World of Warcraft: Current Year


<Silver Donator>

Prepared once mentioned that starting with legion the microshards/phasing couldn't even hold more than 80 players and he never could get more than 80-85 chars in one phase (he played with almost 3 full raids back then). Ridosaw verified this, too and also only played 80 chars max. So there are technical reasons.
Ridosaw also was notorious for farming popular spots 24/7 to be able to pay for most of his accounts with gold. So there is an impact on the economy, if those guys only play one account less server power is used for the same monthly fee basically. The gold tokens might suffer slightly but the peeps on MMOC claimed that almost all tokens are bought by players just needing gold for AH stuff while they have a normal subscription (was a longer thread a while ago from some dude monitoring tokens).

But I am with you all, except some professional farmers in rewarding zones it didn't really affect normal players at all after the PvP- /follow change and NuBilzzard only changes things to prolong subscription time and forces you to come back every day.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Say I want to roll up something brand new to experience Shadowlands with the intent to heal in PvE and PvP, but not caring about cutting edge raiding - what should it be?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Prepared once mentioned that starting with legion the microshards/phasing couldn't even hold more than 80 players and he never could get more than 80-85 chars in one phase (he played with almost 3 full raids back then). Ridosaw verified this, too and also only played 80 chars max. So there are technical reasons.
Ridosaw also was notorious for farming popular spots 24/7 to be able to pay for most of his accounts with gold. So there is an impact on the economy, if those guys only play one account less server power is used for the same monthly fee basically. The gold tokens might suffer slightly but the peeps on MMOC claimed that almost all tokens are bought by players just needing gold for AH stuff while they have a normal subscription (was a longer thread a while ago from some dude monitoring tokens).

But I am with you all, except some professional farmes in some zones it didn't really affect normal players at all after the PvP- /follow change and NuBilzzard only changes things to prolong subscription time and forces you to come back every day.
I may be an idiot but it seems a much easier solution is to just ban the literal handful of bad actors.


<Bronze Donator>
I may be an idiot but it seems a much easier solution is to just ban the literal handful of bad actors.
Yeah, but you have to point to a rule they have violated, and it should be a pretty exact rule. Sure, Blizzard can ban anyone at any time for any reason, like "disruption of gameplay for other players" - but this is a slippery slope and may have chilling effects on things like world PvP.

Remember when Arlaeus (one streamer for WoW classic, tons of "farm with a mage" content) got dispelled of his world buffs by a priest, and a GM watched his stream and outright banned the priest for six months? That was on a PvP server no less. When Blizzard started to ban "bad actors" you'd get a ton of Twitch streamer e-celebrities to appeal to mama Blizzard for things like "stream sniping".


<Silver Donator>
I may be an idiot but it seems a much easier solution is to just ban the literal handful of bad actors.
No, spot on. How hard could it be to just monitor Nazjatar phases a few days, e.g. ? And I bet these guys do not use common software like ISBoxer but have their own software which is not detected by Warden/Agent. Or stuff in a separate VM or hardware solutions. I bet they will just catch the really known big guys and Joe who loves to run dungeons with his own comp.

Remember when Arlaeus (one streamer for WoW classic, tons of "farm with a mage" content) got dispelled of his world buffs by a priest, and a GM watched his stream and outright banned the priest for six months? That was on a PvP server no less. When Blizzard started to ban "bad actors" you'd get a ton of Twitch streamer e-celebrities to appeal to mama Blizzard for things like "stream sniping".

Excellent point. The social media pressure could create an antipattern and a hook for everyone to challenge the bans/rules.


Dental Dammer
Is there anything to do in the game currently, got one day left on this free weekend shit (haven't played for a year).


Got something right about marriage
Not covered.

Not covered.

Not covered.

Not covered.

Not covered.

Not covered.

Not covered.

Not covered.

Did I miss one? I dont see a single claim of why Blizzard changed it to a bannable offense. Just a lot of banter of how others ideas are more trivial than yours.

Yes you did, one of the first posts I made:

ISBoxer has not changed much at all in like 8 years. And it is the best multiboxing tool out there.

What has changed was Blizzard making everything personal loot and making pretty much the entire game multi-tap and multi-loot. Also hyper spawns based on kill counts and gathering counts. The more people in an area killing or herbing/mining the faster stuff respawns. Blizzard made the game so multiboxing friendly that there was almost no reason not to do it if you were trying to farm. Add the ability to buy tokens for gold which you can convert into game time and... well... there you have it. Adding a second account would net you more gold than it cost to pay for the game time on the account, and it goes on exponentially from there. All while mostly not having any kind of detrimental effect on the players around you.

I can guarantee you this wasn't Blizzard trying to "lay down the law" to fuck over multiboxers in general. It was "laying down the law" to stop bleeding edge players from utilizing multiboxing to keep multiple characters raid ready in a fraction of the time.


Got something right about marriage
How much you want to bet this had nothing to do with Johnny Everyman complaining that some guy with 10 characters was picking all the flowers but instead because Ion hated the fact that multiboxing was making it too easy for the bleeding edge to keep multiple characters relevant?

And this is actually the very first post I made about it, which you even worfed.


ResetEra Staff Member
Thankfully there's only, what, 4,294,967,296 IPv4 addresses to go through? We're not fully over to IPv6 yet. Just need to observe about 2-3 billion more accounts!


<Gold Donor>
Isn't banning multi boxing kind of unproductive to them financially? I always figured they loved it... seeing as its a bunch of different active subscriptions to keep it going.


Got something right about marriage
Well they aren't banning multiboxing technically, just making it so cumbersome to accomplish that it's basically not worth doing unless you're a masochist


<Silver Donator>
Well they aren't banning multiboxing technically, just making it so cumbersome to accomplish that it's basically not worth doing unless you're a masochist
Voice input is the future. Just yell your keypresses and commands GPT-3/Open AI style.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well they aren't banning multiboxing technically, just making it so cumbersome to accomplish that it's basically not worth doing unless you're a masochist
This is what was leading me down a tunnel that wasnt directly linked to mulitboxing and why its cover is a ban on multiboxing. Is there something we just dont know about that Botter_04 has learned but no one else has. Could just be a crack pot theory, but there is some suspicion there.


Got something right about marriage
So, ISBoxer is capable of broadcasting keystrokes from multiple computers. So, I guess in theory it would be possible for a bot to be running on a computer that isn't even running wow and sending keystrokes via software like ISBoxer. However, I'm not sure how the bot would actually know where in the game world it is at any given time if it's not running on the same machine.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


<Gold Donor>
Leveling a Shadow Priest up from scratch for Dark Iron heritage armor.

What a great class atm, think I may actually shelve hunter for it for Shadowlands.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So, ISBoxer is capable of broadcasting keystrokes from multiple computers. So, I guess in theory it would be possible for a bot to be running on a computer that isn't even running wow and sending keystrokes via software like ISBoxer. However, I'm not sure how the bot would actually know where in the game world it is at any given time if it's not running on the same machine.
What if there is a primary account that injects, and the rest are just nodes? But there is just too much that that method still doesnt answer.

The biggest "botting" news Ive read about so far is how (they, being whoever "they" is) are working on using an AMD GPU/CPU combo to achieve an undetectable, by non invasive means, bot. Sounds like some next level type of hardware/software know-how, cause I have absolutely no idea how that'll work. But I never actually thought that any company would be able to stop bots in the end either. Its like the war on Drugs.