So, I think I may be the only San Francisco poster here -- so I'm assuming you're directing that poor attempt of an insult towards me. BTW, you're fat and going bald. I'd recommend Propecia and exercise.
Nope, not directed at you, you fabulous bastard. In all likely hood I was confused and misdirected my retardedness.
And yea, I know. I put on a lot of weight with the new meds. I'm currently working through losing it again in addition to my physical therapy stuff for my joints and muscles. This is probably dumb of me, but I am tired of the misinformation and belief that I'm just some guy with an Anxiety Disorder. So here's some personal information: The Anxiety disorder is the absolute least of my problems. I have Arthritis all over my body, nerve damage that I've had surgery for which didn't get fixed at all and am missing my ability to feel in places, a meniscus tear in my knee, fucked up hamstrings, 48 hour Migraines, damage to the small neuropathy stuff, etc. I'm on Gabapetin, Indomethacin (retarded side effects), Sumatriptan, a couple others on and off that I cant spell and dont have the bottles with me, trying small doses of Hydromorphone, and probably starting on Lyrica soon.
For fucks sakes, call me a
Cripple or somethingand drop the anxiety disorder crap. I fucking wish that's all I had to deal with. That was a problem when I was like a teenager and if I only had to work with that life would be great.
And I'm not going bald, I had a very full head of hair. Unlikely to ever go bald, genes are all super thick hair. Probably a bad angle on the shot.
I apologize for shitting up your precious sports thread.Here is new ammo to use against me as Penance.
Add: Remembered a couple of my other meds: Hydroxyzine and Tramadol. Also, forgot, I just had an Injection into my knee on the 24th.