5 Best Games of All Time


Avatar of War Slayer
I play SS2 nearly every year. And each time I panick when the first hybrid come at me
But my avatar kinda give it away.
I play Vampire Bloodline from time to time also.
Or Deus Ex.
So it is not enterly rose colored glasses. I can't exactly explain what I find in these games than I can't find in others, more modern ones, but there is something. It is not like I can't like newer games, it just happen in FPS (and MMO).
I think Vampire IS the best western rpg. better then planescape even.



Planescape: Torment
Baldurs Gate 2
Ok my little experiment of including a truly horrible game on this list tells me one of the following:
1) Nobody pays attention to anyone else's post (somewhat likely)
2) Nobody pays attention to my posts (extremely likely)
3) People have become extremely adept at identifying clever troll attempts (N/A as this wasn't clever and was blatently obvious)
4) It's a waste of time to respond to extremely obvious troll attempts (very likely in this case)
5) No one is old enough to remember the travesty that was Phantasmagoria
6) People liked Phantasmagoria (Impossible)



1. Everquest (except this one. It is the best.) Easily the best world building I've ever seen for it's time. Such a better world than shitty Azeroth.
2. FF7
3. Resident Evil 2
4. Counter-Strike
5. Quake 2/3 (Quake counts as 1 game imo)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ok my little experiment of including a truly horrible game on this list tells me one of the following:
1) Nobody pays attention to anyone else's post (somewhat likely)
2) Nobody pays attention to my posts (extremely likely)
3) People have become extremely adept at identifying clever troll attempts (N/A as this wasn't clever and was blatently obvious)
4) It's a waste of time to respond to extremely obvious troll attempts (very likely in this case)
5) No one is old enough to remember the travesty that was Phantasmagoria
6) People liked Phantasmagoria (Impossible)
lol man.

Anyway, my extremely questionable top 5.

1. FF3
2. RE1
3. Night Trap (Im serious)
4. ME1
5. FF7


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Ok my little experiment of including a truly horrible game on this list tells me one of the following:
1) Nobody pays attention to anyone else's post (somewhat likely)
2) Nobody pays attention to my posts (extremely likely)
3) People have become extremely adept at identifying clever troll attempts (N/A as this wasn't clever and was blatently obvious)
4) It's a waste of time to respond to extremely obvious troll attempts (very likely in this case)
5) No one is old enough to remember the travesty that was Phantasmagoria
6) People liked Phantasmagoria (Impossible)
Haha. I was cleaning out some old boxes in a spare bedroom closet a few months back and I found my copy of Phantasmagoria in it. It was like 10 discs of pure shit.
That era of terribly-compressed-full-motion-video churned out a lot of stinkers.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
The Magic Candle
Star Control 2
Might and Magic 2
Wizardry 7
Wing Commander (pick any 1-3)

I'd probably argue Ultima 6 is the greatest game of all time.
Though I don't think they're the best, I can definitely appreciate this list for the pure old skool factor. You really have to be in your late 30's early 40's for these to be recognized as genius for their time. Man, I remember being maybe 15 years old and dedicating months to Magic Candle. That shit was pure hardcore puzzles-- I had literally pages of compiled handwritten notes of who I should meet, and where, and in what town, at what time of day lol. Combat was hard as hell too. I had to learn how to align my C-64 floppy drive heads on my own because of that game.

Might and Magic II was also awesome, but certainly felt easy mode compared to Magic Candle.

Do you remember the SSI Phantasie series? I played every one of those and loved 'em.

Those truly represents an era when RPG's tested your mind rather than your ADD attention span. I think of games like that then think of todays standard which is Dragon Age 2, and I seriously am starting to feel like that old man waving his cane at the kids recounting how he had to walk 10 miles to school through the snow when he was young.


Hmmm...trying to think back upon my past 30 years of gaming. I think these are my top 5 most memorable games. Games that were an obsession far longer than others:

Street Fighter II
Super Mario 64
World of Warcraft

Do you remember the SSI Phantasie series? I played every one of those and loved 'em.
I sure do! Although I think I only played Phantasie III? of the series. It was on my Atari 520ST. I distinctly rmemeber, towards the end of the game, you having to choose sides. Help Lord Wood? or Nickademus. And both choices had a really cool ending.

Another SSI jewel was Wizard's Crown. Loved that one.

EDIT: I think I were to pick the top 5 favs from the 80s:

Zork (C-64)
Ultima III (C-64)
Wizard's Crown (C-64)
StarGlider II (Amiga)
Dungeon Master (Amiga)

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I sure do! Although I think I only played Phantasie III? of the series. It was on my Atari 520ST. I distinctly rmemeber, towards the end of the game, you having to choose sides. Help Lord Wood? or Nickademus. And both choices had a really cool ending.

Another SSI jewel was Wizard's Crown. Loved that one.

EDIT: I think I were to pick the top 5 favs from the 80s:

Zork (C-64)
Ultima III (C-64)
Wizard's Crown (C-64)
StarGlider II (Amiga)
Dungeon Master (Amiga)
Yep, that's the one, and probably the first RPG to ever have multiple ending choices. All three were great. Sheet, So many good games from the '80's, I'd really have to strain to come up with a top 5.

Bard's Tale
Dungeon Master
Maniac Mansion/Zac McCraken and the Alien Mindbenders

Honorable mentions to the Wizardry series, Ultima Series (particularly 3),Might and magic series, Phantasie, Beach Head on the C-64, Breach (the first X-Com style game)...

P.S: I had an Atari 520ST. Fucking loved that computer. 2nd only to my C-64 in terms of pure love.


Vyemm Raider
Best games of all time... dunno, I haven't played every game. I have played a bunch, but not all of them.

Games that stand out in my mind the most...

Super Mario Brothers 3
Final Fantasy IV
Street Fighter II
Zelda: Link to the Past
Tomb Raider
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

Not a single game on this list was a first for it's genre. However, each of these games elevated their format in so many ways that their influence can still be felt on most titles that have come since. I know it's more than 5 games, but I don't care. Deal with it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Cabit: isn't that 9? I'd agree on up through xeen though.

For me:
EQ, Alpha Centauri, Master of Orion 2 (is this seriously its first mention?), ChronoTrigger, and Arkham Horror (boardgame)


NeoGaf Donator
Cabit: isn't that 9? I'd agree on up through xeen though.

For me:
EQ, Alpha Centauri, Master of Orion 2 (is this seriously its first mention?), ChronoTrigger, and Arkham Horror (boardgame)
That's six. Last actual one I played was 7 and felt kind of "meh" about it.


I've been playing video games since the mid 80s, so my list maybe a bit older than most.

Baldurs Gate 2 -Fantastic game, just insanely impressive, I love the setting and the whole interaction between the characters. It may not be as fancy graphically as something like Mass Effect but the gameplay is simply fantastic.

Thief - Again I loved the setting and the cynical protagonist, maybe the first stealth style game ever. Great game.

Football Manager - If you are a football/soccer geek then this is the greatest game ever. I have been playing since the original championship manager and I cannot begin to explain how much time I have put into this series.

EQ2 - Totally my personal choice, this was the first MMO I ever played so it is filled with memories for me and I even met my wife playing it.

As for others, Deus Ex 2, Elite/Frontier, Bubble Bobble, Civ Series


I forgot a few more:

Sensible Soccer, Kick Off 2, Jedi Knight, Speedball 2, Another World and it's sequel that I forget.


Trakanon Raider
Team Fortress 2
Warcraft series
Diablo 1+2

Close calls: Goldeneye / HL2 /