Would you hate your life, if you were this ugly, and your GF was this ugly and fat?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Im rather skeptical about these types of things. I mean god forbid someone like myself ends up getting trolled.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
ps why chose this armpit of a thread for your callout which he probably doesnt even know about? imo be a big man and post start a new thread in the ss and the RRP take care of it.
Oh, I know about it. It"s hard not to, since he"s been doing everything in his (limited) power to try and disrupt my life. I hope he seriously gets some sort of mental help for this; he believes everything he does here will somehow alter my life, he rants about it in REAL LIFE saying things like "BUT DID YOU READ FOH?! OH MY GOD HE TYPED THIS, AND THIS, AND THIS!" like anyone but him gives a shit what some troll on the internet is saying.

On top of that, he"s graduated from simple harassment via texts (sometimes 20+ a day, unresponded and unreplied to) or phone calls (saved voicemails being extremely belligerent) to actively blocking someone"s door, entering someone"s home without permission (claiming since she"s a renter, she doesn"t have any right of abode or privacy) andfilming into someone"s houselike a big league creeper through windows and doorpanes(highly illegal). Let"s not mention the numerous attempts at blackmail and crying like a bitch when he doesn"t get his way, only to turn around like a certified bi-polar nutjob and go crazy a few days later.

This is the last I"m speaking on the matter, but what will the court think when the motion for continuance you filed because you "bought plane tickets to visit your (deadbeat, not in your life for the first 23 years) father" over July 4th weekend was REALLY to visit your new girlfriend in Oregon? Is it illegal to lie to the courts like that? And if this girlfriend doesn"t dump you because you"re "too much drama" then shouldn"t you spend more time trying to keep her than harassing your ex-wife? Shouldn"t you spend more time paying for your biological daughter"s child-care (stop buying her toys, start paying for her pre-school) and child support than teaching her how to be a nutjob too by spying on her own mother? And, if you weren"t just looking to use Alex as a tool against us, shouldn"t you like... buy him diapers and clothes like I have? Oh that"s right, the mother doesn"t want you around him, the father (me) doesn"t want you around him... so maybe the court will get the hint that on-top of being an self-admitted abusive and manipulative man, you don"t really deserve companionship with Alex either?

Oh yeah, Rachael is filing the CPO tomorrow morning thanks to your whole "intimidate her on her doorstep and film into her house" stunt. You do know that that"s a Fourth Amendment violation, especially if she asks you to leave and you refuse and keep video-taping into her home? Sure, Alex cried for you, but he cries for me too. Except that in a few years, he"ll forget who you are (mommy"s abusive ex-husband) and the only time you"ll get to see Emma or Rachael is at the Sheriff"s Office where they do the "neutral ground" drop offs for custody disputes such as this.

But hey, keep on keeping on here--maybe someone who gives a shit will ban me (again) or whatever. Nothing you do will matter in the long-run, chief.

PS. I find it highly hilarious that you think I"ve "got a little sugar in my tank" when you yourself when through a few "cock in my mouth" years as a younger man. I, at least, own up to what I"ve done.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
GrobbeeTrull2.0 said:
Oh, I know about it. It"s hard not to, since he"s been doing everything in his (limited) power to try and disrupt my life. I hope he seriously gets some sort of mental help for this; he believes everything he does here will somehow alter my life, he rants about it in REAL LIFE saying things like "BUT DID YOU READ FOH?! OH MY GOD HE TYPED THIS, AND THIS, AND THIS!" like anyone but him gives a shit what some troll on the internet is saying.

On top of that, he"s graduated from simple harassment via texts (sometimes 20+ a day, unresponded and unreplied to) or phone calls (saved voicemails being extremely belligerent) to actively blocking someone"s door, entering someone"s home without permission (claiming since she"s a renter, she doesn"t have any right of abode or privacy) andfilming into someone"s houselike a big league creeper through windows and doorpanes(highly illegal). Let"s not mention the numerous attempts at blackmail and crying like a bitch when he doesn"t get his way, only to turn around like a certified bi-polar nutjob and go crazy a few days later.

This is the last I"m speaking on the matter, but what will the court think when the motion for continuance you filed because you "bought plane tickets to visit your (deadbeat, not in your life for the first 23 years) father" over July 4th weekend was REALLY to visit your new girlfriend in Oregon? Is it illegal to lie to the courts like that? And if this girlfriend doesn"t dump you because you"re "too much drama" then shouldn"t you spend more time trying to keep her than harassing your ex-wife? Shouldn"t you spend more time paying for your biological daughter"s child-care (stop buying her toys, start paying for her pre-school) and child support than teaching her how to be a nutjob too by spying on her own mother? And, if you weren"t just looking to use Alex as a tool against us, shouldn"t you like... buy him diapers and clothes like I have? Oh that"s right, the mother doesn"t want you around him, the father (me) doesn"t want you around him... so maybe the court will get the hint that on-top of being an self-admitted abusive and manipulative man, you don"t really deserve companionship with Alex either?

