Worth going all Apple?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Apple Macs are for moms, graphic designers, hipsters, and people that in general view computers as appliances. Apple OSX is built with the assumption that you are an idiot, and therefore locks down or drastically obfuscates your ability to do anything under the hood that might mess up your computer. There is nothing wrong with that per se, but personally I can't stand being sandboxed. Also, for the 2k you spend on an iMac you can build yourself (or have the local PC shop) build you PC that is twice as powerful and with the right case will look just as good.

That being said, after being sick of having to support my sisters because they couldn't manage to update their AV or avoid clicking yes to pop-up malware scams, I have guided them all to using Macs. It's perfect because now when their Macs screw up (and they do), they have to make an appointment at the Mac store to meet some hippie with a neckbeard and spacers in their ears.

If you want a pretty looking computer that is great for surfing the net, running ITunes, Photoshop, and word processors a Mac is for you. If you want more freedom in your build, save money and get more power, and play games, then get a PC.

Based on what you state, namely that you do graphic design, don't game, and money isn't an issue-- it sounds like a Mac is the way to go for you.


<Prior Amod>
Apple Macs are for moms, graphic designers, hipsters, and people that in general view computers as appliances. Apple OSX is built with the assumption that you are an idiot, and therefore locks down or drastically obfuscates your ability to do anything under the hood that might mess up your computer. There is nothing wrong with that per se, but personally I can't stand being sandboxed. Also, for the 2k you spend on an iMac you can build yourself (or have the local PC shop) build you PC that is twice as powerful and with the right case will look just as good.

That being said, after being sick of having to support my sisters because they couldn't manage to update their AV or avoid clicking yes to pop-up malware scams, I have guided them all to using Macs. It's perfect because now when their Macs screw up (and they do), they have to make an appointment at the Mac store to meet some hippie with a neckbeard and spacers in their ears.

If you want a pretty looking computer that is great for surfing the net, running ITunes, Photoshop, and word processors a Mac is for you. If you want more freedom in your build, save money and get more power, and play games, then get a PC.

Based on what you state, namely that you do graphic design, don't game, and money isn't an issue-- it sounds like a Mac is the way to go for you.
Pretty spot on post right here.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Haha, was I that transparent? I have tried to temper my negative view of Macs, doing my best to appreciate the fact that not everybody cares about bang for their buck, and some view their computer as a glorified toaster. I really do believe they are right for certain people, like my sisters that just want to shop/bank online, Skype, and create documents. What pisses me off are people who know nothing about computers, yet will lecture me on how godlike Macs are and just how pure suck Windows is, despite me using computers since 1982 and being paid very well in my field for that understanding.

Paraphrased. Not that I disagree lol.


Trump's Staff
Apple OSX is built with the assumption that you are an idiot, and therefore locks down or drastically obfuscates your ability to do anything under the hood that might mess up your computer. There is nothing wrong with that per se, but personally I can't stand being sandboxed.
What exactly do you do in Windows that you can't do in OSX?


<Prior Amod>
What pisses me off are people who know nothing about computers, yet will lecture me on how godlike Macs are and just how pure suck Windows is, despite me using computers since 1982 and being paid very well in my field for that understanding.
Oh, so you've talked to my wife then?


Trump's Staff
My wife refuses to learn how to do anything in OSX. She wont even use the two finger scrolling on my touchpad; opting instead to archaically grab and drag the scroll bar.


<Prior Amod>
I can't stand touch pads, be them Apples or Windows related I just don't care for them. My fat hands need a mouse I guess.


Trump's Staff
Trackpads and touch gestures are one of the things I can definitively point to and say OSX straight up does better than any Windows counterpart. So good in fact that I've considered completely giving up a mouse for anything non-game related and getting a desktop trackpad for normal use.


Trackpads and touch gestures are one of the things I can definitively point to and say OSX straight up does better than any Windows counterpart. So good in fact that I've considered completely giving up a mouse for anything non-game related and getting a desktop trackpad for normal use.
I had the same idea so I bought a magic trackpad. Unfortunately, it forced my wrist into a weird position and I started getting RSI issues. It might be worth picking one up to see whether you have any issues or not. I'm tempted to buy a new desk so I can work out a way to make the magic trackpad work for me.

What exactly do you do in Windows that you can't do in OSX?
I'm curious to know the answer to this question, too. I've never once felt limited on OSX. It does everything I want it to. Being able to access the terminal is also incredibly useful. I don't feel 'sandboxed' at all.


Hah, you guys are great--I appreciate the honest opinions.

I know the power of Windows and loved the ability to build my own computers, tweak, etc. but in recent years I stopped gaming, have different needs and just need things to work...and look nice. So yeah, I've become one 'those' guys even though I swore I'd never switch to Apple in the past.

Instead of going all in I'll likely just get a Macbook Pro or Air when they refresh this summer and two Thunderbolt monitors. I'll replace my Android phone and tablet whenever they die off rather than immediately.

