World of Warcraft: Current Year


Golden Squire
...which is way too easy. I want to log on when I choose and be able to tackle an appropriate difficulty of content. And yeah set log in times is a second job, maybe part time, but still...

No reason why they can't have faceroll dungeons, middle difficulty heroics and hard raids. Or several LFG difficulties.
So you want progressively difficult solo content? Maybe a MMO isn't for you.


Potato del Grande
So you want progressively difficult solo content? Maybe a MMO isn't for you.
Well that argument is usually the death knell of a game.

I want to play with and against other players in a persistent world. That doesn't mean that I want to go up to the level of making online friends and having regular social events, even more frequent than with my IRL friends?


Paragon cleared Mythic.

Interestingly enough, not a single rogue was included on any of those Mythic kills. I guess they're still figuring out how the new combo point system works.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
LFG =! LFR. There is a built in group finder system for you to use if you can't be bothered to log in as little as once a week at a set time to play for a set time in order to slay appropriately difficult dragons with a guild of other players who also want to slay appropriately difficult dragons. In the same place you queued up for the LFR you can select "Premade Groups" and navigate to a tab called "Raids - Warlords of Draenor" and select a dragonslaying group of appropriate difficulty to raid with after you have logged in at your convenience.

You obviously haven't put any effort into finding a solution yet you've come here to complain, ignoring what should be blatantly obvious answers to your problems and woe unto me for expecting you to be able to plan around 1-2 raids a week to scratch your dragonslaying itch.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Never felt like being on a soccer/football/hockey team was a "second job", and that sure as heck was set "show up" times, for games and practice, and took up about as much time as our raid team spends each week.

If you're having fun and aren't being paid, it's not a job. Just like playing D&D every Thursday at 6-10, or sports every weekend, it's just part of most hobbies that involve heavy teamwork with human beings other than yourself.


Trakanon Raider
Never felt like being on a soccer/football/hockey team was a "second job", and that sure as heck was set "show up" times, for games and practice, and took up about as much time as our raid team spends each week.

If you're having fun and aren't being paid, it's not a job. Just like playing D&D every Thursday at 6-10, or sports every weekend, it's just part of most hobbies that involve heavy teamwork with human beings other than yourself.
Never mind being on one, being a fan of one and having to watch them play every week on TV is also a second job.

The group finder tool is decent, if you don't like it try one of the mods for group finding, they tend to be slightly better. If you don't like that because dealing with all the gear score BS and flaky people in a random group join one of the big guilds that just zergs through normal with 30 people. No one will care if you don't show up some days most likely because flex raid sizes in normal and heroic now make it much easier to deal with having people who only show up sometimes.


We raid from 6-9 PST and get 6/7 normal done in that amount of time now. We do that Wed and Sat. That is a repeat. So one 3 hour session a week is a second time job ....


Trakanon Raider
Maybe others have had more luck with it, but group finder for actual highmaul raids has been a flop for me. I'm in a fairly casual guild, we only raid twice a week, which is a little low for my tastes. We cleared up to but not including imperator margok, so I figured I'd use groupfinder to get a normal margok kill friday night. Most of the groups for normal margok had minimum iLvL 650 to even join (I'm like 644 or something), and the one group I found without extreme ilvl requirements were failing it up pretty hard.


Molten Core Raider
I'm 5/7N just from PUGing. I suspect it'll get easier every week. I can already tell a difference in raid quality over the last 7 days; people are learning the fights, slowly.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I joined some friends on a backwater server for WoD, but found out that their guild's raids start at 11EST, despite being an eastern guild.

I was wondering about the FoH guild here - the raid schedule above suits me really well. Is it basically wide open to forum people? Who to talk to etc?


Molten Core Raider
BTW just in case I have to help RL tomorrow, whats the tldr on how you set up an easy butcher kill?


Trakanon Raider
Maybe others have had more luck with it, but group finder for actual highmaul raids has been a flop for me. I'm in a fairly casual guild, we only raid twice a week, which is a little low for my tastes. We cleared up to but not including imperator margok, so I figured I'd use groupfinder to get a normal margok kill friday night. Most of the groups for normal margok had minimum iLvL 650 to even join (I'm like 644 or something), and the one group I found without extreme ilvl requirements were failing it up pretty hard.
Margok normal is harder than at least 3-4 heroic fights so that isn't surprising


6/7 Mythic now, Imperator is no joke at all on this difficulty. If you are comparing Highmaul to Vaults, this raid is harder and more involved then that was. Enjoying is as I figured I would, Blizzard showing why they are the kings of end game. If this is an indication of where this expansion is going I am very excited to see the fights coming up.


I am going to assume they clear everything that is on farm the first day and the 2nd day is progression or at least that is the way I took it. Maybe I am wrong who knows.
They are both 100% the same raid, if you can come during the week you come then, if you can't you do it on the weekend. It is a pick or choose thing, so yeah, one session will get you 6/7. We are slow and casual also so a "real" raid guild would clear that probably in an hour and a half or so.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, this conversation is dumb. We didnt have garrisons before, and that was "the rest of the game." Saying Garrisons comprise the majority of the game now is just f'n retarded. All I was saying is if you dont want to do garrisons, dont do them. You're not taking anything away from "the rest of the game." Remember the daily quest hubs? Yea, thats Garrisons now. Were daily quest hubs required in other expansions? No. Thats it - stop bitching about having to do them as if theyre required, you f'n Mondays.

If you're in a_skeleton_03s rerolled guild - there are almost 100 level 100's in that guild and more every day. A Mythic tier raid is bound to happen any day now.

.. Why are there so many sandy vaginas in this thread all of a sudden?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
For those who haven't gotten an Imperator kill, I pug some slots every time I raid atm(which is often) and am 7/7N and 6/7H. I typically send out a bnet(bnet tag in my sig) broadcast of what I am looking for and where I am, but I do except you to perform adequately in order to down the figh(don't trigger things, don't eat bad stuff, do numbers relative to the encounter). Everyone who can pull their weight is welcome to add me for runs.