28mm Miniature Tabletop Wargaming Thread


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I see the ridiculous amount of GW merch at my friend's FLGS that just looks like it rots on the shelf and can't be more happy that I got out 15+ years ago. I helped him unbox his GW order the other day and there these Citadel crafting tools that GW sent. I was reading figures off the invoice and he thought I was reading it wrong when I said the COST was $13.50 for an xacto knife, MSRP $26. He was very upset but said he could not do anything about it because GW requires that game stores carry a certain amount of product and you can't just cherry pick special order things, you have to buy "blocks/modules" of merchandise from them that has the stuff you want in it.
Currently this is not true.

You can order and cherry pick anything you want. But like Erronius said there are two catalogues you go through; Sales and Trade. I tend to get those two mixed up.

The first one usually is at a 45% discount and is the mass bulk stuff, primarily plastics and plastic box sets. This includes army boxes, starter boxes, the main books and codices, tools and accessories. Paints have varied sometimes between 35 and 45%, but usually 45%. Your sales rep encourages and works with you to push the First choice since this is where you and them make the most money. I paid my bills all on this pretty much.

Your sales rep gives you the first "Prize Award" tier free upon your first store opening order (typically $12-15k worth of merchandise). This prize award is anything you want, a whole army (2000-3000 pts worth of stuff equivalent fantasy or 40k). Every quarter depending on how much you order from the first option, you build up prize award "credit".

If you're a huge bulk purchaser from this tier and are at a very high weekly volume (5K or more per week since your sales rep checks on you weekly) you may qualify for the Distributor tier and this option goes from 45% to 47%. I never got there, supposedly our local Hobbytown was but I think they were just BSing me. The only guys I know that could get everything at 47% off was ACDD here in Fresno (the 2nd largest gaming distributor in the US). ACDD wouldn't even sell me GW stuff since they knew I had an account.

The second one is everything else except 35% off. All of the metals (now Master series resins), Special edition stuff, Specialist Games, Limited Release Items, Forge World (yes Forge World), Large Cases, White Dwarf and anything else that's not part of the bulk line. You do not gain prize award credit when using this option, you do not gain Pre-Release store credit, GW Sales Reputation, or any other incentive. You pretty much get the exact same 1-800 number any other joe gets from the website. Only thing different is the sales rep on that one looks you up based on your account number and gives you free shipping (same rules as anyone else) and 35% off depending. By the way, I've actually had them recast shit for us back in the day but we had to pay full price.

You can order Forge World for your customers just fine. It's the same cost as above (35% off), but it's usually shit. Things are broken and my buddy who used to work at the battlebunker in LA, claims FW stuff ordered by authorized resellers is usually stuff at Battle Bunkers that didn't move (since BBs for a long time and probably still are the only main GW Store in the US that carries random FW stuff). I used to tell my customers to just go online and order it like anyone else.

Anyhow, back to the First option; a lot of store owners don't understand how this works. The credit you build is really for prize awards which on average worked out to about $250-500 per quarter (cost) worth of free shit. I used to pool the credit and would tell my rep to hold on to it. I'd then just lie and tell him I needed this and that for some up coming event and would use the credit to restock. I still gave out good prizes though (our first place winners used to take home about 50-$100 (retail) worth of merchandize on our bi-monthly tournaments. Also my GW Rep never said no to any request such as a free Army Case, or Paint Set as long as I explained what our even was about and kept him updated with pictures.

I've never been able to follow those requirements because they seem to change them fairly frequently. Years ago the store my friends had ran into the same deal - you had to carry a minimum amount, per month, in order to qualify for whatever discount was available, so they always had stuff that they couldn't move. I think that there was a window within which to return stuff but just from what I saw it was a PITA.

A couple of years ago an owner at a store I occasionally stop by (our store closed years ago) was telling me how he could only order certain items off of a list (I'm assuming with a discount to the store) while everything else was direct order only (or something). This came out when I was looking for a CSM vindicator and he didn't have any - he didn't really want to order one but he didn't want to lose a sale either, but first he tried to sell me a SM vindicator that was on the shelf instead, which I didn't want.

This same store, I don't even think that they order much/any GW stock anymore. They've moved on to Flames of War and PP games mostly, and I only think there is one larger store in our metro area that even has GW games on a regular basis.
Some pics of my store, mostly the terrain tables since those are the only pics I've got still lying around.





El Presidente
You do have to maintain the bestsellers shit though. Which mostly sucks here since there's almost no Fantasy at all here and we have to carry a bunch of that stuff.


If anyone I knew in the area played Dystopian Wars I think I already would have started collecting that. I haven't really seen anything within WarmaHordes that tickles my fancy.
Awesome idea, cool models, shitty game. The units don't work well together and are extremely dependent on what terrain is on the board. The rules system is typical Spartan games so it's worse then GW. Unfortunately the best thing about the game is how cool the models look. Spartan really fucked up when they alienated the open source rules project that was going on to help tweak their games in to playable. Instead of telling those guys to fuck off, they should have hired them.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Awesome idea, cool models, SHITTY GAME.
(?'?')?? ???

There was a space game of sorts that looked like it could be a decent BFG replacement but I can't remember what it was or who made it (Firestorm maybe?).

