Captain Marvel (2019)


Log Wizard
Yeah, I have Lithose ignored and I couldn't find the Infinity War thread unless it was the most recently replied to thread because he started it.

Also lol, I have Lanx blocked. Wonder who else does.
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Life's a Dream
Instead, the comic established that Carol’s mother is, in fact, a member of the alien race the Kree, making Carol a Kree-human hybrid from birth as opposed to the result of an accident related to a male hero. The Psyche-Magnetron, instead of altering Carol’s DNA, “activated” Carol’s inherent superpowers, her mother explains, making them in her words, “not borrowed. Not a gift. Not an accident” — a purposeful shift that befits the company’s repositioning of the character as a model of female empowerment.

Remember kids, if you are mentored or helped by a man, then your success means nothing. Anyone still want to try and defend this ideology?

Also, its shocking how much they deviated from the archetypal story that surrounds the character's origin. Captain Marvel is the not the heroic ideal archetype, she's not Superman. Her entire story is built off of the fact that she's a flawed character who struggles toward the ideal. She's spiderman, except with more powers. Its pretty essential to all of her stories, and her being 'destined' to have the power is going to poison a lot of the themes and symbolism used in her stories.

But hell, they've been destroying it for the past 10 years so, meh. It was pretty clear at the start of the Danvers run they didn't realize the themes behind her, and began using her as a tool for feminist rhetoric. It's sad. The character appeared in Spiderman for her first issue for a reason. (Meanwhile, Disney had to nuke the idea of Rey coming from special lineage for the same damn reason as Marvel needs to come from special lineage...The whole ideological cult can't even nail down the meaning of their bullshit.)

Did this quote get ignored?


Buzzfeed Editor
I didn't understand half the shit being said in this thread. Then I realized it's because I blocked Lithose. Lulz.

Who knew he'd shit up a thread about a comic book movie starring a woman. Oh wait, everyone. Everyone.

Even with me on ignore he needs to whine about his sandy vagina. God damn that is fucking sad.


If you dilate correctly Xev, your pussy won't hurt so bad. Christ. Seriously, why the fuck do you guys come here if the first thing you like to do is whine about discussion? It's always mind boggling to me. It's like going out to a baseball game and crying about people cheering.
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  • 3Worf
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Buzzfeed Editor
ppl had him quoted, do you see the quoted content as blocked?

does it look like this?

i don't remember what blocked does to quotes

You post more than once a thread, he's blocked you. It must be traumatizing for him to creep out of his safe space facebook group and meet opinions he doesn't like. I'm glad he can curate so well. Just wish he'd be happy in his safe space instead of begging for attention now that he's got so much less. Cringey as fuck.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I miss the 90s when chicks had tits...

what is with this generation and "no tits r sexy" fucken shit
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
All the ones with tits learned they can make more money without even trying to act.
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Potato del Grande
Yeah, I have Lithose ignored and I couldn't find the Infinity War thread unless it was the most recently replied to thread because he started it.

Also lol, I have Lanx blocked. Wonder who else does.
You sound like a whiny faggot. Nobody cares who you have blocked.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I miss the 90s when chicks had tits...

what is with this generation and "no tits r sexy" fucken shit

Are you complaining about the outfit or the actress? She has tits, unless you're expecting porn star tits as the minimum.

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Looks better then Black Panther and is Marvel Galactic Universe so hey why not. Really shows off how shit the BP CGI was, this is 4 months out and looks 1000x better
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
With HER!

Looks like good action, but maybe a bit of virtual signaling that Womyn are amazing! I could be jaded though. Hopefully they let the character be a character rather than a symbol for womyn r strong!


Got something right about marriage
Trailer looks good. I do wish they had found an actress with a more... mature voice. She doesn't sound very commanding.
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
HAHAHAHA Looks like Disney had Funny or Die scrub the short film 'The Babysitter' with Brie Larson before she became becomes a super hero role model. #MeToo & #believeallwomen faggots would have went apeshit. And her new found feminist street cred she was spouting who go up in smoke. Luckily they cant scrub her episodes of the League playing a dirty whore. Or her selfies from the Fappening.
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