28mm Miniature Tabletop Wargaming Thread


Trump's Staff
Thanks guys. Infinity looks very cool and I checked it out for myself. Unfortunately nobody plays it around here. She's also not into the sci-Fi theme at all. I showed her Space Hulk and she wasn't into it.

Think I'm just gonna have to bite the bullet and spend a ton on Warhammer Fantasy models. She likes the setting, and there's a large(ish) local community. Also, I've wanted a Lizardman or High Elf army since I was a kid. She likes Bretonians and Dwarves.

Side note: Has anyone played a board game called Last Night on Earth? Hearing good things, and I think I might pick it up for when company comes over and we want something fun to do together.


She likes Bretonians and Dwarves.
Id go with dwarves between the two. Brand new rulebook and models, so you should know what to expect for the next half decade. Nothing worse than painting up an army only to realize that some of your models are outdated in a few months. Dwarves just had a revamp, so should be gtg. They are cool looking too.


Lord Nagafen Raider
A tau fish I did tonight. Nothing special and I'm not an expert. This one devilfish is my guinea pig for trying out new techniques. Ya'lls stuff looks really good.



Hey guys,

Thinking about getting my girl into tabletop games. She loves traditional board games, and I think this might be something we can really enjoy together. I played Warhammer in my youth for a couple years, so I have a little experience. She has none.

Any suggestions on something accessible we would both enjoy? Thinking of sticking to Warhammer but it might be too 'manly' for her I think.
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Hordes / Warmachine. Low model count, somewhat easy rule set, varied models, doesn't take up a large area to play on, is 2nd in popularity next to Warhammer, etc.


A tau fish I did tonight. Nothing special and I'm not an expert. This one devilfish is my guinea pig for trying out new techniques. Ya'lls stuff looks really good.
That looks really good. I like the camo style..cross between futuristic and old school camo. The dirt on the engine exhausts is a nice touch.

Running Dog_sl

Yeah, I saw that. There have been a lot of rumors floating around. Hopefully the 6th edition codex is as good as the 4th edition Ork one was. The reason that it hasn't been updated in so long is because it is actually still a really good codex and has many ideas and concepts that they rolled out to all of the others since then. Pumped about it. Also heard that the next starter pack might be Orks v Blood Angels, which would also be sweet.
Speaking of GW rumours it looks like they'll be releasing the WH 40k 7th Edition rulebook this month, coming in about the same size (and expense) as the 6th edition book. It's supposed to be "6th edition + later supplements + fixes to the broken stuff" rather than a re-write.


Riddle me this...
As much as I want to get rid of my GW stuff and write it off forever I can't. I'll more than likely be buying 7th edition.

I hate myself.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Natfka (Faeit 212: Warhammer 40k News and Rumors) had a rumor that the BRB was going to be around $100 (somewhere). All I can say is"fuck dat".

I'm still curious if they'll touch Divination + allies (battle brothers) + a host of other issues. They're going to be walking a fine line here...either they'll not change enough to even warrant a 6.5 codex, or they'll change so much that people have a fucking conniption and all hell breaks loose (ERMAGERD THEY NERFED MY 2++ REROLLABLE SCREAMERSTAR WARBLEGARBLE or whatever flavor of bullshit people have been using).

To be honest the only joy I get from GW games anymore is arguing about it on the Internet (which I can do for free)



Potato del Grande
LOL at "GW should bring out their own tablet/ereader" because they won't release PDFs of their books.


I don't understand how people still stay with GW. I played their stuff back in the day and really enjoyed it... when they were the only game in town. They are borderline abusive to their customers. Their tournament system is shit in a can. Their rules have some of the biggest holes ever. They change their rules every couple of weeks. They have no support for answering rules questions. They invalidate models and make them unplayable. The game is a pile of shit compared to other games out there.

What keeps GW players with GW?


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I'd say that part of it is that many people have invested a lot of time and money and they don't want to have to shelve all of their 40K/Fantasy stuff. Others are part of the GW "Cult", which is kind of like what we saw with EQ1: refuses to quit, EQ1 is the"best game ever, GTFO and let the Real Fans keep playing", then moans about the realities of sticking with a dying game like terribly low server populations.

There seems to be a lot of delusion amongst certain 40K gamers, with them thinking that GW is doing peachy and that they haven't lost as many people to other game systems as some have claimed. I think that's bullshit - when entire FLGSs stop playing GW games and move to other games while GW products collect dust on the shelves, then there is one hell of a problem. And GW's solution of pushing out metric fucktons of new models and cutting the edition cycle in half with codices being released twice as fast as they used to in order to compensate is, IMHO, risky business. Sure, they might be able to make up for the people they lose by milking their whales more and more, but at some point even the most diehard fans will start thinking"fuck this shit, I'm out".