Since someone mentioned Infinity: I have to admit that some of the models look nice, and there are some that have a certain"Appleseed"aesthetic to them that I find appealing. For me though one of the biggest problems with starting a new system is trying to find one that I can rope a fair number of friends into playing. Back when GW dominated the market, it wasn't so difficult because GW dominated the tabletop gaming scene - you were just inundated with GW. The only exception I've seen recently is WarmaHordes and they MUST have taken a bite out of GW's pie, but everything else seems to suffer from the same issue that GW's Specialist Games did back in the day. It's just a PITA to get people to shell out $ on a new system and you end up with people split between options. For example, we only ever had a couple people interested in BFG, a few liked Necromunda, one person liked Inquisitor, etc etc etc. So none of us ever really managed to get any of those 'ancillary' games to take off within our own gaming groups, and that's where I feel I'm at with all of the new games now.

I should probably heed my own advice and just buy/paint something according to my own tastes and not worry about trying to drag friends kicking and screaming with me.


Firestorm Armada was made by the same company and had rules just as shitty. It's honestly too bad because ship and spaceship games are a serious void in this market of cheap GW knock offs.

I am personally waiting out until Relic Knights hits. The card mechanic is fresh and different then Malifaux. The models look boss. CMON is no longer involved so I would expect life to get at least 100% more honest if not also 100% more on time. The Dashboard mechanic is cool. The move twice per activation is awesome. All around it's the freshest game to come out since Malifaux hit like 6 years ago or whenever that was.

Running Dog_sl

Holy lol at non compulsory force organization in 7th.
The plus side to that would be allowing starting players who haven't bought all the models to play, although really you could always bend the rules to let them do that anyway, this would just make the option "official."

The obvious downside is the people who are going to powergame more than happens already, but if you play someone you don't know who wants to use unbound lists you'll just have to expect it. I don't see mixes of unbound and organised force lists working, so even if the rules allow it I suspect many people won't play that way; it will be unbound vs unbound or organised vs organised.


El Presidente
My understanding is that there will be a bonus of some sort if your army is bound. The balancing act is making the bonus enough that you'd seriously consider keeping your forces bound but not make the bonuses so large that being unbound is basically a nonoption. Think we all know how good they are at balancing things.

Running Dog_sl

My understanding is that there will be a bonus of some sort if your army is bound. The balancing act is making the bonus enough that you'd seriously consider keeping your forces bound but not make the bonuses so large that being unbound is basically a nonoption. Think we all know how good they are at balancing things.
Yeah, and come to think of it one option could be better than the other for a particular faction, which could lead to some heated arguments about who can bring what. If they wanted flexibility they could play around with how the points system works, and take the opportunity to rebalance what's out there.


Riddle me this...
I know its not common on these boards but I try not to freak out after every single rumor, but hearing about 7th edition is making me sad. Anyone can summon a deamon? Wtf


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
yeah, as a Chaos player since...well, forever...it does chap my ass just a wee bit that they ripped daemons out and made a separate codex out of them, forcing me to take allies as an alternative (bullshit IMHO), but now they're just going to allow everyone to take deamonology?

Fucking GW. All these rumors I so hope are false.


Riddle me this...
They seem to putting forth a lot of effort to calm the nerd rage. Unusual coming from GW


Rumors are the game is being sold to Hasbro so maybe Hasbro has said they will only buy it if the game isn't getting dropped by half the fan base?


Buzzfeed Editor
Dont have a link handy, but also some kind of Warhammer 40k chess pc game. (Battlechess?)


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
One of the things I'm anxious to see that they mentioned in the video, is formations and how they will be added into 40K. So far I think all I've seen is formations sold via dataslates, and I'm afraid that they're going to keep doing this going forward. Meaning that it's completely possible for them to write rules as they always have and potentially make various formations OP and to do this to drive sales. Which also might mean that weak/vanilla/mediocre armies and codices might be the order of the day so as to better set supplements and dataslates apart as something that people will want to buy.

I already didn't want to buy more than 1 codex + 1 BRB per edition, which is why I stopped playing with my daemons when they split the Chaos codex back in the day. Now if I am going to have to buy multiple codices + BRB + supplements + dataslates/formations, then GW can go fuck themselves. Sure, I could probably just buy a single codex and a BRB, as far as publications go, but judging how they've done the CSM codex and supplements/formations (I'm glaring at you, hellbrute formation) then I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if playing only using the core codex will leave you with a largely uncompetitive army (by design).

EDIT: books are up for pre-order now on the GW site


Riddle me this...
I would love to get all the primarchs but my skill at painting isnt good enough to justify getting them. They would just sit on my desk in their box judging me for being a shitty painter. I might get Rogal Dorn (cause Crimson Fists baby!) when he comes out and get him commissioned.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Allies matrix leaked, looks like a few changes that some people are grousing about. People who played "Traitor Guard" with CSM will be disappointed, also people are talking about Tau as well (Fuck Tau, I say)



Riddle me this...
Saw that earlier, Im still going to wait for a bit before I grab the new rules though. GW hurt me with 6th edition, I'm not going to pull a Onoes and jump in the sack with the first new rulebook that GW throws at me.

I should quote myself when the new Ork book comes out and I'm all over it like a fat kid on cake.

Running Dog_sl

Allies matrix leaked, looks like a few changes that some people are grousing about. People who played "Traitor Guard" with CSM will be disappointed, also people are talking about Tau as well (Fuck Tau, I say)
I think it takes away some combinations of IC + MC that were probably unintended when they wrote 6th. If the rumours are true that ICs can't join MCs at all in 7th then there will be much wailing amongst "those guys".