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  1. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    PvP's pretty cool I guess. Not on the level of a Fps, but still pretty cool. Oh wait, FoH. You'll just ask for a server transfer lmao
  2. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    You faggots log in every day to grind rewards you don't even care about, don't give you status, don't give you power, will be replaced in a patch. Shine on, you crazy WoW bros
  3. schwy

    What are you listening to at the moment?

  4. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Eh.Fuck it. "Eh fuck it?" Lol, fuck you son. The glory days draw near! Farm pets, or whatever the fuck you guys do now CLASSIC
  5. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    This dumbass mod thought professions were worth something. So. Kawaii
  6. schwy

    A guide to understanding Twitch emotes
  7. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Piss on any Orc that chose upright posture Grom 4 Lyfe
  8. schwy

    Have you gone through and checked the default emotes lately? It's a hodgepodge of corporate shit, and emotes like Asexual Pride. FeelsbadMan I used to think BTTV was a detriment, but thank god it exists
  9. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Just look at the fucks given.None "Fire resist? Uh yeah, that's a thing. Farm it you dipshit. It says so right there. Check out this watch, time is "Git Gud" o'clock. Roll a tensided die, 0-10, your a dumbass, grats
  10. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Shoudn't Reputation be a factor? More content is a good thing for everyone. Same with professions. "But casuals" Even the uberest of casuals could give a shit about the above, when they can kill a WQ butterfly, or do a Warfront and get better gear. So what's the point of this content? "Gear is...
  11. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Revered with Champions of Azeroth, and at exalted I can get a 355 helm. Oh wait, got a 370 helm from the Warfront, so who cares. Professions? LOL The reward structure in this game just feels so horribly broken. There's no rhyme or reason, just vaguely do whatever, and hope the game spits out an...
  12. schwy

    The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown

    So, the cauldrons in Siberia are kind of interesting . Any definitive videos you guy's could recommend?
  13. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Is there an addon to show APM? As a Shadow Priest I wanna brag to my guild Me: Yo, I just did 120 apm Guild: Woah, you doing Mythic 10??? Me: Lol, no. Just trying to kill these 4 crabs with 50k health
  14. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Imagine a World of fantastical, awesome trade goods. A world these corrupt Admins don't want you to see......
  15. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Wtf, Admin salt
  16. schwy

    What are you listening to at the moment?

    Shouldve asked her out when I had the chance Coulda done better when we were together Tell her shes pretty
  17. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Well, no fucking shit. Welcome to WoW you dumb fucking Mod. Tradeskills have been fucking worthless for 10 fucking years, where the fuck have you been, besides saying the word fuck on these forums. Fuck me
  18. schwy

    "IRL streamer shits himself, upvotes pls" "IRL streamer gives his thoughts, upvotes pls" "IRL streamer reacts to what other IRl streamer says, upvotes pls" Reddit is such a freak show
  19. schwy

    God I love this clip
  20. schwy

    Arkk's Weight Lifting / Fitness Thread

    Lift weights. Eat healthy. Watch action movies from the 80's. And don't post haiku Bruce Lee style unless you got the body and will power to match , you fat fuck
  21. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    That dumb tree had sharp knees, so who cares
  22. schwy

    The Synthwave Thread

    Respect your elders son
  23. schwy

    MTG thread

    Getting back into Magic after 20 years of not playing. Bought a new pack from Target on a whim, set it on my bookshelf. Day later shit is all folded and curled. Dominaria Wtf is this shit. Every card looks exactly the same. Even playing kitchen table, I'd have to stop and look at the cards...
  24. schwy

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Wtf is this nonsense, Bagnon 4 lyfe. Holy shit. This guy forgot to put a period at the end of of his sentence. Not on Elitist Jerk's watch! INFRACTED