I don't know what did it, but I turned into an Apple believer recently. I even bought a shitload of their stock when they dropped down to 500ish/share from 700/share in the fall. But don't worry, no skinny jeans or neckbeards for me...I'm a $19-jeans-from-Sears kind of guy.

...But from what you guys described I might end up getting an Apple for my wife as well, she's a fucking retard with computers...


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've used Windows basically all my life. Just got a macbook the past month or so. I find doing simple tasks like searching for where they store files, such as desktop backgrounds to be frustrating as hell. So basically if you're coming from heavy windows use, prepare for a learning curve. Overall though the build quality is very nice. and like others have mentioned the trackpad gestures are pretty awesome.


The Big Mod
Apple's best days are behind them. people are starting to realize Apple is out of ideas and moving on to better tech. today they had to cut their order for new iPjones in half because no one is buying that half assed shit phone. no one needs iPods anymore, their computers are trash, iTunes is losing market share and the tablet market is more than saturated. 2013 won't be pretty for these queers.

also OP is a faggot for even suggesting the idea.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Things you can't do with your Mac

- Play most games that are worth playing
- Run most business application-- good luck running Bloomberg on your Mac. This is the reason why Mac's don't exist in the office outside of artsy firms, with the exception of the douchebag executive that insists on one, hence making my life miserable in supporting it on the network.
- Properly share Office files between Mac and PC. Works fine for mom's recipe list, far worse for more advanced Office files.
- Run most Excel plug-ins, because pretty much nobody 3rd party codes for Office for Mac
- Run most exam simulators/practice tests because they don't make a Mac version
- Download anything significant off a Torrent site, because those smart enough to upload torrets isn't stupid enough to own a mac, hence doesn't give a shit about Mac apps.
- Upgrade your mac to any significant extent, because all you can do is swap the HD and memory
- Be forced to pay 25% more for the Mac version of a peripheral "just because".

I'm curious to know the answer to this question, too. I've never once felt limited on OSX. It does everything I want it to. Being able to access the terminal is also incredibly useful. I don't feel 'sandboxed' at all.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Things you can't do with your Mac
Most people don't care about those things.

Put in realistic perspective, Macs are just as good for the average person as non-Macs. They're solid computers, they have excellent warranties and support, and I have absolutely no idea why you're miserable supporting a Mac on any network, unless you're trying to join it to a Windows network, in which case... it can be done.

If you need Windows to play games or run practice tests/exam simulators/whatnot, just use Boot Camp. It's not all that difficult to do. For apps that don't make full use of 3D, you don't even need to do that. Just use Parallels or VMware Fusion.

Likewise, for most Office issues, Parallels or VMware Fusion does the trick easily if you can't or won't use Office for Mac (which, I agree, sucks most of the time).

You're right, only about 1% of the torrent files on IPT are for Mac. That's also about 2000 torrents. You'll probably find what you want. YMMV.

Many non-Macs aren't readily upgradeable either. Not everyone wants the hassle of debugging shit. I own mostly laptops because I couldn't care less about building my own computer anymore. It's my career now, not my hobby. I just want shit to work when I get home. Apple is very good at Just Working for the masses. That's why they made so much money, and they don't care that people like us don't like their products as much. We are an insignificant minority.


Trump's Staff
A post bred from ignorance.

Things you can't do with your Mac

- Play most games that are worth playing
- Download anything significant off a Torrent site, because those smart enough to upload torrets isn't stupid enough to own a mac, hence doesn't give a shit about Mac apps.
- Be forced to pay 25% more for the Mac version of a peripheral "just because".
- False. My steam library in OSX only has a couple of titles that don't work, which I got in bundles and don't give a fuck about anyway.
- Just a stupid comment to make. My IPT history would disagree with you.
- Apple has just as many third party peripherals as anyone else, it's pretty cheap and easy to get anything I need.

The rest of your comments maybe .001% of people give a shit about.


Yeah, that was a dumb fucking post. The only thing worse than Apple zealots are irrational Apple haters.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Yeah, that was a dumb fucking post. The only thing worse than Apple zealots are irrational Apple haters.
There are definitely some things to dislike Apple products for, but not a single one of them (as far as I'm concerned, anyway) was mentioned in that post. So, yeah, agreed.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Nope. Not worth it.

Apple computers: way too expensive.
So, I have a dell. It was refurbished. I have had it for about three years. I spend under 400$ on it.

One Apple laptop STARTS at 1,200$. So, I can buy a new dell every year for three years before I can justify the cost of one Mac. Stupid.

Macs don't crash. FALSE. The least stable computer I have ever had was a Mac. They crash. A lot.

Also, most software is developed for PCs. Don't let the Mac disciples (because, really, Mac doesn't have customers, it has disciples) tell you differently. Graphic work happens just as effectively on a PC.

My iPhone and iPod and iPad link just fine with my PC. Bluetooth connection. It's golden.

So, to sum up: Macs: more expensive, nothing to gain.