28mm Miniature Tabletop Wargaming Thread


Silver Knight of the Realm
Buddy of mine at work and another person we looking for a side hobby once a week / once every two weeks. Table top strategy a la Warhammer 40k.

We went out and split a WH40k: Dark Vengeance set but reading some of these other articles and seeing the fucking prices at Games Workshop....I'm reconsidering.

As someone who has never played any of these games...any suggestions as to what I should roll with? WH40K? Warhordes?

And these plastic figures...jesus @ their prices. Anyone selling an army for cheap?
We've been playing 40k for a long time (10 years +) and GW's prices have always been steep. Ebay is your best bet on getting things cheaper, but even then it can still be pricey. 40k is also going through some weird shit with 6th edition and their recent stuff, so much so that I won't play it now unless the group is all set up for it. I beileve Warhammer Fantasy Battles is a much superior game vs 40k atm.

If you're interested in a less expensive and smaller battle game system, then Warmachine is probably it. You can do very small battles with that system, although a couple of friends who are really into it do say that they can get much bigger ala 40k.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Sure, 40K and Fantasy have always been"expendable income, giant money-sink"games but I don't think that's there's any debate that they've progressively gotten worse about it. At one point you could play a game of 40K with 20-30 models or so, and I'm not even talking its skirmish roots. The worst part was probably for the 'horde' armies and having to buy metal figure blisterpacks, but that really wasn't due to GW trying to squeeze more money from the hobby like they seem to be now.

When they started implementing plastics they sold it as a way to cut costs. Thing is, they aren't exactly passing all those savings onto the players, and they've been steadily pushing up the pricepoints and the scale of the game for a long time now. I remember buying one of the old SM army boxes (was thinking of changing from Chaos) for around $100 I think it was, one of the old metal/plastic sets shipped in styrofoam. And while that box didn't have everything that I'd have wanted to play with, it came close. Now, even if you account for inflation you can't even remotely do that if you follow with what GW wants you to do anymore - Allies, Flyers, fortifications, stuff that used to be Apoc only...hell, if I wanted to keep my CSM army "up to date" I'd have to buy 2 separate codexes (CSM/Daemons), the new 6.5/7 BRB depending on how they do that this year, several hundred dollars of new stuff JUST from the latest codex (hellturkeys, Forges, etc), fortifications/superheavies if I feel that I need a counter to other stuff like that, and now they're talking about pushing out a "fix" for the CSM dex that should never have needed a fix in the first place, and even if it sounds like it makes things worse (paying for extra rules on already expensive models when other armies get stuff for free @ base costs) I'd still have to PAY for it. That's like selling someone a television that works like shit then pushing out a 'repair kit' that not only makes the issues worse, but is also nothing more than another planed source of revenue.

GW has jumped the shark so badly in the last few years that it's impressive to watch people quit. They even said not that long ago that they weren't going to try being a company that serves all gamers, but rather a company that focuses on a niche portion of the market. I'm paraphrasing heavily there, but I think they want to focus on the hardest of hardcore players and milk those whales for revenue instead of trying to reduce costs that players see and expanding their playerbase in the way that you see happening with WarmaHordes.

The new Dwarve stuff is a prime example. The Battleline is $165 worth of plastic that might not be enough to really get you started in Fantasy, and I could prob get started in Warmahordes for much less. They already had Gyros but not they have the the Gyrobomber in kit form (I'm shocked that it's only $45). Also Irondrakes. The new release bundle is $423.50, and the "grand army" set is a whopping $1,103.00. And to be honest, this seems tame in comparison to what some players have had to deal with when new stuff comes out.

Don't get me wrong, it's great to see "new" stuff, but I don't want to have to spend $400-$500 every few years just to stay 'competitive' (and I use that word loosely), and it isn't right IMHO that while they push the scale of their games ever larger that new players are faced with having to spend perhaps $750+ in some cases just to play the games that everyone else is playing. I would actually warn new players away from GW and tell them to play something, anything, as long as it isn't GW. Hell, there is only one FLGS in my area that even has games of 40k going on anymore - a lot of the games being played at other stores are stuff like FoW, WarmaHordes, Dystopian Wars, etc etc etc.


Riddle me this...
Bro you mad, and i know that feel. Come to WV and I'll split a 2player box of Warmachine with you.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
It just chaps my ass that in their rush to make money, they've adopted what I feel is a somewhat short-sighted business plan that might very well leave them providing a game to players who will end up being this generation's model railroaders. Model railroading isn't a growing hobby and the ones I've known have either died or are getting long in the tooth. As it stands now it's an expensive and obscure hobby that is dying off and damn if it doesn't seem like GW wants to risk going down that path for short-term moneyhats as they squeeze as much money out of existing players as they can.

