2019 NFL Offseason: Chargers Started Early


<Gold Donor>
speaking of Romo, seems he wants to get paid

Romo listened to some of the other commentators and realized he can write his own ticket compared to the crap they've rolled out...


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All labs matter!
"what is pass interference?" is gonna be the next "what is a catch?" Practically any contact in super slow motion viewed in 15 different angles and dissected frame-by-fame can be called PI. I wanna fucking see criteria for reversing a PI call made on the field. Getting a successul onside kick is gonna be more frequent than PI getting reversed. It's gonna be an absolute shit show.

This is what I am worried about.


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
Romo listened to some of the other commentators and realized he can write his own ticket compared to the crap they've rolled out...

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View attachment 201206

I like Romo, I'm also ok with Buck and Aikman. Beth butch voice is on the air only during the first week. Booger on the other hand can go fuck himself. ESPN got rid of his baby high chair, too bad they don't have the balls to get rid of him. He'd probably sue for discrimination or some other bullshit
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Vyemm Raider
I'M FINE with reviewable defensive PI calls/noncalls, the Saints got reamed last year, that was one of the most blatant PI plays i have ever seen and for it to be not called was a travesty.

and romo is a fine analyst so i say go for it, he is significantly better than anyone else out there.


Potato del Grande

How fine are you with it? But nah, I'm not going to bitch for months like a Saints fan.
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Vyemm Raider
Booger makes me want to watch a movie on Monday nights.

It was fine when they only talked to him once a quarter, bringing him in the booth during the playoffs was so painful.
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Potato del Grande
Will point out...not nearly the win % guarantee in that situation as the Rams/Saints game, but yeah.
Woulda probably tied the game with 3-4 minutes to go in a Superbowl but yeah whatever. We should have lost both those games.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Woulda probably tied the game with 3-4 minutes to go in a Superbowl but yeah whatever. We should have lost both those games.

Exactly. Tie game with 3-4 minutes to go and Brady getting the ball back...versus being able to run the clock down to under 20 seconds and kick a chip shot FG to go up 3 with the opposing team out of timeouts. Definitely would have helped your win chances in the Super Bowl, just not nearly as much as the call would have helped the Saints.


Potato del Grande
Exactly. Tie game with 3-4 minutes to go and Brady getting the ball back...versus being able to run the clock down to under 20 seconds and kick a chip shot FG to go up 3 with the opposing team out of timeouts. Definitely would have helped your win chances in the Super Bowl, just not nearly as much as the call would have helped the Saints.
I mean the game situation is completely different in a tie game but yeah, I would imagine they'd end up winning on a FG anyways, but it would have been a far easier thing to swallow scoring at least one fucking touchdown...fucking losers. lol
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Rivers had another kid. We are winning the Superbowl this year. BoltUp!
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2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
Rivers had another kid. We are winning the Superbowl this year. BoltUp!

his wife is gonna be preggers again before the season starts. I actually feel bad for Tiffany, she must be totally destroyed down there by now, l just like her husband in post-season
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
his wife is gonna be preggers again before the season starts. I actually feel bad for Tiffany, she must be totally destroyed down there by now, l just like her husband in post-season
Pistols at dawn sir.