9/11/2001 - Where were you when Bush knocked down the towers?


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
In the navy stationed in england so it happened in the afternoon - we were in the 'cesna idiot crashed into tower' camp for a few minutes until we started counting the number of stories that had been fucked up and realized it had to have a large plane. Then that second plane hit and the military got a little more chaotic. A million fucken reservist double and triple dipping collectively shit their pants that day I bet (pre 9/11 active mil where I was stationed did not like the reservest 'deploying to us' being fucking idiots and getting paid out the ass hole).


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Reservists didn't get paid any more than we did? What do you mean?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I was 19 just about to turn 20. As I mentioned earlier, my girlfriend flew a 747 right through my heart the night before 9/11. She had left for college and made it clear that she didn't want me around anymore.

I was in my second year of college sitting in class when people started getting phonecalls on their cell phones. (Nokia pay as you go I bet). Some were saying that a missile hit the WTC. Then there was word of a plane. It was all very confusing. When we left class they had set up a big TV in one of the common areas. Hundreds of us watched the towers fall. I went home early wishing a plane would hit me, too. Girlfriends leaving me ... planes flying into buildings ... Had a good cry.

I didn't go back to school for a few days after that. I took a roadtrip with a few friends to unwind from my terrible relationship. Came back home refreshed. Killed it in all my classes that semester, and met a girl 10x hotter than the one who 9/11'd me. Fun memory: 9/11 girlfriend called me a couple months later that year crying about how this new guy friend was an asshole to her, and how she wanted to give us another shot. Due to the complete lack of fucks I had left for her, I fell asleep on the phone while she was blubbering about all this. She had hung up and I never called back. I can only hope I was snoring.
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Millie's Staff Member
Have you ever walked down a hallway without being groped by some dude who couldn't even get a job as a cop?

Congratulations, you know what airport security was like before 911.
I did a vegas trip on new years 98/99 and there was a terror threat that holiday and yet the TWA terminal at newark airport was still fucking deserted. Walked right off the street to my seat on the plane and only saw one one worker the entire time.
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Buzzfeed Editor
I probably work with you and don't even know it. All fucking geezers. Seriously youngest by a good 2 decades

I'm 36 and still usually the youngest anywhere I have worked, or among the youngest. This is an old mans game.
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I was teaching a class and the university decided to kill all activities for the day, so my class was interrupted by a stooge who came in and said all students were to return to their dorms and turn on the televisions to know what was going on. I then watched the crashes in the faculty lounge and went home feeling pretty numb. I remember everyone in our neighbourhood going to the gas station and filling their car and every gas can they could get their hands on because they thought gas would sky rocket immediately.


Trakanon Raider
I was...a freshman in high school, iirc (might've been sophomore, but I'm 90% sure I was a freshman) and was riding the bus to school when kids on the bus started asking around if people had heard about this shit. At the time, kids were focusing more on the Pentagon than the World Trade Center, which in retrospect was probably a blessing for me. My dad traveled all the fucking time for work, to the point where the rest of us had largely given up keeping track of where he was; if talk had focused more on New York, I would've been freaking the fuck out at the better-than-average chance that he was there (he was traveling, but thankfully not New York that week).


God is dead
I was...a freshman in high school, iirc (might've been sophomore, but I'm 90% sure I was a freshman) and was riding the bus to school when kids on the bus started asking around if people had heard about this shit. At the time, kids were focusing more on the Pentagon than the World Trade Center, which in retrospect was probably a blessing for me. My dad traveled all the fucking time for work, to the point where the rest of us had largely given up keeping track of where he was; if talk had focused more on New York, I would've been freaking the fuck out at the better-than-average chance that he was there (he was traveling, but thankfully not New York that week).

Senior in High School.
I remember one of the trashy girls in the school was defiantly not wearing panties that day.


Molten Core Raider
I was 18, just started college. I think this happened on a Tuesday? I only had M/W/F classes, so I was off.

I was browsing the Politics section of the Earth2025/Utopia game forums(You know, like a real winner), someone posted something about an explosion at the WTC. Put the news on, people talking about possible planes, everyone speculating in the forums. Then, something like 15-20 minutes later the second hits live. The forum explodes with calls for nuclear war from the Americans and lol-thats-what-you-get from the Not-Americans. Other two plans just sort of blend together.

The next day I go to college and my first class is Government 1301. Ever see the movie All Quiet on the Western Front(the 1930 one, so good)? The scene where the teacher is getting all the boys worked up to join the army? Looking back the speech seemed somewhat like that. The professor at some point used the phrase "America is going to demonstrate to the world a new level of violence" and even worked "hammer of God" in there somewhere. And went on to talk for a while about the firebombing of Dresden and Tokyo.

I'm still not able to able to decide if I'm disappointed or relieved that the merciless ass-rapey reprisal of all things Arab didn't come to pass like he said it would.

Eh, fuck it.



Trakanon Raider
I was 24 and had just got to a friends place after being at a rock climbing gym, 10:30 or 11:00 pm (Starya) turned the TV on and there was the shitest disaster movie on... flick channel and the same bloody movie is on...
Flicked again just to work out it's real and a building fell down.

Turned TV off and got on with my life.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
The odd things you remember. For almost a month afterwards they had a CAP out of Belle Chase Naval Air Station going 24/7 over Baton Rouge. Odd thing to remember watching all the fighters go overhead all day long.

Yeah, bunch of kids. I was 31 when it happened.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Asleep. School didnt start til after 8 for me then.

Reservists didn't get paid any more than we did? What do you mean?
Reservists get all kind of bullshit when activated. per diem, BAH, away from spouse pay, etc. etc. Fucking retarded.