2013 NFL Playoffs


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I do remember this story of yours from before on FoH now. I don't really get it with people rooting for some team halfway across the country, but its a thing so whatever.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It is not consistent when the previous drive by the Ravens was extended by the exact same scenario on Culliver. Only that was on 3rd and 9 and ended up with a field goal. It is far worse to get a non-call on a clear penalty with under 2 minutes to go , on 4th and goal. That has to be the worst non-call ever in a Super Bowl.
Which is why I noted that PI call in my post. I do think there was even more contact on the Culliver call to be honest. I think both in a vacuum are PI/holding. I'd be bitter too if it was my team that had to deal with that. At least they can know they did have 4 shots inside the 10. It didn't have to come down to that call, it just ended up coming down to it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We also should have taken three points instead of going for the kill with that faked FG. That almost came back to haunt us.
I hate this line of thinking. The missed fake pinned the 49ers deep so they couldn't move the ball which setup the Ravens with great field position. They immediately then drove for a TD. The fake worked albeit not in the way intended.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I hate this line of thinking. The missed fake pinned the 49ers deep so they couldn't move the ball which setup the Ravens with great field position. They immediately then drove for a TD. The fake worked albeit not in the way intended.
Fair point.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah im from MA but i been a hardcore Niner fan since i was 6 yrs old. I dont kno how or why i just took a liking to them. Obviously it probably had something to do with their success but i supported them through everything. Calling me a bandwagon fan is hardly accurate.

Basically almost every1 who knows me knows the first thing about me is im a 49er fan. I have 49er blankets n clothes for fuck sake. I follow them 24/7 365 and after tonight I dont know if ill have the gut to continue getting so worked up about them. At least Jim Harbaugh will be a better more aggressive coach next year .

They were a play away from gettin to super bowl last year. A play away from winning it this year. They will win the fucker next year. They have a defense and a star QB again for the first time since 1997-98.

This just sucks. I hate Ray Lewis. I bet Jack Harbaugh is upset.

Edit: and yeah. The PI on culliver and then no call on crabtree was fuckin unforgivable. Takin solace in that is kind of bitch but honestly there is no way you can just dismiss the shit like it didnt happen. That will go down with the tuck rule snow game call as one of the worse ref decisions in playoff history.

Boger will never be in another super bowl but jim harbaugh will.
Or I could tell you what every Steelers fan told me(Seahawks fan) after the 2005 Super Bowl. Play better and the bullshit penalties don't matter. How about the Niners show up in the first half instead of getting fist fucked by Joe fucking Flacco?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There's BS penalties on both sides of the ball EVERY FUCKING GAME OF THE SEASON. No team is immune from it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't see the problem with liking teams across the country. I'm from NY and I like the Dolphins, Buffalo Bills, Denver Broncos, Kansas City Chiefs, Oakland Raiders, San Diego Chargers, Baltimore Ravens, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns, Houston Texans, Indianapolis Colts, Jacksonville Jaguars, Tennessee Titans, Washington Redskins, Arizona Cardinals, San Francisco 49ers, Seattle Seahawks, St. Louis Rams, Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions, Green Bay Packers, Minnesota Vikings, Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers, New Orleans Saints, Tampa Bay Bucs


I understand it the "Across the country team" thing. For some people, when they really become invested in a sport, it may be because of a specific player, or a specific team that blew them away. My ex-boyfriend really liked hockey, and we are obviously from pittsburgh, but what made him crazy in love with the sport was Lemieux. I think if Mario had been on another team he might have loved that team, but it's hard to judge, because then he might not have seen enough games.

What I don't always understand are the people who decide they want to like a sport, and then arbitrarily pick their hometown. For me that tends to kind of point on being a bandwagoner fan of the sport. My current boyfriend for example decided this year he wanted to share in my love of hockey so he is cheering for the panthers. I lose my shit every game though because he doesn't understand the sport. He started bitching about the "trap game" because the team was cycling the puck in their offensive zone. After rolling my eyes, I explained to him what that really meant.

I do think my family would disown me if I stopped being a steelers/penguins fan.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
I think the NFL is somewhat fixed and the random "blackout" happened so they could plan a more exciting ending to the game then a 35-6 blowout.

If you are not a fan of a team by the time you hit high school then you turn in to Cathan. Its as simple as that. Whether or not you live in the city the team represents is irrelevant. Now a six year old in Boston that fell in love with the Niners when they were doing well? Makes sense and is just as legitimate as someone who grew up in the bay area loving them. Nothing wrong with that as long as you stick with your team.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Listening to Dilfer explain that he thought the blackout changed momentum...only to go on and say that basically the Niners simply stopped shooting themselves in the foot was funny. The yardage was pretty close prior to the blackout, and the Niners actually led in time of possession. They stop turning the ball over, finishing drives, and force a fumble on D, and they get back into the game. Wasn't all that surprising really, blackout or no blackout.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I try not to get too down on games as much as I used to, but I can't get over how disappointing those last few plays were. They come all the way back, the game is there for them to win, and they don't go with their strength. The playcall on 2nd down was actually pretty good; Kaepernick had the chance to pick up at least 3 yards on that play and he tried to make a difficult pass for whatever reason. Inexperience, not understanding the moment, whatever it was the game was there for him to win on that play and he didn't take the opportunity. If he runs it there, at worst you have 3rd and goal on the 1 or 2.

