A Song of Ice and Fire (Released Spoilers)


Molten Core Raider
Did anyone else watch that disaster tonight?
Yeah, it was shit.

Soooo I'm on my third read through now and on AFFC. It's better this time around. The Dornish stuff isn't as bad taking ADWD into account, and the ironborn parts are ok, too.

Cersei's chapters are some of the best in the series. Her rapid descent into madness is hilarious. The Tyrells play her so effortlessly that it really shows how bad Eddard and Tyrion were at the game.

I still despise Sam and Briennes chapters, though. They're irredeemable.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah the Cersei and Jamie chapters are some underrated storylines. I rarely hear them discussed heavily but if it wasn't for Cersei, Jamie and Littlefinger book 4 would have been a colossal waste of my time.


<Bronze Donator>
I think I'm in the minority of book readers who can differentiate between extremely minor tying up of loose ends that is briefly mentioned in the books (ie jeyne westerling is a perfect example, but so is virtually everything else having to deal with north/riverlands etc including lady stone heart) and actual plot advancement.
I mean, it's great you want to proclaim yourself an enlightened book reader over the rest of us schleps but how do you leave book 5 and try to say the whole Ironborn story is irrelevant? As we leave those characters, Victarion is heading to Dany. Maybe the show producers found out that this doesn't end up mattering, or the cut it due to costs, but there's certainly no indication, from the books alone, that these characters are irrelevant.

People going conspiracy theory crazy about Jeyne Westerling? Sure. I can agree there, but you're holding youself in pretty high regard by saying every show change was predictable and irrelevant in the books when in reality many changes were made with cost in mind over anything else.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
God damn it, Slaythe...



<Bronze Donator>
Naht, grimmy doesn't like my viewpoints re: got vs asoiaf and he's mad you replied to me.

Re: the ironborn this was made clear last season that their story didn't matter. the kings moot and asha/euron/victarion stories, conquests, invasions, dragonbinding horn, sailing to dany etc, all that shit got excised into two lines of dialogue last season; "oh we took the meereenese navy too. 93 ships."
Remember they haven't even killed off balon yet (or they have and have elected to not even remind viewers about the leech scene or even mentioned his passing), so if even that isn't important enough to tie up loose ends then none of the ironborn are. They are just a means for dany to acquire enough ships to sail her armies to westeros.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Naht, grimmy doesn't like my viewpoints re: got vs asoiaf and he's mad you replied to me.
Your viewpoints are generally spot on and you have swayed my opinion a few times. You're just a megacunt on any topic you are passionate about. To the point it's hard to give a shit if you're right or wrong.


<Bronze Donator>
Your viewpoints are generally spot on and you have swayed my opinion a few times. You're just a megacunt on any topic you are passionate about. To the point it's hard to give a shit if you're right or wrong.
actually i'm a megacunt on any topic whether i am passionate about it or not. it's a side effect of being right more often than not and the people who are wrong continuing to breath my oxygen. Like vaccines for example. I think anyone who doesn't vaccinate their children should be fed into a wood chipper and their children should be dropped off in the forest somewhere to be raised by wolves. They'd have a better shot at survival than staying in the "care" of the morons who spawned them. Anyone who's opinion on something is directly linked to a fb post of a retweet by some bimbo who's claim to fame has nothing to do with her intelligence (remember "singled out"? yeah Jenny McCarthy had a sweet set of....brains...on her), and then actively puts not only their children but all of society at risk because of that idiocy should be fucking shot.

But I don't really give a shit. i don't have any kids that I know of and don't plan on it. And I don't hang around kids sick or not. I don't own stock in big pharma or the guys who make child sized coffins. I really have no vested interest. Your kid dies of a disease we all but eradicated a century ago because you were too stupid to have your child vaccinated? HAHAHAHAHA. Your kid dies cus the parent of one of their classmates didn't have them vaccinated? beat their parents to death, justifiable homicide in my book. but I really don't care. I'm just an opinionated asshole.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone has a link to the collected preview chapters for The Winds of Winter released so far ? My Google skills failed me... I can find some of the chapters online, but not all of them... Particularly interested in the Barristan I and Barristan II chapters. Thank you !


<Bronze Donator>
world of ice and fire app has all the "officially" released chapters which includes Barristan I but not II. II i think was read at some convention or some shit and someone may have paraphrased it, but not actually released. The app has Barristan I, Tyrion I, Mercy, Theon, and Arianne I.

thisseems to be a decent recreation of barristan I and II.


<Bronze Donator>
Naht, grimmy doesn't like my viewpoints re: got vs asoiaf and he's mad you replied to me.

Re: the ironborn this was made clear last season that their story didn't matter. the kings moot and asha/euron/victarion stories, conquests, invasions, dragonbinding horn, sailing to dany etc, all that shit got excised into two lines of dialogue last season; "oh we took the meereenese navy too. 93 ships."
Remember they haven't even killed off balon yet (or they have and have elected to not even remind viewers about the leech scene or even mentioned his passing), so if even that isn't important enough to tie up loose ends then none of the ironborn are. They are just a means for dany to acquire enough ships to sail her armies to westeros.
My point was just that you said book readers get tied up on things that are irrelevant. The ironbornare notirrelevant in the books. They might not exist in the show and if you want to use that as reason to assume their story flames out in the books, so be it, but no one finished Dragons and sat back and said to themselves, "I bet this Greyjoy story line goes nowhere."


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
My point was just that you said book readers get tied up on things that are irrelevant. The ironbornare notirrelevant in the books. They might not exist in the show and if you want to use that as reason to assume their story flames out in the books, so be it, but no one finished Dragons and sat back and said to themselves, "I bet this Greyjoy story line goes nowhere."
Are you arguing that:
1. GRRM will make the ironborn significant while the show does not?
2. That there's still time for the ironborn to be significant, so we can't count them out because the books haven't?
3. That because the books don't show the ironborn being insignificant, they are still significant in the books even though a reasonable person would already discount them given the direction the show has gone, but you're blocking the memory of what happens in the show so it's still real to you dammit?


Unelected Mod
no one finished Dragons and sat back and said to themselves, "I bet this Greyjoy story line goes nowhere."
Victarian seems to have done one thing, which is to bring a navy to Merreen. I don't expect him to live much past that, so yeah, I pretty much believe "the greyjoy story line goes nowhere".


<Bronze Donator>
Are you arguing that:
1. GRRM will make the ironborn significant while the show does not?
2. That there's still time for the ironborn to be significant, so we can't count them out because the books haven't?
3. That because the books don't show the ironborn being insignificant, they are still significant in the books even though a reasonable person would already discount them given the direction the show has gone, but you're blocking the memory of what happens in the show so it's still real to you dammit?
Sylas said book readers get hung up on irrelevant details that are very easy to differentiate from the real important plot elements. Then he specifically mentioned the Greyjoy family. Victarion is an important part of the books right now.

Is he not in the show because he ends up not being important? I don't know. Maybe they cut that portion because they didn't want to cast a whole new set of characters that wouldn't be introduced until season 4. That makes sense to me too.

Only Sylas finished A Dance With Dragons and said to himself, 'I can't wait until this pointless 'Victarion goes to find Dany' side plot ends.'

Edit: khalid too, apparently.


Unelected Mod
Shitloads of people have made the connection that characters introduced for the first time in book 4 probably aren't going to matter that much overall. Even more people have made that connection since the tv show decided to ignore them completely.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Can you vaccinate against a woodchipper? Maybe Jon Snow should have been vaccinated against knowing nothing?

Martin has a plan. Then he ate it. Fuck we are all doomed.