38 Studios




38 Studios management knew it was in trouble before moving from Massachusetts to Rhode Island in 2010, according to recently filed documents in Rhode Island Superior Court.

Image credit: Steven Senne, AP
Rhode Island Economic Development Corp. lawyer Max Wistow said there is "crushing evidence" that shows founder and former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling and other executives intentionally concealed that financial information, according to The Providence Journal.

The state contends that 38 Studios instead relied on "speculative financial projections" to operate its business.

Rhode Island sued Schilling, along with other 38 Studios executives, in November over the controversial $75 million loan that brought the game company to the Ocean State in 2010.

The state continues to argue that the defendants knew or should have known, but failed to inform the EDC Board, that 38 Studios was destined to fail based on 38 Studios' own financial projections.

In total, the complaint includes 17 counts of alleged wrongdoing against 38 Studios. These include counts of fraud, unjust enrichment, civil conspiracy, breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, negligence, legal malpractice, negligent misrepresentation, fraudulent misrepresentations and omissions, and breach of fiduciary duty.

Separately, the 38 Studios website has returned to operation today. The site at one point today contained a handful of posts--all created today--highlighted the history of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, Project Copernicus, and Green Monster Games, which would later become 38 Studios.

These posts have all been removed in favor of an update titled "Meh." The original website design included a grayscale 38 Studios logo. This has also been removed.

Schilling had not returned requests for comment at press time.


Very shitty NYT article on 38 studios:


Includes this bullshit:

NYT_sl said:
Mr. Schilling's version was especially challenging, because it was a "player versus environment," or P.V.E., game, which means that your world as a player can evolve differently than some other guy's, depending on the choices you make; if you kill a wizard somewhere, the fortress that the wizard might have created somewhere else in the game will never exist.


Trakanon Raider
the writer may not understand what PVE means, but it was still a good read and a disturbing look into politics and corporate (and personal) greed. the people in charge of this country will do anything for votes (and money).


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It's really not so much the country as Rhode Island. It's really fucked up here. People wonder why the unemployment rate is so high and it's because no private businesses want to come here or start here because of the amount of corruption that you have to deal with.


Trakanon Raider
It's really not so much the country as Rhode Island. It's really fucked up here. People wonder why the unemployment rate is so high and it's because no private businesses want to come here or start here because of the amount of corruption that you have to deal with.
trust me, it's not just the state of rhode island. steve wynn was trying to build a state of the art, 5 star hotel/casino on the water front in philadelphia and ran into so much red tape and bull shit from the city of philadelphia that he basically just said "fuck it" and decided not to build it at all. now you're talking about a casino that would have brought in hundreds of jobs and billions of dollars and instead of the city bending over backwards to accommodate wynn, they did just the opposite and drove him away.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
trust me, it's not just the state of rhode island. steve wynn was trying to build a state of the art, 5 star hotel/casino on the water front in philadelphia and ran into so much red tape and bull shit from the city of philadelphia that he basically just said "fuck it" and decided not to build it at all. now you're talking about a casino that would have brought in hundreds of jobs and billions of dollars and instead of the city bending over backwards to accommodate wynn, they did just the opposite and drove him away.
That's not really corruption or greed though, actually the opposite since I'm sure there was plenty of money involved that could have greased a lot of palms, and there are plenty of legitimate reasons to block something like that once you look at the mathematics of the whole thing.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Everything revolves around corruption and greed these days. You think Road Island is bad? In Detroit the Mayor killed hookers just because he didn't want to pay for them.

America is a giant cesspool of greed and corruption, everyone is out for themselves and they'll burn whatever it is in their way down to the ground just to get a better chance at netting more money.


<Gold Donor>
Everything revolves around corruption and greed these days. You think Road Island is bad? In Detroit the Mayor killed hookers just because he didn't want to pay for them.

America is a giant cesspool of greed and corruption, everyone is out for themselves and they'll burn whatever it is in their way down to the ground just to get a better chance at netting more money.
I long for those rare moments I get to step beyond the borders of America and experience the rest of the world, where corruption doesn't exist...

When you're citing places like Detroit, you should recognize you're at the bottom of the barrel. There are some states in America that actually foster small business.


There was a time when I thought this MMO might actually be one of the ones that would be worth a damn and that Curt's passion about the industry seemed like a really positive attribute (even if I hated nearly everything else he stood for). LO-fucking-L.


Trakanon Raider
There was a time when I thought this MMO might actually be one of the ones that would be worth a damn and that Curt's passion about the industry seemed like a really positive attribute (even if I hated nearly everything else he stood for). LO-fucking-L.
i thought the same thing for a little while, until i saw some vids and pics and info from the game and realized that it was an exact replica of warcraft (and i mean an exact replica right down to the most minute detail). the only thing different between this game and warcraft was some shitty, R.A. salvatore afterthought lore.


To be honest Kingdoms of Amular actually was a pretty decent game. If they didn't expect so much from it could of created a good franchise out of it.

Lost Ranger_sl

I thought it was pretty obvious what the game was going to be long before screenshots/videos started rolling out. Curt would get pretty defensive over the term "WoW-clone" any time it got brought up. Asking stupid questions like "What does that really mean?" as if it had some deeper meaning. Fast forward a few months and you can see why that term bothered him. Their game wasn't just WoW-ish like a lot of other MMOs, it was so close that it was shameful. He talked about changing the MMO industry, and giving players something special. Behind closed doors though it was obviously a different story and meetings were really just having WoW up on the projector so they could study their source material.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
^ I felt the same way about swtor once I saw the Sith warrior talent trees. Basically a reskin of tbc talents for most classes. Other than companions and slapping ME cutscenes into an mmo, swtor was a blue UI reskin of wow...only if you know 75% of the ui actually worked for guilds, etc.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
trust me, it's not just the state of rhode island. steve wynn was trying to build a state of the art, 5 star hotel/casino on the water front in philadelphia and ran into so much red tape and bull shit from the city of philadelphia that he basically just said "fuck it" and decided not to build it at all. now you're talking about a casino that would have brought in hundreds of jobs and billions of dollars and instead of the city bending over backwards to accommodate wynn, they did just the opposite and drove him away.
Pretty sure he is still trying to build. Just not in south Philly. He bought up a whole area of waterfront property and rumor is he's funding the trolly/95 construction on Richmond st which is where the casino would be close to. The area he bought up is off beach st.