World of Warcraft: Current Year


Golden Baronet of the Realm
WoW is like a frosting packet, at first you're excited for the deliciousness that is inside but slowly the devs start squeezing it out and over time it turns into a shriveled empty plastic wrapper and all that is left is memories of what was.

That's the nice analogy, the other one involved coke and whores.


Molten Core Raider
The fact that my ilvl638 monk can heal the entire heroic doing almost nothing but dropping a healing statue and just keeping my channeled heal going speaks volumes about heroics. They're just plain boring. I'd like to echo what Noodle is saying. I'd like to see a 5man dungeon with some scope to it like BRD.
Get a group going and start farming / attempting gold challenge modes. In MoP that was pretty much the funnest thing around.


Maybe it was just my experience, but I felt like in vanilla WoW your guild mattered more. I don't recall any of our members ever running MC, BWL, AQ40, or Naxx with other guilds/pugs unless they intended to leave which was uncommon, even when we were struggling with Huhuran. In modern WoW it seems much more commonplace to immediately dump your guild the week that progression stalls.

I wonder why they don't add some non-performance roles in raids, like operating seige equipment, doing a puzzle, or more vehicle fights like Ulduar where some vehicles are really easy to perform in. Instead of your entire raid having to be really good, you could put the folks of lesser ability into an easier role where it's hard for them to mess up and they can still contribute. In an epic fight with a dragon certainly lots of people might be loading trebuchets or firing arrows from a distance, not necessarily dodging close range swipes and fire. I remember EQ2 had crafting dungeons which I thought was interesting. Anyone that played Ad&d with a decent DM could utilize a lot of non-combat abilities to be successful.

I think if WoW could layer raids with some interesting roles for folks who are not as great with the mechanics, it might help guilds stay together a little easier instead of falling apart so quickly.


Trakanon Raider
Maybe it was just my experience, but I felt like in vanilla WoW your guild mattered more. I don't recall any of our members ever running MC, BWL, AQ40, or Naxx with other guilds/pugs unless they intended to leave which was uncommon, even when we were struggling with Huhuran. In modern WoW it seems much more commonplace to immediately dump your guild the week that progression stalls.

I wonder why they don't add some non-performance roles in raids, like operating seige equipment, doing a puzzle, or more vehicle fights like Ulduar where some vehicles are really easy to perform in. Instead of your entire raid having to be really good, you could put the folks of lesser ability into an easier role where it's hard for them to mess up and they can still contribute. In an epic fight with a dragon certainly lots of people might be loading trebuchets or firing arrows from a distance, not necessarily dodging close range swipes and fire. I remember EQ2 had crafting dungeons which I thought was interesting. Anyone that played Ad&d with a decent DM could utilize a lot of non-combat abilities to be successful.

I think if WoW could layer raids with some interesting roles for folks who are not as great with the mechanics, it might help guilds stay together a little easier instead of falling apart so quickly.
It's pretty much always been that way. A 40 man fell apart just as easily as a 10 man does if a few key people leave or stop logging in. The main difference is the change in lockouts and the added difficulties. You didn't run with anyone else back then because you would be stuck on their lockout. Now, you only get locked out from loot. In all honesty I think it could be easily solved by just putting heroic back to server only (keep flex sizing though). Because as it stands, there is no incentive to join/stick with any guild except a mythic guild.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I would agree the biggest difference is the lockouts. When everybody was tied to that one raids lockouts the only sensible way of doing them was guild runs otherwise if you tried to pug and it fell apart somebody would poach your raid and you wound up losing out on some/many bosses for that week. With the new lockout system you are much less tied to any particular guild run because you could always join a pug to hit whatever specific bosses you had not already killed that week or used bonus rerolls for.


Trakanon Raider
Because as it stands, there is no incentive to join/stick with any guild except a mythic guild.
I've seen this idea a few times now, and I don't get how anyone could feel that way. My guild only does heroics, and I'm very happy with it. For one, it lets you raid with friends instead of total strangers. More importantly though, it lets me know when I log in Wednesday at 8pm, I have a fully formed raid ready to go, that I know will get things done.

If I was guildless, I would have to look for and find a pug, hope one's forming at the times I want to raid, hope there's room for my class/role, and hope they can even finish the zone.

