Recent content by Fordrynn

  1. F

    Ashes of Creation

    That boss looks cool. I got a Rift vibe when I saw the vid.
  2. F

    Ashes of Creation

    Those graphics are amazing. What can I say, this guy sold me. Game looks awesome. I wont play if the server caps are 40-70 people.
  3. F


    MMORPG's are dead.
  4. F


    I dont know, it looks pretty good to me. Edit: why be melee?
  5. F

    Dual Universe - Sci-Fi MMORPG

    I dont give to kickstarter campaigns but I always root for developers. It isnt easy making indie games. I believe there is room for a Rust like survival game in space. Dual-Universe has the bones - now can apply the muscle and flesh.
  6. F

    Dual Universe - Sci-Fi MMORPG

    What they have looks promising but can they actually make a fun game.
  7. F

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Make better animations. Do it.
  8. F

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    They can get 50k subs if the game is fun.
  9. F

    MMA Thread

    Im not defending Woodley - he is not a fun fighter to watch because he does not initiate. However, he is the Champ - there is something to say for that.
  10. F

    MMA Thread

    Woodley takes into account his opponents strengths and then absolutely does not allow himself to fall into their game plan. He has great patience. Hes a champ - very strong and dynamic, but I am hesitant to call him great. I certainly dont think he is the greatest WW of all time.
  11. F

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    That is fuckin' amazing. Who in thier gdamn right mind would even... Paid, tier status on the forums is truly manipulating peoples natural desire to show off their epeen to a new level.
  12. F

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Cool posters though. It would catch my interest, as a gamer. Weird timing, seeing as how you really only do this kind of advertising a month or two out from release.
  13. F

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    There are very talented animators everywhere. Why do these animations look on par with EQ!
  14. F

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I find Holy Pally to be the most boring healer. Fewer tools and too much casting,
  15. F

    John Smedley hired by Amazon to produce MMOs

    The game was good. It was fun - I'd play today. It ran like crap, but it had some charm about it.