A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
it is odd how all these "child actors" end up broken people with sexual and substance being a contributing factor.
Exactly. You don't really think that all celebs fall face-first into drugs and ruining their lives cause it's the "hip" thing to do...do ya? Or just to "fit in" or whatever.
They're using it to block that shit out. So many of them too. Going back decades. It's fuckin brutal when you really think of the whole of it.
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Aychamo BanBan

I just watched this in theaters... about 20 people there, I was probably only person under fucking 50.

What a magnificent, lovely movie. I went into this having read and watched a lot about about Mr Rogers, but only seeing the trailer a couple of times, and reading just a few reviews. Reviews were critical that Mr Rogers doesn't undergo a character arc, or have any real change or depth. What morons - this movie is about Lloyd Vogel, who is an investigative journalist for Esquire magazine. He's facing difficult times in his career and real life, and he's tasked with writing a short blurb about Mr Rogers. They connect and integrate each other into their lives. Mr Rogers is really a side character that helps Lloyd do exactly what Rogers is known for doing: helping people deal with anger and other bad feelings, and dealing with them and letting go. Lloyd undergoes a magnificent arc, and Rogers is there to help him the whole way through. The movie also tackles the question that we have all asked before, is Fred really that nice in real life? And of course we all know the answer.

This is a truly heart warming, but also heart breaking, movie. I'm someone from a reasonably good home, mother passed away from cancer, and never had time to process her death as I was in a time when I had to undergo heavy work training and was at work the day after she died. At the same time I had a baby and went through a divorce - it was a hard year. I've never slowed down to deal with these things or cope or grieve. Nothing about that makes the movie apply more to me, but I am a stoic person that hides away feelings daily for my work. I'll be honest, I had tears in my eyes within four seconds of this movie starting. And that is no exaggeration. I don't know if there was five straights minutes in the movie when I didn't have at least one tear in my eye. The movie also garnished applause from the audience at the end, which is one of the few times I've seen this, perhaps the last being LOTR: ROTK?

I'm not saying it's the best movie ever made, or that this will change cinema. It won't. But it's fucking LOVELY. People are asking for great movies to be made - here's one - go see it!
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Musty Nester
If you've never watched it fred Rogers did a very long biographical interview with the ... I can't think of the name of it. American film archive? It's a group in California that does interviews with aged celebrities.

They're mostly good, his was exceptionally in depth.

It wasn't bullshit, the man was kind of a saint.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
so I was just on Shitter catching up on Tweets about this movie and people keep spamming this @ Tom Hanks official

View attachment 230117

What’s going on!?

The only thing that makes me go huh is the comment about trump going after pedos


<Prior Amod>
I just watched this in theaters... about 20 people there, I was probably only person under fucking 50.
so you were the youngest person there and everyone else should not legally be allowed to drive? did you catch a retirement home showing?


Millie's Staff Member
Im sure hes quite happy a fat retard imitation of him bombed, saving many people childhoods.
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Silver Baron of the Realm
This was a beautiful movie even though Hanks laid it on a bit too thick and slow at times. I never watched Rogers as a kid; I was one of those cartoon kids that he was so worried about, I remember thinking that he was boring by comparison, but I still enjoyed the film quite a bit. It was just an overall pleasant viewing experience with some good feels mixed in.
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FPS noob
I didn't really enjoy this, I thought the documentary was way better. Tom Hanks never really felt like Mr. Rogers to me, I kept seeing Forrest Gump which is my hangup for sure.

I also really hated Matthew Rhys (the main guy), I loved him in the Americans but I just found him an annoying cunt most of the time in this which is probably what he was supposed to be but... eh

I dunno, it was interesting I guess to see a different side (?) of Mr. Rogers but I don't really feel like I saw much of that at all.

Screeners are out btw and quality is great. At times the top ~10% or so gets cropped due to watermarks I assume, its kinda noticable.