon rewards accumulate up to a point if you miss a day, or only 2 saved specs, or not sharing rep, or not retiring old battlegrounds (and continuing to make them non-mirrored, wtf), or over-stressing rewards for arena/rated bgs, or not finding better ways to reward personal performance in PVP for the losing team (TOR says hi - but my 'vision' is winners all get the same points, and losers can earn up to the same amount based on performance), or this CRZ dogshit that makes leveling fucking awful, or not protecting low levels from ganking, or... holy shit, maybe we should just be grateful for the positive changes over the last decade.

PS: Random cool feature - the premade UI highlights raids with people on your friend's list. I wound up in Janx's guild raid the other day as I was learning my way around marksman spec. And I took them alts to school yo.

Which makes me wonder if your ignore list is similarly highlighted.
Also, I've talked about the jankiness of MM, but the +20 focus perk we get at some point from 90-100 will improve the rotation greatly.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone done some beta on the enhance shaman have any comparison between how they are right now with how they are with some perks and their 100 talent? They seem pretty fun right now but it's hard to tell how actually good they are, mine is pretty poorly geared.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
My only problem with rep grinds via daily quests is that I'm artificially blocked from progressing. I want to play the fucking game, so let me get the rep some other way, such as grinding mobs. I don't mind the daily quests themselves, just the artificial block they carry with them.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Dailies are quite annoying, I love doing rep grinds to an extent but I hate it at the same time. But what can they do to change the reps? Kill mobs? That's even worse. I wouldn't mind a mixture of the two like Skettis does, get rep from the quests + mob kills + dust drops you can turn in for rep. But as is anything else in this game, they're just timesinks
I dont know ~ It never made sense to me that you can do quests for some of these factions and end up saving their entire race from extinction, maybe even the world! ... and theyre only "friendly" with you. Really? You should have bitches lined up to suck my dick right now, maybe tons of gold, something? Just a Blue item, a smack on the ass and a 6 pack of lager? Wtf
If anything, recolor a quest line to Green or some color and specify that its a faction quest line that will get you exalted? I feel like people could brain storm for less than 30 minutes and come up with an acceptable way to handle / hide faction grinding.

I'm sure nearly all of my achievements are on accident. Fuck I've been one ICC fight (Sapphiron) away from the coolest looking mount in the game for years. But I did do all of the MOP reps the first time around, even the tillers. And it was only bad in the beginning when there were so many at once. And at least they opened up a final set of story quests at the end. And fuck the Klaxxi for turning on The Wakener.

I'd say the farm turned out to be an absolute failure (redo all that shit every day, seriously?) But I can say that Blizzard both learns from mistakes and is willing to make new ones. Sometimes they are stubborn about stupid shit though - like refusing to let daily dungeon rewards accumulate up to a point if you miss a day, or only 2 saved specs, or not sharing rep, or not retiring old battlegrounds (and continuing to make them non-mirrored, wtf), or over-stressing rewards for arena/rated bgs, or not finding better ways to reward personal performance in PVP for the losing team (TOR says hi - but my 'vision' is winners all get the same points, and losers can earn up to the same amount based on performance), or this CRZ dogshit that makes leveling fucking awful, or not protecting low levels from ganking, or... holy shit, maybe we should just be grateful for the positive changes over the last decade.

PS: Random cool feature - the premade UI highlights raids with people on your friend's list. I wound up in Janx's guild raid the other day as I was learning my way around marksman spec. And I took them alts to school yo.

Which makes me wonder if your ignore list is similarly highlighted.
Also, I've talked about the jankiness of MM, but the +20 focus perk we get at some point from 90-100 will improve the rotation greatly.
Disregarding the fact that it was all a big ass grind, the farm kind of made progress in the design scheme. More Chef's than ever now. Just about any PuG raid you go on now, someone has a banquet or cart. Ie. Food can continue to have such a pressing place in a raid because there is such a high probability that someone will be doing those quests. I honestly think all trades the way they are now should go the way of the dodo bird and they mimic the Farm's "Idea" for each trade and refine it. Cause you are right that all that shit at once was like OMG SO MANY DAILIES.. only to find out the tricks of the trade and get best friend with everyone within a week and a half. TAKE MY DIRT PILES YOU WHORE!

I think it would just be fucking awesome to come along and see... what do you know.. Fucking Nesingwary in a small tent with some crazy story and together you and him, after enough time devoted to the quests etc., make a Leatherworking trade network - where you send out Hunters to get more pelts and in return they get free room and board there. Sounds a shit load more interesting than "Farm different animals for hours on end, then come back and make one item 20 times every 20 skill points until maxxed. Ahhh blow my brains out now.


I think it would just be fucking awesome to come along and see... what do you know.. Fucking Nesingwary in a small tent with some crazy story and together you and him, after enough time devoted to the quests etc., make a Leatherworking trade network - where you send out Hunters to get more pelts and in return they get free room and board there. Sounds a shit load more interesting than "Farm different animals for hours on end, then come back and make one item 20 times every 20 skill points until maxxed. Ahhh blow my brains out now.
I think the story bricks guys over at EQ:N are trying to hype up their system to be able to do just this. Ponytail is going to poop on it for sure but hopefully blizz scoops storybricks up in the shitwake.


Vyemm Raider
It's just the larger the farm got, the more work it became, and the final version was super tedious when it should have been more or less automated in the end.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The last day I used the farm was like, a year ago. My field turned up All-Tentacles one day and I was like "Nope, fuck it." Hoping it grows into an Old God one day.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Anyone done some beta on the enhance shaman have any comparison between how they are right now with how they are with some perks and their 100 talent? They seem pretty fun right now but it's hard to tell how actually good they are, mine is pretty poorly geared.
I have not played the beta to level 100 but I have been enjoying my enhance shaman. Of my various characters my enhances rotation stayed pretty decent after the squish although you wind up having to hard cast LB a bit more frequently for max DPS than we used to but I am pretty okay with that. I am not sure how it scales to level 100 but at least as of now I am about where I would expect to be on the DPS charts in raids for the gear level I have.


So apparently we can still do the green fire quest. I haven't played much in a while and I was going to try for this sucker. I guess it'll be some rare spawn farming because there's no way in hell I'm paying 20k for the Tome.