Yeah... any tips for selling off the overpriced warhammer stuff?
Like others have mentioned, Ebay. If you're lucky you might get a fair price.

I was just joking with a friend on Friday over a game of 40k that if he really wants to sell his Blood Angels, that he better get to painting them as best as he can. That's just one of the really ironic things with the hobby atm - there are people out there who aren't painting their armies to game with, they're painting their armies so that they can sell them off and quit playing 40k/Fantasy.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So. Found a site. Bartertown.com.

I bought a Tau army for $200 from a guy who was leaving the game. It was a very good deal. Paint sucks but it's sitting I'm front of me now.


Riddle me this...
Purple power, can buy a jug of it for $8 at Wally world. Strips pewter and plastic without messing them up. Dunk the models and let them set in it over night. Find an old tooth brush and scrub the paint off. Piece of cake


So. Found a site. Bartertown.com.

I bought a Tau army for $200 from a guy who was leaving the game. It was a very good deal. Paint sucks but it's sitting I'm front of me now.
Just soak em in Simple green and toothbrush your robotech army to victory.

I used to buy shitty armies on eBay during college, strip em, repaint em and sell for massive profit.

Army painter is your friend.

Black Sun Wizard

Silver Knight of the Realm
GW sucks because right now they have that game that gives you the feel of a big battle but all the hoops you have to jump through to get into it is ridiculous. I crapped out with GW around 3rd Edition 40k and haven't been able to get myself to go back into it. My nail-in-the-coffin was the price hike that happened sometime in 2008 during the massive economy downturn with all the job loss because "oil prices were rising" yet gas was at its cheapest ever.

The best thing going for 40k right now is the large community playing it but even that is starting to dwindle. The hardest problem for them yet best part for us, is that we don't always *have* to buy new models. You usually can stick with the same models for a while through editions unless they add something new.

I would like to think that their 25% loss in stock price (boy that was a doozy) is because it's harder to keep these people buying when they keep jacking prices.

Bartertown can be great but there can also be some dud deals. And Simple Green for the win.

TL;DR Mentioning 40k / GW sucks gets people riled up, like myself, for no real good reason.


Recently got into this and started making an Ork Army for Warhammer 40k. Here are some pics of my first paint job ever. Any thoughts/criticisms? I am a complete painting newb so looking for any easily implemented advice on how to improve.



Potato del Grande
Looks pretty fucking good? Technically that looks excellent to me.

I like the red spot colour. I personally wouldn't go for victorian wallpaper green for the flesh (maybe something brighter to contrast the subdued clothing/weapons?), but that's just memories of my great grandmother's house. It does look alien and very realistic.

I'm looking forward to seeing a squad like that, maybe even a tank


I like the red spot colour.
Yeah, the red is part of my theme. The lore says there are different Klans of Orks. The one painted here is the Goff Klan, which is generally all black, with touches of white (in the form of check patterns). I plan on doing units from all of the Ork Klans scattered throughout, each having a touch of red to keep the army consistent looking. The Red Suns are red by default, so they are easy and will serve as the basis of the entire army. The snakebite Klan use all earth tone colors, but will have red tattoos all over their bodies, etc. Basically, I am going to keep all of the units true to their lore, but then throw in a touch of red on all of them to tie the army together on the table. That is the plan at least.

Thanks for the compliments though. I have a long way to go painting wise, but I was pretty happy with my first attempt. I have 9 more almost done. This one was the test case to make sure the techniques that I had planned worked out.


Ive been painting my Imperial Guard off and on for over 10 years and your first attempt blows my shit out of the water. Fuck you and the horse you rode on.


Riddle me this...
Im digging it. It's subdued so when you really go nuts on a character model it will show. Word of advice from a long time Ork player. Just paint them well enough to look good from the tabletop. If you try to go nuts on every ork thoughts of stabbing yourself with a paintbursh will surface.


Damn nice lookin orc I have to say. Howlong did it take you to paint that? First couple of mini's I ever worked on I spent like 6-7 hours on.
It is kinda hard to say because I've been doing parts of others along the way. For example, once I knew that I liked that color, I went back and did all of the skin for the other 9 Orks. I would say 6-7 hours is right, though. The other ones are all in various stages. I am pretty pleased with my next one, that uses the same gun as this, but has the classic Goff/Ork "sloppy checks" around the ammo barrel. Ill post a pick when i get it done, which should be tonight or tomorrow.

As of now, I have a 6 point Ork Army! Who wants to play a 6pt match?