Recent content by Lina_sl

  1. L

    Winter 2014 Anime Thread

    I am going to be way random and recommend that he needs to see Kids on the Slope with his wife.
  2. L

    Winter 2014 Anime Thread

    #2 Wtf... Yeah, more please. Funny.
  3. L

    Winter 2014 Anime Thread

    I compared Guin saga dub and sub and agree... stay away from dub.
  4. L

    Winter 2014 Anime Thread

    $0ld! Said in true elite speech.
  5. L

    Its a time for sharing holiday cheer. Free + nets til X-mas

    Events have taken a sudden turn for the...
  6. L

    Winter 2014 Anime Thread

    SnK OVA predictably is my recommendation. Creepy and full of Hanji, but not because of it. All other things, I'll see a few episodes before I figure out.
  7. L

    Fall 2013 Anime Thread

    Blasphemy! Lina Inverse will strike you with a dragon slave...
  8. L


    Not trolling this, I swear, but this is a time of the year when depression seems to hit people quite a bit, so it got me thinking about it and other misc. mental illnesses. So yeah, Big W absolutely has a point when suggesting that one should shift their focus from what's dragging them down...
  9. L

    2013 NFL Season

    They are not. The defense just could not keep on bailing out crappy Qbs and such. I just really knew I should not get any hopes up this year. It's crazy, because in my life, I've never been to a game where we actually won, but I have a feeling this might happen next season. Oh and...
  10. L

    Its a time for sharing holiday cheer. Free + nets til X-mas

    This is what X-mas dinner is supposed to be like, right?
  11. L

    2013 NFL Season

    The season is approaching its dreaded finish line for a hopeless Browns fan, so I had to dig up this advice, Famm, sorry. I understand things looked different then, but god damn, I had a little hope that we could cast some doubt on their winning odds. Ah fuck it, at least I can still...
  12. L

    Fall 2013 Anime Thread

    I watched many episodes of this series during my whole free time recently, which has been not been quite much, considering work is taking 12hrs/day sometimes and and the x-mas crap going on. It was really enjoyable. Thanks for the recommendation.
  13. L

    Its a time for sharing holiday cheer. Free + nets til X-mas

    Soon running out of + nets, but Will try my best to keep giving on the gift of + nets until the damn near end.