The "new" BRB is a perfect example. One rumor is that it will be $100 (think the current one is $75?). I mean fuck, that's almost into college textbook territory already. And I've heard a lot of people say things like"...but if you haven't already bought Escalation and SA, you can just buy the BRB and think how much money you'll save!". It's almost as if GW is pulling off a shell game of epic proportions and a fuckton of people are too stupid to see it. I already didn't want to shell out $75 for a 400-500 page book when I only use maybe 100 of those pages - the rest is just bullshit that GW uses to push the cost up as far as possible. So now they've spent the last 2 years bloating the game to the point that I'll be"saving money"by buying the new BRB with SA and Esc in it? You know what else would save me money? Not buying their bullshit BRB or supporting their terrible business model.


Buzzfeed Editor
I think the other reason it stays around, at least 40k. Is that while it's the shittiest company and practices, it still has a stranglehold grip on I think aesthetically/thematically the hands down most badass fictional setting. Mixture of coolest space marines with the whole grim gothic thing, mixed with orcs in space??, Tau for the anime folks, etc. It's got something for everyone. As opposed to the typical sci fi "space marines" of the feel good halo variety.

Shame that if tabletop is floundering. (I still if I had the spare scratch would buy some models just to sit on shelves), that they don't do better with other media. Lulz recent cgi movie. 90% of the games flop. At least DOW did decent, and I loved space marine even if a very short game with low replayability. I wonder if they shared any of the loss from the Warhammer online flop. Other games you dont hear about like this tablet wierd lane strategy game? Hoping eternal crusade comes out at least half decent.


FFG has been supporting them for a while by buying rights to their games. FFG is a pretty big deal with pretty big money. I wonder how much they forked out for the new 40k LCG they are putting out?


As I recall GW makes a lot less from licensing than you'd think. It is a great setting and the models are fantastic. I'd play the fuck out of 40k and fantasy if GW would put out good rules and stop butt fucking their customers with gold standard short sighted business practices.

But until that happens, I don't miss it at all. Having a blast with warmahordes and infinity.


Ya if I wasn't so heavily invested in 40K (3k plus IG and 2k DA armies) I would say fuck it after the fact that they are releasing another edition just 2 years after 6th. There is no way my ass is going to buy the BRB and just wait to get the starter edition one off of ebay for $10 or just pirate the damn thing. And this is coming from a guy who always pays full price at LFGS's instead of buying the models online to help support the stores.

I don't mind spending money when I feel it is worth it but this just feels like a money grab and I am all kinds of rustled by it.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
As I recall GW makes a lot less from licensing than you'd think.
I vaguely remember GW (perhaps Kirby) stating that they didn't want to renew the use of some of their licensing (around the time that WHO shut down IIRC) because they didn't see it as being anywhere as profitable as what they could make with mobile/tablet stuff. Not really sure about intricate details, just what I recall atm.

Holy lol at non compulsory force organization in 7th.
I don't even know what to think anymore.


Phank 2002
I see the ridiculous amount of GW merch at my friend's FLGS that just looks like it rots on the shelf and can't be more happy that I got out 15+ years ago. I helped him unbox his GW order the other day and there these Citadel crafting tools that GW sent. I was reading figures off the invoice and he thought I was reading it wrong when I said the COST was $13.50 for an xacto knife, MSRP $26. He was very upset but said he could not do anything about it because GW requires that game stores carry a certain amount of product and you can't just cherry pick special order things, you have to buy "blocks/modules" of merchandise from them that has the stuff you want in it.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
He was very upset but said he could not do anything about it because GW requires that game stores carry a certain amount of product and you can't just cherry pick special order things, you have to buy "blocks/modules" of merchandise from them that has the stuff you want in it.
I've never been able to follow those requirements because they seem to change them fairly frequently. Years ago the store my friends had ran into the same deal - you had to carry a minimum amount, per month, in order to qualify for whatever discount was available, so they always had stuff that they couldn't move. I think that there was a window within which to return stuff but just from what I saw it was a PITA.

A couple of years ago an owner at a store I occasionally stop by (our store closed years ago) was telling me how he could only order certain items off of a list (I'm assuming with a discount to the store) while everything else was direct order only (or something). This came out when I was looking for a CSM vindicator and he didn't have any - he didn't really want to order one but he didn't want to lose a sale either, but first he tried to sell me a SM vindicator that was on the shelf instead, which I didn't want.

This same store, I don't even think that they order much/any GW stock anymore. They've moved on to Flames of War and PP games mostly, and I only think there is one larger store in our metro area that even has GW games on a regular basis.

If anyone I knew in the area played Dystopian Wars I think I already would have started collecting that. I haven't really seen anything within WarmaHordes that tickles my fancy.