You had 2nd and goal at the 5, Kaepernick at QB, Frank Gore and his fucking will to win, what Steve Young was this week calling one of the best O-lines the league has seen in the last 15 years, and you don't run it on any of the remaining plays. Just don't get it. Go with your strengths, and then if you're somehow held to shit on 2nd and 3rd, ok THEN try something else. Yes if that PI gets called on Culliver then you have to call that a fucking hold, but it was the Niners' decisions and playcalling that led to that point. It didn't have to come to relying on the refs to throw a flag.

The first half was really disappointing, but not overly surprising. The defense looked lost; they got into a bad habit in these playoffs of not coming out ready to play from the start of the game. They kept that trend going one too many games. It was also disappointing that the Niners looked like they came out ready to TALK, but not ready to play. The plays they made in the first half were few and far between, but every time they made one it seemed like they were ready to bark at the Ravens. Oh we're down 14-3? Don't matter, I just made ONE play it's time to talk some shit! Lamichael James got like a 8 yard run his first touch, gets up and makes a big deal out of it, then fumbles the ball on his next touch. That hurt.

There's no silver lining here. No "well, at least we made the super bowl and we have a good team that will be back next year weeeee." It's tough to get these opportunities in the NFL, and this is two years in a row the Niners have blown great chances to win it all. Any number of injuries or whatever can happen in the course of a season; winners have to seize the opportunity when it's there.

I was hoping the power outage was God not wanting to hear Ray Lewis praise him one last for being on his side in murder trials and football alike. But it has been officially confirmed, there is no God. Or maybe free will is not an illusion and God is bitching about that no-call himself while the devil laughs it up as he pays off the refs.


When championships come down to inches and fingertips, it is complete bullshit that the refs put away their whistles. This is the safety play... wheres the call?


Potato del Grande
So they would have called a penalty that resulted in a...wait for it, safety? Jesus christ take out the tampon you fucking bleeding vagina.
Listening to Dilfer explain that he thought the blackout changed momentum...only to go on and say that basically the Niners simply stopped shooting themselves in the foot was funny. The yardage was pretty close prior to the blackout, and the Niners actually led in time of possession. They stop turning the ball over, finishing drives, and force a fumble on D, and they get back into the game. Wasn't all that surprising really, blackout or no blackout.
Yup. It also wasn't surprising that Kaepernick pretty much lost them the game on that last goal line series (along with the play calling). Instead of running with it he freaks out and makes a bad decision to throw that pass. An abysmal first half from the defense and a young QBs inexperience cost them that game.

edit for all the whining: Stop bitching about the refs. They were consistent all game and if you are close enough to lose because of a call or two then your team didn't play well enough to win in the first place. My college coach put it best. "If you are in a position to get fucked by the officials, then you didn't play well enough."


You miss the point... you call penalties according to the rulebook... as such, no call on the 4th down "no holding" call as well... i understand putting away the whistle in basketball, or maybe hockey... football comes down to 1 game.. fuck these guys.
No, we all get the point. The officials either didn't see the penalty or they ignored it. The whole game they were letting them play pretty much. My point still stands. If the Niners secondary hadn't shit the bed in the first half and Kaepernick didn't make some really bad decisions then those penalties meant nothing. Play better and they win, regardless of what the refs do or do not call.


Potato del Grande
You miss the point... you call penalties according to the rulebook... as such, no call on the 4th down "no holding" call as well... i understand putting away the whistle in basketball, or maybe hockey... football comes down to 1 game.. fuck these guys.
So you've just started watching sports I take it?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yup. It also wasn't surprising that Kaepernick pretty much lost them the game on that last goal line series (along with the play calling). Instead of running with it he freaks out and makes a bad decision to throw that pass. An abysmal first half from the defense and a young QBs inexperience cost them that game.

edit for all the whining: Stop bitching about the refs. They were consistent all game and if you are close enough to lose because of a call or two then your team didn't play well enough to win in the first place. My college coach put it best. "If you are in a position to get fucked by the officials, then you didn't play well enough."
I can buy into that "shouldn't have let it be that close", but sometimes it will be that close. I do think they were pretty consistent with letting them play all game, but I can also totally understand Niners fans being upset about 4th and goal last chance and having a non call in that important of a spot. It is what it is though.