38 studios Auction Nov 14th and 15th.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You'd think he'd be humble after losing 50 million. I guess he had no other place to go than fundie religion.


Shocked this hasn't made it here yet. Good for him though, fuck people who troll shit like this on twitter and don't think there will be no repercussions.
Curt Schilling exposes Twitter trolls after receiving vulgar messages about his daughter | Fox News
38 Pitches | Curt Schillings Official Blog

At first I thought it was people here, but it seems to be just some fucked up college kids with a beef.
There's simply no excuse for this kind of douchebaggery. I can't help but feel this kind of shit is still getting worse. People have no filters or sense of crossing the line anymore. Seems to me people like this just need a good old-fashioned ass-kicking..


Blackwing Lair Raider
There's simply no excuse for this kind of douchebaggery. I can't help but feel this kind of shit is still getting worse. People have no filters or sense of crossing the line anymore. Seems to me people like this just need a good old-fashioned ass-kicking..
Agreed, although i think the world has always had people like this. They just have a bigger platform with the internet
social networking.

I do wonder if we are not seeing the whole picture in Schillings posts (not that anything would excuse it). It seems really unlikely to me a bunch of dudes who go to uni in New Jersey would suddenly start sending shit like this to a former baseball player, and his kid just based on a tweet about her going to a college.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There's simply no excuse for this kind of douchebaggery. I can't help but feel this kind of shit is still getting worse. People have no filters or sense of crossing the line anymore. Seems to me people like this just need a good old-fashioned ass-kicking..
Not even sure if this story is true, but years ago I recall reading about somebody in Mexico incessantly harassing another player in EQ (that also lived in Mexico). Somehow the player being harassed let her boyfriend know and he found out where the troll lived. He went over and broke the troll's legs.

Most likely remembering every detail of this story wrong. But I like the story and always thought the troll deserved it. Then again, like most things, the story is probably better than the facts behind it. A quick google search would probably set me straight but I prefer my version.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Fuck that dude
Oh he's an idiot for sure. But he's pretty obviously got something wrong going on up there, his father has even said so.

These gym owners are idiots for letting him in, and even stupider for letting people fight him in their gyms.


Molten Core Raider
I agree with Teekey, but holy crap talk about zero self-preservation instinct. I'm kinda impressed that kid is still alive.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What they said about Curt's daughter is way over the line and disgusting. It might not be criminal, but I have no problem with him putting them on blast for being shitty human beings.

God, it must really suck being a celebrity, a lot of times. All of this stuff isn't a game, these are real people and this is real life.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Big surprise those tweets came from someone at a community college.

Still, Curt says some wacky shit... apparently he's a big fan of Glenn Beck.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So are the 38 studio art assets for sale still ? I can't believe they haven't drastically dropped the price yet. Will they just end up leaving these pixels locked up forever or will it eventually become public domain ?