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  1. M

    Board Games

    I've been browsing BoardGameGeek quite a bit again recently and Scythe seems to be the talk of the town (it's #1 on The Hotness). It does sound pretty cool.
  2. M


    I'm thinking of upgrading my Kindle finally. I'm looking to get a Paperwhite but I was wondering do Kindles go on sale very often? I'm in no rush so I figured I would try to wait until it goes on sale if that is feasible.
  3. M

    Board Games

    I bought Forbidden Island after Pandemic and we have played it a whopping once. It is basically a simpler version of Pandemic. Pandemic is really superior in every way. Dominion is not co-op but it's really good with two.
  4. M

    A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)

    That chapter has me kind of excited. I mean surely the last two books will be amazing as he finally starts to tie up some loose ends and so forth. I'm really interested to see how all the characters end up.
  5. M

    Board Games

    Quarriors, Carcassonne, Dominion, Lords of Waterdeep or Ticket to Ride are some good entry level games.
  6. M


    The game with no mods was enough to hold my attention for quite a few playthroughs. There are tons of mods available, although I don't know if they are all available on Steam yet or not. I play the non-Steam version still. If you ever get bored of the base game, or even the base game with lots...
  7. M

    The RPG Thread

    Are there any good RPGs for PC that are similar to Final Fantasy Tactics in combat mechanics?
  8. M

    Board Games

    Cities and Knights + Explorers and Pirates makes for an awesome game. Some of the elements from Cities and Knights aren't designed to work with Explorers and Pirates but if you just go on the Catan website they have a section on compatability of the expansions that explains everything.
  9. M

    Board Games

    Yeah I decided against Dice Masters based on a lot of the Amazon reviews saying it wasn't much fun unless you can dump a good amount of money into it. Granted, Quarriors is pretty expensive too, but I also felt like my wife would like Quarriors better. She doesn't like direct conflict. She...
  10. M

    Board Games

    Nice. Terra Mystica is definitely on my buy list, but it will still be a few months before I feel the need for more games. My latest order was Quarriors with the Quartifacts expansion and Race for the Galaxy's second expansion, Rebel vs Imperium. Quarriors is pretty fun. It's a dice game that...
  11. M


    Out of the 15 or so games that I played I think I faced 13 mages. Does everyone assume mage is the best because of Flamestrike?
  12. M

    Europa Universalis IV

    Highly recommend this game, and grabbing it at 75% off is literally a steal.
  13. M

    Star Wars : Rogue One

    Are they alternating episodes 7-9 with the standalone films every other year? So Episode 7 in 2015 then 8 in 2017 and 9 in 2019?
  14. M

    Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

    Darth Plagueis awakes from the dead and goes on a Gungan killing spree. I would pay to see it.
  15. M

    Pillars of Eternity, Obsidian's new CRPG in the vein of Baldur's Gate

    I saw on Quill18's let's play that you get less and less experience each time you kill the same mob. So if you have killed 10 spiders you probably get 0 xp from them.
  16. M

    Pillars of Eternity, Obsidian's new CRPG in the vein of Baldur's Gate

    This game looks great. I've been watching Quill18's let's play. I will definitely be picking this up.
  17. M

    Board Games

    My latest haul: Catan: Explorers and Pirates - Haven't had the chance to play it yet but just from reading through the instructions I can tell that combining Cities and Knights with this will make for some really awesome games. The board is huge if you use all the tiles! 7 Wonders: Cities...
  18. M


    I was considering making a thread for this game, but it looks like one was already made. It's pretty fun. I never played Dwarf Fortress or anything like it before. You can adjust the difficulty to anything from Builder Mode difficulty with the Builder storyteller (where the attacks are very...
  19. M

    Board Games

    Yeah I read earlier in this thread that that is the combo to get. Thanks!
  20. M

    Board Games

    Recently got Cities and Knights for Catan. It definitely adds a lot of depth to the game. Explorers and Pirates will be the next addition.
  21. M

    Europa Universalis IV

    Thanks. I've managed to clean up a lot of the one province minors and stabilize after taking Mewar in one huge annexation so I'm getting in a much better position now. I'm thinking Bahmanis never declared on me because Bengal and Jaunpur may not have been interested in attacking me also. Now the...
  22. M

    Board Games

    Recent acquisitions for me: Agricola, Lewis and Clark and 7 Wonders. My wife destroys me in Lewis and Clark and Agricola but they are still really fun. Agricola is rough though. It always leaves me feeling like I accomplished almost nothing lol.
  23. M

    Europa Universalis IV

    So I started a new game as Vijayanagar on normal and got immediately crushed by Orissa and co. after taking a couple provinces from Gujarat. I restarted on easy and have been making some progress but Bahmanis has recently allied with Bengal and Jaunpur, the two largest powers nearby. I have been...
  24. M

    Europa Universalis IV

    Another question I can't find an answer to: how exactly does attrition work? If I've got 5% attrition does that just mean that 5% of that stack is dying each month?
  25. M

    Europa Universalis IV

    I'm playing on easy for my first game and it does seem too easy to just take whatever I want with zero repercussions. I'm going to continue to play this game for a while longer to learn all the mechanics then start a game on normal. A random question: does a game end when you hit 1883 or...
  26. M

    Europa Universalis IV

    I tried out colonizing my first game as Ottomans, only to discover my colonization range was nowhere near big enough to actually colonize anything. Do some nations naturally get a larger colonize range? As the Ottomans at least, it seems like you would never actually get your colonize range big...
  27. M

    Europa Universalis IV

    I've been watching Quill18. He has some really long series on his channel (100+ episodes) and he really vocalizes everything he is thinking as he plays. I just randomly stumbled on his channel and EU4 videos. I started by watching his Art of Sweden series. I was lost for the first few...
  28. M

    Europa Universalis IV

    EU4 and all expansions minus Art of War are 75% off on Steam for the next ~20 hours. I'm gonna finally pick this up after watching some Let's Plays of it.
  29. M

    Interstellar (2014)

    This looks awesome, and I'm guessing it will be awesome.
  30. M

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

    Picked up Civ 5 Complete Edition for $17. Not bad.
  31. M


    Except a very small card pool, no instants, no random lands, no permanent effects (enchantments), very limited mechanics on cards, etc. This is like a Magic Lite, Lite.
  32. M


    Some people don't play to rank as high as they can, they play a deck they enjoy. Control paladin is my favorite deck but I play it because it's fun to never die (same reason I always like playing healing classes in games).
  33. M

    Board Games

    Yeah after playing a lot more and reading some on Dominionstrategy I discovered that pretty much all cards have situations where they are good. I bought Intrigue and then my girlfriend bought Seaside and Prosperity just recently. She is feeding my addiction... I guess I can't complain though.
  34. M

    Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

    I enjoyed Oblivion, and I will definitely have to see this when I get the chance.
  35. M

    Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

    Definitely want to see this one. I'm a sucker for Tom Cruise sci-fi too.
  36. M


    How'd you pull that one off?
  37. M


    What class is that card for? Shaman? I haven't memorized all the class colors.
  38. M

    Captain America: Winter Soldier

    I just saw this the other day. Really great movie. That's about it.
  39. M

    Board Games

    So Dominion has really emerged as the game of choice for my friends and I. Everyone seems to love it. We had five people for our last game night so we played with five people, even though it is only meant for four. I am already ordering the Intrigue expansion so we can play with up to six...
  40. M


    I really enjoyed it for a while. I got about 60 hours out of it and I could see myself playing it again sometime down the road.