Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)


Molten Core Raider
I don't understand how a company can acquire the rights to Lucasfilm for $4 billion and not have the common sense to plan out their trilogy. These guys have a Star Wars theme park coming out, years of minor "star wars" related films, apparently a new trilogy, I'm sure a bunch of other shit... Basically, they have a lot of money invested into Star Wars and need it to be wildly successful.

So how the fuck can you decide to make a trilogy based off of 1-6, and not even plan out a basic rough draft of what the 3 films will be about? The original idea was to have 3 different directors do each film. Who all seemingly have their own ideas & direction for the franchise. I gotta believe Rian Johnson started writing 8 before the script for 7 even finished, and by the time he saw the script/movie for 7 he was like fuck it, I'm still doing my film even if it doesn't really fit. I guess JJ is back for 9 now, but there isn't really a story for him to come back to. I don't really know how you salvage episode 9 at this point.

I don't know shit about making movies, but I gotta say it doesn't make any sense to me to use a different director for each film when you are trying to tell a coherent story. Also, why Rian Johnson? The only notable movie the guy ever made as Looper. Sure, Looper wasn't a bad movie, but is this really the best Disney could do?

I also agree about making Mark Hamill get in shape for this role. What a kick in the dick. They just shit all over his character, then killed him. Hell, it would have made MORE sense if he was an old fat guy, based on how his character acted in the movie.

TLJ was just a huge "fuck you" to anyone who enjoyed episodes 1-6, and I was definitely pretty salty about it after seeing it in theatres. I've personally lost faith in Disney to do anything worthwhile with the Star Wars franchise. I guess I'll catch their movies on netflix, but other than that I am uninterested.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's 2015, you walk into a meeting with Disney execs and tell them the TLJ ending is "The resistance is crushed, only ship left is the Falcon and everyone that is left fits on it" and then... how are you not immediately fired?

After that they read the script... how are you not immediately fired from that? And then the post-production Luke kill off after Carrie Fisher is gone... what?
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Millie's Staff Member
It's 2015, you walk into a meeting with Disney execs and tell them the TLJ ending is "The resistance is crushed, only ship left is the Falcon and everyone that is left fits on it" and then... how are you not immediately fired?

After that they read the script... how are you not immediately fired from that? And then the post-production Luke kill off after Carrie Fisher is gone... what?
i still dont understand that, why kill off all the skywalkers in star wars? like, how do you conceive that?
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Golden Knight of the Realm
It's 2015, you walk into a meeting with Disney execs and tell them the TLJ ending is "The resistance is crushed, only ship left is the Falcon and everyone that is left fits on it" and then... how are you not immediately fired?

After that they read the script... how are you not immediately fired from that? And then the post-production Luke kill off after Carrie Fisher is gone... what?
The state of the good guys isn't even the worst part.

How do you tell those same execs "we decided Snoke's mysterious and ancient origins as well as his seemingly extreme power levels weren't very interesting, so we kill him and by the end of the movie, the army is led by a bumbling moron who fell for a mama joke and and Ren, who still can't keep his shit together and is once again stalemated by Rey".

How the fuck are we supposed to be compelled by either side at this point?
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Trakanon Raider
You got it.... it's stupid. They royally screwed themselves and it was completely unnecessary.
  • Give Luke a BA moment
  • Tie Snoke to the Emp (or some other canon or expanded baddie)
  • Give Rey an Obi-wan or Qui-Gon backstory
  • Drop the Fin love interest attention.
  • Give Phasma some BA moment.
  • Leia a different force moment (I still think let a shot hit and when the dust settles they are all within a Force bubble or something besides that silliness they chose).
...or any one or group of those type of fan service ideas and you accomplish a lot.

In my opinion Luke should have died to Snoke early or half-way through the 3rd movie. Leia could have held off Snoke so Rey could have escaped only to kill Leia as well. If they wanted to kill off Snoke, they should had an Emp clone or Plagueis show up and kill Snoke and force Rey and Kylo into joining forces. I would have liked a force ghost scene al a Harry Potter Resurrection Stone, where Luke, Leia, Qui-Gon, Obi-wan, Yoda, and whoever else they wanted to give Rey and Kylo their extra push or final instructions before facing the final villain. I know it's a lot of safe ideas but it would have been better for fans young and old to play it safe. I don't know if JJ can retcon some of this crap but I hope he does in some creative way.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If they wanted to kill off Snoke, they should had an Emp clone or Plagueis show up and kill Snoke and force Rey and Kylo into joining forces.

Another guy in really great shape, and entirely possible to do this.

Just shows how royally they fucked up. JJ wanted to do a Plagueis story but since each movie was a separate creative process he had to leave TLJ alone. They could have given this trilogy a legacy. Sacrificing all that for fickle comic book-esque fans minus actual comic book legacies to ground and back up your characters will soon prove to be a grave mistake.

It may take a year, maybe 2 years. But the 10 year blueprint originally laid out by Disney upon acquisition will be hitting turbulence at some point. I can't imagine rolling out theme parks and trying to sell toys with such unlikable characters and dashed storylines.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The blueprint is already hitting turbulence, the cartoon show(s) are an indicator of that. They did it right with Rebels but the ending left people wanting a continuation of that story even if it has a time skip. Instead they are forcing a pre-TFA focus on the resistance pilots which no one knows anything about, has no hype, and we already know 99% of them will die due to TLJ. So I have no idea exactly what interest they expect for such a massive sidestep with zero known potential.

