

<Silver Donator>
Someone that has done that Bug explain it in detail please.

Does it only work right before a patch day?
It works everyday, basically when the daily is about to reset, around 1hour before or so but sometimes longer, you can keep changing daillies until you roll the right ones. Supposedly you can only get the 100g one every 4days. I just don't know if it works on euro servers, everyone I heard doing it were US players.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So I was having some success with a mid-range control/burst druid last night. Mostly the same cards as the watcher druid I posted a couple of times before, but
-2 ancient watcher
-2 sunfury protector
-1 cenarius
-1 spellbreaker
+1 savage roar
+1 force of nature
+2 wild growth
+2 azure drake
My kind of deck, you fight for board control until you can burst them down in one turn, something people usually don't expect from druid. I think I went 7-3 with it, back up to rank 4, just last night because I had just finished the 7 win quest before logging off. Each loss was to a rush deck, one warrior, one paladin, one zoo, but I swapped out a sylvanas for a doa after two losses to rush. Warrior and paladin aggro are a little more difficult to hold off, but luckily they aren't as common as the zoo, which is just as likely to get burst down before they finish you off.

Edit - Oh and something else was taken out for a stampeding kodo, works especially well in the pesky shaman matchup for druids. Innervating kodo turn 3 after your shaman opponent coined feral spirits turn 2 is nipple rubbing good.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just did my first arena in months, had an awesome paladin deck that went 3/3. Lost my third game because of a fucking BLOODSAIL CORSAIR FUCK THIS GAME AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Molten Core Raider
Just went 12-1 with a shaman deck...I have to admit, a drooling moron could have had success with it. 5 hex, 2 earth elementals, 2 fire elementals, and lots of other stuff. It wasn't all gold, but it was all good enough!


Poet Warrior
I am going to make sweet love to this card!



<Silver Donator>
I wonder if battlecries proc with that, I assume it works like the paladin secret, which iirc didn't proc battlecries? Things you could do other than death rattles is chargers, specifically leeroy and alakir, it's basically like a better shadowstep for chargers. Makes windfury pretty obsolete as a card though, assuming battlecries don't proc, since you can do other stuff with deathrattles and it has the same effect on leeroy, which is the only thing you bothered windfurying most of the time(sometimes you windfury+bloodlust but it's not that common).

Definitely one of the better if not the best card they've shown, and the synergy with the neutral deathrattle cards is pretty fucking big, especially with Rivendare(I think it was that one) that doubles death rattles and ancestral spirit. Gonna start a whole new type of decks, which is much better than the warrior "arcanite reaper that has whirlwind built in" for example, in terms of design.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ancestral spirit on sylvannus and this get 2 enemy minions! Should be alot of fun though besides the obvious uses


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well after handlock and miracle rogue being on top for awhile suddenly Aggro!, Aggro everywhere!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Have they said if you'll be able to get all 30 cards from a runthrough of all 5 wings? Or is it random?