League Of Legends


Potato del Grande
Yeah only thing i'm worried about is it taking 30 wins to go from 0LP silver 1 to promo series like it did for Bronze 1 to silver promo. Even still, barring any setbacks I should be able to get it.


Molten Core Raider
Riot needs to make an Elephant champ. Ofc he/she will be a rival of Twitch.


2 Minutes Hate
Question about my first 10 games of ranked. Me and my duo partner are in the same spot. Both doing our first 10 games at the same time. In our 6th game we got put into a ranked game with all Gold and plat people while both of us were unranked.

What's up with that?


Golden Knight of the Realm
It tries to place you.. they are placement games. Afterwards your hidden MMR will be high if you did well.. which is a good thing... Silver 1 and Gold V players are the worst.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea. I've mentioned before, but for my gold 5 promo series (both times) I was matched against mostly low plat/high gold people. I think that happened pretty much since halfway through my placements. It throws off people using lolnexus :p I think I won a lane just because the guy was like "lol a Silver I" and started doing stupid shit constantly not expecting me to react to it.


Tranny Chaser
Having a high MMR is going to cause you to rocket through the brackets if you keep winning. Not only is your MMR likely higher than your current placement but the system includes a calculation based on how much faith it has that you are at your correct rating. Right now it has zero faith and until your win rate starts to eek back down you will never get clamped and even skip divisions as you advance.

It still can be a pain in the dick though. The last two promotional series that I played to get to Platinum were filled with games were everyone was Plat 2 or Plat 3. Even if I was first pick on my team everyone below me was Plat. The enemy first pick would be Plat 2. Can't I play against some people at the top of Gold or bottom of Platinum? NOPE.


Lord Nagafen Raider
iirc that was the same score I went in my promo games this season. Got placed in s1, then went s1 > g5 > g3 > g1 > p5 > p4, where I'm currently at. Although with the season ending I haven't had much motivation to grind more games. I believe I can get diamond but it's just if I want to sit down and play many more games.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm currently Silver V. Any pros wanna carry me to gold before the season thing ends? I have the jaina weather girl skin so it must mean im good.


Golden Squire
Having a high MMR is going to cause you to rocket through the brackets if you keep winning. Not only is your MMR likely higher than your current placement but the system includes a calculation based on how much faith it has that you are at your correct rating. Right now it has zero faith and until your win rate starts to eek back down you will never get clamped and even skip divisions as you advance.

It still can be a pain in the dick though. The last two promotional series that I played to get to Platinum were filled with games were everyone was Plat 2 or Plat 3. Even if I was first pick on my team everyone below me was Plat. The enemy first pick would be Plat 2. Can't I play against some people at the top of Gold or bottom of Platinum? NOPE.
Honestly, that's the biggest flaw with the promotion system. If you're being promoted you should be playing people at the tier you're going to be promoted to, not the ELO you're *actually* at.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
during your placement games your MMR is +/- around 40 points per win/loss, once things balance out it will be 12-14 points per win/loss. You can't see these gains/losses with MMR anymore since it's now hidden, but this is what I experienced in S2. So during your promotions you were gaining like 40 points of MMR per win and got really high until you were playing Gold/Plats (since their MMR was about equal), once you lost a couple games you ended up losing ~80 MMR which dropped you down to low-goldish level. It puts you in Silver 1 because it wants to make sure you are definitely a gold level. If you went 9-1 you woulda been in Gold with a high gold/low plat MMR.

edit: meant to say placement games rather than promotional games.
Yah Hotshot did this, and a couple of people I know have tried it as well. They intentionally dodge their promos from bronze and win pretty much every non promo game. So their MMR has them matched with high plat/diamond players. Bronze versus Diamond!


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
with regard to MMR grinding... I wish I could say that playing x amount of time should get me where I need to be, but the streaks and ruts can be very unpredictable. I have over 2k ranked games played and have moved VERY slowly up the ladder. I will get hot and go up and be in Div1 for a month or so then go on massive losing streaks to Div5... this happened in Silver for a long time until I eventually broke through to gold. I went to Gold 1 practically in a week, was gold 1 for about a month, then slowly dropped all the way to gold 5. I was in gold 5 for a long time. I only recently started moving back up and am 1 win away from gold 3. At this rate I could potentially make plat before the season ends but the damn streaks man...... I definitely play enough games to get there, it's just a matter if I can string together the wins.


Tranny Chaser
All of the places where LP and division become disconnected from MMR are places where people get frustrated with the system.

I don't even know why I'm calling it MMR to be honest. It's an Elo system where no one gets to see their Elo but gets little hints about where they are if they pay very close attention. There isn't anything impressive about taking a simple, functional system and whoring it up. Any jackass can add complexity and call it a day. At least I never was given the joy of sitting at 99 LP at D1 and getting zero LP game after game after game with no idea how many wins it was going to take to trigger a series for Challenger. I also never was given the joy of having 300 LP in Challenger, losing one game, and being ejected from it. The system completely falls apart at the top.

have over 2k ranked games played
You are superhuman.


A Man Chooses....
0 for 2 on my Gold promos. Fucking idiots in this game have no idea how to do anything but kill people. Enemy team just got baron? GROUP UP AND PUSH MID! Our inhibs down? GROUP UP AND PUSH MID. Enemy team baiting baron but not engaging it? CHARGE INTO THE BUSH. It's fucking maddening.
So just got plat! went from bronze to plat this season. Best thing was I got it in one Gold 1 to plat 5 promo series. Offer is out there for anyone that needs gold. I'll duo with you since I made my goal and no way in hell I'll make it too diamond before the season ends.