Recent content by Terbo_sl

  1. T

    League Of Legends

    Faker played Gragas in game 3 of 3 in season 3, but we ended up with a Zed skin.
  2. T

    MMO Glitches / Sploits

    This guy will always be my hero.
  3. T

    League Of Legends

    Wizardhawk I added you in game (Nestlehot). I crawled out of bronze 3 or 4 and am in silver 2 now. Maybe we could try duo and go for gold, I do a pretty good support and can adapt pretty well to play styles.
  4. T

    League Of Legends

    Really want Gold this season, been spamming Master Yi, currently 12-3 in silver. Nestlehot - North America - Summoners - League of Legends
  5. T

    League Of Legends

    My favorite part was at the end when the announcer said something along the lines of, "I wonder who Curse is going to kick for that loss?" Twitch chat just exploded. Never understood the Curse hypetrain myself. They never place very high.Team Curse - Leaguepedia - Competitive League of...
  6. T

    League Of Legends

    Not sure if this has been posted yet... Here TPA doesn't even use ADCs to win either game. They used 3 bruiser/tanks, APC and supp fidds w/ triple smite. Videos: LNL 2014 ????*??*???#42 TPA vs ahq - YouTube LNL 2014 ????*??*???#55 CGA L vs TPA - YouTube Reddit Article: Triple...
  7. T

    League Of Legends

    Last night Curse was streaming their new line up in ranked 5v5. They ended up doing really well up until they faced Locodoco's Quantic ranked 5v5 and ended up getting stomped pretty hard. Quantic sent their duo lane(Zyra/Cait) mid, after the jungler(Nasus) secured his jungle buffs he just sat...
  8. T

    League Of Legends

    I've been playing Trundle and doing extremely well on him. I think it's mostly because no one picks him and people really don't know how to counter him. Early game I go for damage and get a BoRK, with his Q and E you can chase someone down pretty early and at least get a flash. Since his Ult...
  9. T

    League Of Legends

    I pretty much gave up doing ranked games, Silver V was to much for my rage to handle. Went back to doing Normal games so I could try to get better at other roles. So far I've had pretty good success as Renekton top, and Swain mid. I've had problems with ADC after laning phase though. I have been...
  10. T

    League Of Legends

    I find that Lulu is a good supp. She has a lot of control because she can polymorph (maxes at 2 seconds) - this can stop plays or take an ADC out of the fight for the duration, has slow that hits in a line, her E has vision reveal and her R can save people that dive at bad times. Elise can be a...
  11. T

    League Of Legends

    Ya Alex tried to play him against a double AP comp, it was Kennen and another AP champ. The other team ended up going AD Kennen once they saw the Galio pick and GG ended up losing. I ended up finally getting to Silver V. I got pretty lucky for most of my games and Shen never got banned out...
  12. T

    League Of Legends

    I only started playing this season, but can you buy the Victorious skin or do you need the gold rank to get it? Currently I'm bronze 1, worked my way up from bronze 4, and trying to get at least gold or higher. I main support and jungle mostly, but pretty versed in all roles. In WoW I was...
  13. T

    Lurkers (reloaded)

    Been lurking since Planes of Power back in the EQ days, played on the Luclin server, never posted anything. Play LoL mostly now.