Oh yeah, Rachael is filing the CPO tomorrow morning thanks to your whole "intimidate her on her doorstep and film into her house" stunt. You do know that that"s a Fourth Amendment violation, especially if she asks you to leave and you refuse and keep video-taping into her home? Sure, Alex cried for you, but he cries for me too. Except that in a few years, he"ll forget who you are (mommy"s abusive ex-husband) and the only time you"ll get to see Emma or Rachael is at the Sheriff"s Office where they do the "neutral ground" drop offs for custody disputes such as this.

But hey, keep on keeping on here--maybe someone who gives a shit will ban me (again) or whatever. Nothing you do will matter in the long-run, chief.

PS. I find it highly hilarious that you think I"ve "got a little sugar in my tank" when you yourself when through a few "cock in my mouth" years as a younger man. I, at least, own up to what I"ve done.
Considering the fact that you have spawnedtwoilligetimate children fromtwo marriedwomen in your life, Im going out on a limb here and assuming your personal life and morals is every bit as fucked up as your say konsumers is. Both of you two are nuttier than squirrel turds and help any way you can get.

ps heres an awesome video of your two lives coming together;

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/9LpCIiwarOk&hl=en_US&fs=1&hd=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/9LpCIiwarOk&hl=en_US&fs=1&hd=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
And to make sure everyone here knows whats going on, Konsumer is the guy that raised your illegitimate bastard child like it was his because he did not know it was yours when it was born?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Heavens_Myst said:
wtf is going on with those two, pls give me cliffs i dont understand wtf is going on but i really want to
Grobbee knocked up konsumers wife and I assume he raised the kid for a year and 1/2 before he found out it was his.

Eomer summed it up nicely;

So let"s see: you got married to someone you ended up hating, so much so you were sniping each other on these very boards. You then went and got a friend of your ex-wife preggers out of wedlock, and (I think?) ended up marrying her. At some point along the way whether during your marriage or during your new wife"s pregnancy, you got a THIRD woman who was married pregnant. And then you have on half a dozen occasions lectured ME about how I live my life and maintain, build or break relationships? Wow.
Guys life is a fucking train wreck of epic proportions that have followed him to this board for our entertainment.


wtf his wife posts on these boards and her new husband?

wtf is going on this is why i dont read shitty threads and ignore idiot posters like him


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think the better question you should be asking is, if this guy is telling the truth, WHY THE FUCK HASN"T HE POSTED IN THE GIRLS WHO BROKE YOUR HEART THREAD?!


OMG LMFAO.....let me correct a few things.

"he believes everything he does here will somehow alter my life" First off the fact that you are leaving a child behind to go to China.....emails say it all shows that nothing I do will alter your little life. After all being a webcam daddy is where you think it is all at right?

As far as "harassment".......I was the one who called the cops because of domestic violence, because of the phone calls and text, get it right boy. When I emailed you after she told me Christmas night (oh it was 2007 dipstick not 2008 when you did it) you responded by saying

"Sorry, but there"s nothing to talk about. If you make any further attempt to contact me outside of legal channels, you will be met with a police officer and a restraining order. Any attempt to threaten, harass, or otherwise disturb me or my family will be dealt with by the authorities. I have no time for your power games or control issues; you"ll find they don"t work on me.

If you have anything further to say, have your lawyer do it. Every phone call, text, facebook message, or personal meeting will be recorded incase you decide to "just kid around" with me or my wife. I know you have a habit of kidding around awfully rough, so I"d reconsider doing anything out of anger. You"ll find I"m not one to tolerate shenanigans.

I will be contacting the local police department with a photograph of you, your full name and license plates, and a copy of this message; just in case you decide to ignore my request"

You my friend are a coward, plain and simple. All I said was I know everything, contact me.....

As far as plane tickets, my deadbeat father which I only met later in life (kinda like the pot calling the kettle black IMO since you signed away your rights on your first 2 children, they"re better off).....anyways I am flying back west to meet friends and family, you think I tell Rachael anything true since I know she talks to you.....so gullible.

Child support for my daughter......um she is with me 80% of the time. I paid for her day care until her mother went and signed up to use the system, but that will soon change. "Spying on her mother"....OMG I never talk to her about her mother, kids need to be kids and not brought into adult matters you moron. You should really make sure your source on information is correct.....oh wait she"s lies to you too.

"Using Alex as a tool." You are a fucking idiot or just lack the ability to really love a child because for 2 years I believed he was my son, I paid for over 17K in medical bills deducted from my insurance, I was there for his first word, I was there to cut the cord....were you man enough to man up, hell no you told Rachael GOOD LUCK when she told you her water broke and the problems were her fault because she did not take the easy way out....I wonder how many women took the easy way out because you are too selfish or ignorant to use a condom....oh yeah that"s right you"re allergic to laytex. Well guess what buddy they make them out of sheep skin, should bring back memories of the ol college days out in the pasture no? Yeah your a real fucking man, your a spoiled little boy in a fat mans body.

Go ahead and run to your little corner of the world......you are nothing but a coward that runs from his responsibilities. I wonder just how long Ameya and Killian will put up with your bull......tell ya what Karma is a bitch.