Recent content by Gauss_sl

  1. G

    What do you do?

    Might as well use this thread for job-related bitching. Had performance reviews recently, and the official party line was that people who had been working for < 6 months of the past year aren't eligible for raises. Somehow, I got 2% for "exceeding expectations" in my first few months, but the...
  2. G

    First high school reunion coming up

    OK, the opinions expressed here is what I figured. My parents went to all of their reunions even though there was a bit of travel involved, so I figured there would be a large "go to reunions" bloc out there. Atlanta was where I went to grad school. I live on the west coast now.
  3. G

    First high school reunion coming up

    I got a message on Facebook from some people who used to be in the "popular" crowd back in high school about a reunion. My immediate reaction consisted of slight sadness yet indifference for a few reasons 1. Facebook exists now. Anyone I cared to keep up with is my friend and I can see...
  4. G

    Awesome Random Surprises For Your Significant Other

    I do random things for my gf that play off our own inside jokes. It's also a semi-long distance relationship, so once when I was away for awhile, I mailed her a pillowcase and told her to sleep on it for a few days and mail it back so I could "have her scent with me". To give a more broadly...
  5. G


    RE: Modern art, I went to Centre Pompidou, which is supposedly a famous modern art museum, and it was so bad/confusing that I actually saw people staring at and taking pictures of wallpaper because they couldn't figure out where the fuck the art was.
  6. G

    What do you do?

    Jesus, man, 3+ rounds of interviews? This had better be an awesome job. Otherwise, they are wasting a lot of people's time (including their own). I think for my current job there was like, one round, unless you count chatting with a rep at the career fair to be a round.
  7. G

    Health Care Thread

    Virginia Democrat (Candidate) Calls For Forcing Doctors To Accept Medicare And Medicaid Patients Granted, this is just some idiot who's not in Congress proposing something ridiculous, it is thought provoking because I have heard anecdotes of many doctors refusing to see Medicare/Medicaid...
  8. G

    How often do you communicate with the person you're dating.

    Yeah when I got out of grad school I could hardly stand the first year grad students. Can't imagine what it must be like trying to relate to first years a decade from now. Regardless, I can't condone hating on the guy for dating young. I have a moment here and there when I see the throngs of...
  9. G

    Commuting to and from work

    Google Maps says 7 minutes. I actually think it's too short because I was used to hellish commutes back in grad school where I would just zone out and listen to the news on NPR. Now I basically have just enough time to listen to their hourly update.
  10. G

    Health Care Thread

    Heh, they haven't changed the salary one iota since 2010. One of the reasons I keep pretty strict working hours...
  11. G

    Health Care Thread

    Welp, just found out insurance costs are going up by 6% for all plans at my company, and they are passing it along to us rather than absorbing it like has happened in years past. Well, technically mine is not going up since the high deductible insurance is free, so my deductible is going to be...
  12. G

    What do you do?

    Grats man, good luck. You're in Atlanta, right? I've only been gone a few months and I would still move back there in a heartbeat, but alas there are no semiconductor jobs.
  13. G

    Girlfriend wants to move in, how much should she pay?

    So what's the consensus on this? There's a good chance my gf will move in with me in the next year, but I am not looking forward to having a rent conversation. We both earn the same amount, so it's not an ability to pay, but it just seems weird to be living somewhere, affording it fine, and...
  14. G

    Have any of you seen the new $100 USD yet?

    Attrition? I don't know, the supply has a very long tail, at least for coins. I found quite a few silver quarters back in the 90's and a wheat penny like 3 years ago (switched over to basically all card payments since then so the chance of me finding any in the future is nil) As for the...
  15. G

    Which MMO *DO* you actually play now?

    None. I played WoW fairly consistently (first ~3 years as a hardcore raider) through about 2 months into Cata, but the casual weekend raid I played with fell apart, and fuck raidfinder. Tried to play MoP for a month but I just couldn't get over pandas, so I'm waiting for the next expansion...