World of Warcraft: Current Year


Vyemm Raider
He's referring to how dungeons are loaded with 10 versions of the same item with different stats, I think. Hell I think they even all have the same loot table? I didn't slog through the mountains of possible drops to see. I'll care after I run each one once.

Does anyone even know what the ilevel requirement for the first raid will be? The UI is screwy - it shows the second tier as needing 635, but not what the first requires. (heroic dungeons give 630) Whatever, I'm sure we'll all have 630 in every slot within a week or two with plenty of time to twiddle our thumbs. (treasure hunting!)

And as someone else mentioned, and I brought up back when 6.0 hit - what the fuck are dungeons going to be for past the first couple of weeks of gearing? There's no apexis, or garrison resources, or any special reward of any kind. Dungeons completely died when they took valor out of MOP. Working as intended, or what? Good luck with queues on alts in a couple of months.

Pro tip: At 100 get your legendary ring quest immediately, you get a 640 ring for doing basically nothing. Then queue for the 3 heroic dungeons you need for the quest first, and turn those quests in. You get another quest for different heroic dungeon. Don't waste time running randoms.


Tranny Chaser
Yeah it's not the blue so much as the generic and the notion of not only rerunning over and over to get the spec matching one, but ideally the spec matching one with a gem socket. It seems weapons are somewhat dungeon specific in that only a couple drop mage offhand items for instance, but if you want an ilevel 630 wrist or hat or whatever then queue up for anything. It's all the same.

Also dont seem to have any bling status items. Toys and mounts are open world do-dads now so don't worry about ever bothering to go back once you have good enough ilevel.


Vyemm Raider
Ah so I'll look up whichever drops the best rated bow and make sure I queue that one daily.

Trinkets are probably the same, too. The rest is who cares.


Tranny Chaser
The sad part is that the dungeons seem to be well crafted. At any rate the encounters are interesting and even the layout manages to obfuscate the long-tunnel nature of traditional WoW dungeons.

Be cool if they implemented Epic dungeons in a patch or two with cool loot tuned to baseline ilevel of that tiers LFR. Something for people who like 5-man content and for whom Challenge Mode isn't their cup of tea.


Trakanon Raider
Decided to get the expansion last minute after gw2 wvw has finally gotten boring enough for me to leave it, like 10 hours before launch, didn't play wow much since cata or research the expansion much other than hearing about garrison. Leveled mage to 100 first which I got yesterday, it's been fun running around questing, hunting rares and treasures in the zone, and building the garrison and managing followers has been fun too kinda like star trek online has. Used frost to level which wasn't bad, rares were not hard to take on with mirror images and timewarp if needed, plus some of the zone bonuses helped, the tank in nagrand is god damn awesome. I like the crafting catchup mechanics they put in place so that I don't have to step foot in mop(bought it on a sale but only played a few hours of it with the 7 day free thing 2 years ago, until I took 7 hrs before launch to level to 90).

Also stepped into ashran pvp zone last night, holy fuck what a clusterfuck that was. It looked like a cross between old av and tol borad, but horde were already camping our spawn base, 10 ally vs 30 horde and 2 bosses lol. Apparently it's been lopsided fights because cross realm is not working properly in there so the sides are not filling up properly, also conquest points have been dropping apparently so people already gearing up in conquest items before the new season even started. LoL of the night was one of the bosses punted me out of the zone, like straight up one shot punted me into the air and out of the zone I had to run back into the zone and spawn at the gy in there.

For garrison buildings I took gem boutique(main), salvage yard, enchanters(seems the best to take as you get all of the enchants anyways other than weapon ones, armor crafts are restricted to using 3 pieces at a time), lumber mill for gr, gladiator's sanctum because I'll be pvping more than doing dungeons(like nil) or raiding(lfr maybe), barracks and bunker(was a tossup between this and gnomish gearworks which is better for pvp)

Fuck my bad luck with followers though I only got 1 epic(pleasurebot 8000), 9 rares, 10 uncommon. Maybe level my druid/priest next or maybe boost a dk to 90, looking at the recent dps charts mages dropped to middle of the pack and monks and dk's back on top again.

Still waiting on the big reason I returned, 100 v 100 TM SS, I hope that's out soon.


Good read Xen, how are you liking the Jewelcrafting setup? I've been hearing tons of bad things about it.

And yeah... ashran is weird as fk but some of the bonus areas in there give you 500 honor on completion so that's a thing.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So how is this? Better than mop? Will it make me feel that Warcraft tingly?

I'm itching now that swtor isn't scratching my itch now.


I give a shit. Half the reason I play this game is to play the AH.
Buy all cobalt, thorium and adamantite on your server < 15g a bar. Smelt all the cheaper ore into bars. Put bars up for 15.99 each. Cobalt can go up for 29.99

I've made over 50k in the last couple weeks doing this. Also buying any WoD tradeskill mat that falls under 2g and put back up for 4.99

Also if your server hasn't figured out ashran pvp yet, you get 625 honor everytime you win and it's winnable every 15 min. Got a full set last night in a few hours.


So how is this? Better than mop? Will it make me feel that Warcraft tingly?

I'm itching now that swtor isn't scratching my itch now.
I felt tingly, story line is fairly easy to follow even though some of it is Quantum Leap weirdness. Only one or two zones were ass to quest in (flow and overall player saturation at launch)

Garrisons sort of give it that wc3 resource management strategy feel.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
FWIW, is shit calmed down now? I was thinking of resubbing for Thanksgiving break.
I haven't seen a queue on Hyjal since Saturday although when I tried to log my characters on Sargeras in Sunday there was still a queue. Depends on the server I imagine.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Queues are gone on Hyjal(at least I didn't get any last night). 5 days is cool with me.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Pretty generous considering the clusterfuck only lasted two days on lower pop servers.
On eonar which is not a super low pop server it really only hit bad thursday night. There were some minor queues friday but that was on the order of 10 minutes or so which is not bad for a launch weekend so a 5 day free time is more than sufficient for my one night of blood pressure raising lag.


<Gold Donor>
Pretty generous considering the clusterfuck only lasted two days on lower pop servers.
Yup, I'd say that is extraordinarily generous. Good on them for that, no doubt with all the returning players they've made a fuck ton of cash this past week.