2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues


Mr. Poopybutthole
This is not entirely accurate. Twitter still has a fraction of the employees it did when he purchased it, and it is still running.
Saying Alex is completely full of shit would be closer to the truth than 'not entirely accurate'. He fired thousands of people and news stories about the rehiring effort said they were looking to rehire 'dozens'. As for the advertising boycott, big surprise the tribe would seek to punish him for sabotaging their fantastic propaganda tool.
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Ssraeszha Raider
No it was a retarded purchase and Elon is making it worse because he has no fucking clue what he's doing.

There's a whole thread where retarded liberals can cry about Elon taking away one of their propaganda tools, maybe take your tantrum over there?
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Still a Music Elitist
Saying Alex is completely full of shit would be closer to the truth than 'not entirely accurate'. He fired thousands of people and news stories about the rehiring effort said they were looking to rehire 'dozens'. As for the advertising boycott, big surprise the tribe would seek to punish him for sabotaging their fantastic propaganda tool.

I'm boots on the ground over here. I have a working relationship with many people at Twitter and I have a number of close friends who were there during the transition. There is no BS being spoken here. Who do you know in the ad tech and marketing departments over there? Or maybe contacts on the API development side? Anyone in their now obliterated customer service org?


Still a Music Elitist
Alex Alex , please quit Mist Mist ing in this thread. This thread is for talking about how big Brock's cock is, thank you.

Sorry just spitting facts.

Ravens players saying Joe Burrow faked his injury and they "don't appreciate it". Like Burrow needed anymore motivation.


Ssraeszha Raider
Sorry just spitting facts.

lol "facts". Someone says Elon bought twitter for a reason other than immediate profit and you instantly go "CONSPIRACY THEORIST!!!" like the Huffpo faggot that you are
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Potato del Grande
Alex Alex , please quit Mist Mist ing in this thread. This thread is for talking about how big Brock's cock is, thank you.
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Still a Music Elitist
immediate profit

It's been over a year and there's no sign of the ad revenue and DAU loss slowing down. We're well past the "immediate" profit point and have entered will it ever be profitable point.

now stfu and let's talk about how the Cowboys whooping up on the shitty Giants gave Cowboys fans false hope again


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Please keep the topic to grown men making up childish excuses to touch each other and lay in big piles for "points"
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
It's been over a year and there's no sign of the ad revenue and DAU loss slowing down. We're well past the "immediate" profit point and have entered will it ever be profitable point.

now stfu and let's talk about how the Cowboys whooping up on the shitty Giants gave Cowboys fans false hope again
Only a giant goddamn retard thinks Elon bought Twitter for profit. Again, he bought the most successful mass communication platform ever created. Profit is a fucking child's take on the value of something like that.

Oh, and to keep this topical, SF is a giant shit hole but their football team looks to have gotten the Xi Xinping treatment lately. You can barely smell the shit at all!
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Still a Music Elitist
Oh, and to keep this topical, SF is a giant shit hole but their football team looks to have gotten the Xi Xinping treatment lately. You can barely smell the shit at all!

Yeah now it's just a military state here. Fucking secret service agents and road blockades everywhere.


Potato Supreme
now stfu and let's talk about how the Cowboys whooping up on the shitty Giants gave Cowboys fans false hope again
I think the only false hope in this thread is Bengals fans thinking they are going to make the playoffs.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Wonder what's up with Burrow's hand, was wearing a brace or something on it when he got off the plane yesterday but hasn't been on the injury report now looks done for the night or much longer