Same problem with any novels, 99% of their content can't be related to TLJ or continue the time line through that period cause.. they're all dead! So they have to pull an entire herd of new rabbits out of the hat and hope they're likeable while dodging any pitfalls Episode 9 generate.
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Potato del Grande
I don't understand how a company can acquire the rights to Lucasfilm for $4 billion and not have the common sense to plan out their trilogy. These guys have a Star Wars theme park coming out, years of minor "star wars" related films, apparently a new trilogy, I'm sure a bunch of other shit... Basically, they have a lot of money invested into Star Wars and need it to be wildly successful.

So how the fuck can you decide to make a trilogy based off of 1-6, and not even plan out a basic rough draft of what the 3 films will be about?
I think they did plan it out (giving JJ Abrams the benefit of the doubt he hasn't earned here) but Rian Johnson really wanted to make his slow space chase personal project and somehow has some sort of power over Kathleen Kennedy, who let him do it. That's why the Episode 9 director quit, because his script didn't fit in anymore.

It is crazy how someone who isn't a big name that could rewrite the trilogy AND be rewarded with three more movies before his first is out. Is he fucking her? Is he her yes man for SJW politics? Is he blackmailing her? Is she just fucking retarded? Who knows.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
I still question the mental capacity of anyone who thought this movie was legitimately good or amazing. I understand the group that thought it was "fine". If I ignore continuity, lore, character accuracy, and a few other things, the movie itself is enjoyable. If I was a kid and this was the first Star Wars movie I'd seen, the milk titties would be weird as fuck, Rose "saving" Finn would seem dumb as shit, but the rest of the film would be "fine". This was definitely not a movie for Star Wars fans, though ironically the guy with his Star Wars dungeon shrine or memorabilia might tell me I'm wrong while he masturbates to beached alien whale tits. I like to collect action figures and the like, but I want nothing to do with these two movies save for a Phasma figure as I just like the actor and her portrayal in GoT. The character sucked.
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Millie's Staff Member
I think they did plan it out (giving JJ Abrams the benefit of the doubt he hasn't earned here) but Rian Johnson really wanted to make his slow space chase personal project and somehow has some sort of power over Kathleen Kennedy, who let him do it. That's why the Episode 9 director quit, because his script didn't fit in anymore.

It is crazy how someone who isn't a big name that could rewrite the trilogy AND be rewarded with three more movies before his first is out. Is he fucking her? Is he her yes man for SJW politics? Is he blackmailing her? Is she just fucking retarded? Who knows.
it feels like to me, the script Johnson wrote was initially fine, but when KK went over it, she put her corrections on certain plot points.

"hmm Leia dies? no, she's an empowered woman in the Rebellion, she spacewalks to safety. "

"hmm Poe is a swashbuckling alpha male like Han Solo and saves the day? no, he's a hot dog asshole white man who gets others (women) killed with his carelessness. lets have him demoted and his story downgraded to sidekick"

"hmm, Finn sacrifices himself by destroying the battering ram device and thus saving everyone? Finn is an empowered black man who was enslaved by evil white men, he wouldnt lose his life in order to save white people, have asian girl save him and let them both continue to further their budding interracial romance."

"hmm Luke Slywalker saves everyone at the end and joins the rebellion as its new leader? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? i want Skywalker drinking titmilk and staying at his stupid monastery, this is a movie about empowering women, minorities and other disenfranchised creatures across the galaxy . we dont need more white men saving anything. white men have caused enough trouble and got us into this mess. have Skywalker come out in a hologram and taunt Ren to shoot at him while the real hero, Rey gets everyone to safety. Skywalker dies soon afterward. oh and have his white power fortress be destroyed too."

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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Here's a spoiler image for the next animated series. Looks like it has some novel characters and lower than TMNT 2012 CGI?

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Blackwing Lair Raider
Snoke was the one thing about TFA I was excited to learn more about, and he went out like a bitch. I don't think I'll ever watch this again, but if Pixar decides to buy the rights to make short films with the island penguins that'd be a license to print money.
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FPS noob
‘Star Wars: Episode IX’ Eyes Keri Russell (EXCLUSIVE)


fuck yeah hope she gets naked, she's the hot chick in The Americans
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Molten Core Raider
Fuck. After watching this piece of shit in December I had tried to not think and not think about anything Star Wars for the past 6 months. For some reason I opened this thread again and just reading through the last couple pages I'm again triggered. F Disney, Kennedy, and this abomination they signed off on. Gave Solo a hard pass, won't give them money for any more spin offs in the near future, and may not even watch episode 9 in theaters. Not even going to hope Abrams finds a way to redeem things, Star Wars ended after RoTJ.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I think they did plan it out (giving JJ Abrams the benefit of the doubt he hasn't earned here) but Rian Johnson really wanted to make his slow space chase personal project and somehow has some sort of power over Kathleen Kennedy, who let him do it. That's why the Episode 9 director quit, because his script didn't fit in anymore.

It is crazy how someone who isn't a big name that could rewrite the trilogy AND be rewarded with three more movies before his first is out. Is he fucking her? Is he her yes man for SJW politics? Is he blackmailing her? Is she just fucking retarded? Who knows.

I could flood this thread with Trevorrow heat rocks but no point now. Disney did a good job suppressing what happened there.

The original Trevorrow story made Rey cry IRL, tears streaming down her face. She was really excited to act for Episode 9. So you guys saying Rey sucks in TLJ-- there is a reason for that. The script sucks.