It's nice I guess that the anti-social loner can now do almost all raiding with the group finder and cross-server, but I would hardly say it's better than being in a structured raid guild (that doesn't do mythic).


A Mod Real Quick
I like our guild. It wouldn't feel the same if I was joining random people every week. We do get a few off-server people that come religiously every week, so they might as well be part of the guild too.

I don't agree with giving retards vehicles in the raid.


Tranny Chaser
Well to be fair the nature of social networking has changed dramatically from EQ / vanilla WoW to today. Before you were most likely only ever going to group with people that you met in the game and that tended to be what formed the guilds as they then existed. Now with so many out-of-game social connections, finely crafted LFG / scheduling tools, and cross-server instancing there's is much more chance of grouping with other players who aren't even from your server than people who you might meet in the shared world.

Hell I can't even remember the last time I so much as spoke to someone who I encountered in the open game world...


Trakanon Raider
I've seen this idea a few times now, and I don't get how anyone could feel that way. My guild only does heroics, and I'm very happy with it. For one, it lets you raid with friends instead of total strangers. More importantly though, it lets me know when I log in Wednesday at 8pm, I have a fully formed raid ready to go, that I know will get things done.

If I was guildless, I would have to look for and find a pug, hope one's forming at the times I want to raid, hope there's room for my class/role, and hope they can even finish the zone.

It's nice I guess that the anti-social loner can now do almost all raiding with the group finder and cross-server, but I would hardly say it's better than being in a structured raid guild (that doesn't do mythic).
I've been in the same guild for 5+ years now and it's harder than ever to actually recruit (decent) people for a normal/heroic guild. We have some dedicated cross realmers and without them, we wouldn't be raiding. I don't blame them not wanting to pay money to move, but it would be nice if they could use our guild bank, guild repairs, sign up for raids on their mains, get guild achieve progress every raid, etc. etc.

It's not the end of the world and it's certainly better than not raiding - hell I even take advantage of it with the RR saturday run. I just feel like there is a rift starting to appear in true "guild" raiding and I'm getting a little Uncle Rico about it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've seen this idea a few times now, and I don't get how anyone could feel that way. My guild only does heroics, and I'm very happy with it. For one, it lets you raid with friends instead of total strangers. More importantly though, it lets me know when I log in Wednesday at 8pm, I have a fully formed raid ready to go, that I know will get things done.

If I was guildless, I would have to look for and find a pug, hope one's forming at the times I want to raid, hope there's room for my class/role, and hope they can even finish the zone.

It's nice I guess that the anti-social loner can now do almost all raiding with the group finder and cross-server, but I would hardly say it's better than being in a structured raid guild (that doesn't do mythic).
This. The incentives are still there. All the current systems do is allow more options for people who don't want or can't be in those types of guilds(set raids, set times, etc).

I still find and join a decent guild every game I play, I couldn't imagine trying to pug everything, would probably just make me annoyed and less likely to log in.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I've been in the same guild for 5+ years now and it's harder than ever to actually recruit (decent) people for a normal/heroic guild. We have some dedicated cross realmers and without them, we wouldn't be raiding. I don't blame them not wanting to pay money to move, but it would be nice if they could use our guild bank, guild repairs, sign up for raids on their mains, get guild achieve progress every raid, etc. etc.

It's not the end of the world and it's certainly better than not raiding - hell I even take advantage of it with the RR saturday run. I just feel like there is a rift starting to appear in true "guild" raiding and I'm getting a little Uncle Rico about it.
I thought you could do cross-realm guilding now... is that not the case?


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I'm guessing 6.1 gonna hit within 2 weeks. Gives me enough time to hit 100 and gear to 650.
It's been barely two weeks, and PTR is usually around 6 weeks.

However, there's not a lot of new content outside of additional garrison and craft recipes... Despite being officially "first tier", Blackrock looks more like "6.1 raid".


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So after doing a raid as holy priest I have to ask -- does anyone actually like holy or do people just play it because there's already a disc in their raid? Granted, I went into heroic without ever having healed anything but LFR and I fucked up quite a bit, but my issue isn't with the relative strength of the spec. I know it can put out competitive HPS numbers when played well. I tried really hard to like it but in the end I just think the base design is absolute shit.