WoW Vanilla Emu - Emerald Dream


Trakanon Raider
Horde has a 9-10 man premade... which steamrolls alliance. Alliance has a 6-7 man premade that does everything in their power to never play against the horde premade.

This has caused Hordes to stop queueing as pugs, because they always get stuck against the Alliance team. However, alliance still has pugs going because we're not fucking pussies.

TL;DR roll horde and don't be a pussy... please?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Seriously, who keeps DDoS'ing these private WoW servers? What are they trying to achieve? It's ridiculous.


Not nearly enough PvP on Rebirth because of the low pop. Plenty show up to raids most nights. Holidays and such we get less. Horde/Alliance both clear MC/Onyxia/ZG, and BWL is supposedly on the way. IDK what kind of bugs are common in other emulators since this is the only one I've been on, but Rebirth has some bugs, like a charge bug, blade flurry for Rogues is bugged, certain skills are haywired and behave strangely, most bosses are scripted well (some quirks, but GMs are usually right there to fix stuff. One thing this server have is good GM service, usually one on 24/7.) You can complete any quest etc. through GM granting, so no need to worry about the bugged ones (they are few and far between, I can't even name one atm). Anyways, it's fun. Most of the people are nice and OK, but hella baddies too, still get shit done. A lot of people play on both sides. If more people would come PvP would be better. Not many R14s, like I can name 5 or 6 Alliance, and only 1 Horde, but I haven't PvP'd much because of time zone issues. Most of it occurs like 8am-12pm because a lot of euros.www.therebirth.netcheck it out.


Toe Sucker
Oh man.. making a rogue on ED, going from a rogue on live.
I want to be able to do it.. but i just can't haha

I completely forgot stealth had a huge speed penalty in vanilla D:

And the exp rate.. been too spoiled, for so long


Trakanon Raider
Oh man.. making a rogue on ED, going from a rogue on live.
I want to be able to do it.. but i just can't haha

I completely forgot stealth had a huge speed penalty in vanilla D:

And the exp rate.. been too spoiled, for so long
See! It is true that current WoW and other games have spoiled you all and ruined the industry.


Trakanon Raider
Bump, BWL is releasing this Friday, May 17th. Basically a big fuck you to people who had plans (our MT will be in the Bahamas) especially with 2 days notice...

But new content yay! Don't come back just to do 1-2 clears of BWL and ghost again if you're like that!


Trakanon Raider
Bump, BWL is releasing this Friday, May 17th. Basically a big fuck you to people who had plans (our MT will be in the Bahamas) especially with 2 days notice...

But new content yay! Don't come back just to do 1-2 clears of BWL and ghost again if you're like that!
Rmt business doing that good the mapmaker can go to the Bahamas?


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
I've tossed around the idea of setting up a EMU WoW server for a year or so . . . anyone have an idea of baseline expenses etc? Or would be interested in it as a project?

I have looked for over a year for the type of server I would like to start up, and have yet to see one. If anyone is capable and interested, PM me.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
I've gotten messages from a few people curious about what type of server I wanted to make, if anyone has time / ability as a dev, and would like to toss around the idea of creating a server, msg me.

Also, where would I find such people? Checked a forum, posted, got 1 response from some strange Russian.

I think I have a pretty decent concept, its a proven model and there does not appear to be one yet. LFM peoples